Sentences with phrase «many ages past»

«If such efforts fail, our way of life will become counter-cultural, always a difficult situation for Christians ¯ one our forebears faced in many ages past, one that the Lord himself predicted for us.
And all of these things are happening today, not the ages past.
... You think man through ages past was not equally intelligent?
Joseph was in daily contact with the mystery «hidden from ages past,» and which «dwelt» under his roof.
They remain quietly confident that the God of ages past is also the God of ages future.
Also, at the same instant, some other Holy Ones appeared who had walked with God in ages past, both in New and Old Testament times.
They were one more of the ceaseless ethnic upheavals from central Asia which for ages past had poured and were yet through many future centuries to continue to pour their human tide downward through Iran into the Fertile Crescent or westward across the Urals into Europe.
Just as we look to the tomb of King Tut and study him and the life he led, many of the relics in the Catholic church are from ages past and just bring a sense of history to the faith.
Even if one were to grant some special «inspiration» for non-Israelites in ages past, any such inspiriation has been overridden by the gospel for 2000 years.
Jehovah «fully knew» his Son from his intimate association with him during countless ages past (Mt 11:27) and could therefore assign him to fulfill the unerring prophecies of His Word.
I can not speak for or against «Christian» adulturers for I have it in me to speak against the fruits of sodomy who have once defiled me in ages past!
While it is interesting from an academic standpoint to learn about people in ages past — history is important — but really, relative to him, who cares what his ancestors did?
If the latter, does not this involve the resurrection of the dead of ages past?
In ages past, these traditions and rituals would extend over several days, but in today's hectic society, such a schedule is difficult to accommodate.
And so, while the margin of possibility may seem narrow, the undeniable importance of the goal merits the sustained scrutiny of what may seem a moribund monument to ages past.
someday there will be a people gathered from ages past by a joy - filled Saviour in His image they are cast
Earthquakes and hurricanes are only two examples of a plethora of physical phenomena that are well understood by science today, and which had religious / supernatural explanations in ages past.
Another commentary series, the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, for which R. R. Reno serves as general editor, recognizes the important task of «reading alongside» the church fathers, Scholastics, reformers, and other theologians of ages past.
He has ignored even trying to get quality defenders ever since The Invincibles broke up and this is a disgrace, dereliction of duty and a sacking offence BUT not just once, but every year for ages past.
The former Old Lady caoch would certainly have a big job on his hands at Stamford Bridge this summer though, as plenty of the club's long - term players have aged past their peaks and need replacing, hence why they have struggled so much in the Premier League this season.
Relationships leave their mark, and the decision to marry, even if it no longer guarantees the same stability as in ages past, entails a deep commitment, a passion, and a promise to try that much harder.
A hospital is a custom - built facility, and, I believe, with perfect faith, that if decent hospitals had existed in ages past, the whole concept of home birth would have vanished by now.
It also makes a great reading chair for a study when your children age past the infancy stage.
This could happen at any age past 4 months.
I think in ages past the family bed and shared care of a small village setting would have naturally gone that way, but the last century really did a lot to undo the human nature tendencies!
Way, way back in ages past - 2007 - John McCain was front - runner with a bloated organization that was sucking him dry.
Vegetation from long ages past has become frozen, like frozen veggies in your freezer.
The first is about clogging northern rivers and coastlines with thawed muck from ages past.
The film is an explicitly 20 - something skewed idea, in which people have to buy time if they want to age past 25.
Salerni goes on to brainstorm factors that might be relevant to character age, including popularity («Percy Jackson ages past 14» but «I was not... Rick Riordan»), character or author gender, and genre and setting.
They offer consistently good flavor — better than fresh peas that have aged past their prime.
Examples of tweaks include tax increases, pushing back the retirement age past 65 or a cut of benefits.
Likewise, is there a cutoff age past which your cat will no longer be insured?
eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past
We remember the sacred pact of ages past.
In my opinion, any age past 18 months warrants serious consideration for a child to have their own seat on the plane, but again that need will also depend on other factors like cost, length of trip, etc..
The hustle and bustle below was reminiscent of ages past.
The lodge earned its name from the seafaring explorers of ages past.
In ages past, an island called Illusia floated at the center of the world.
While that wise / quirky old sage couldn't completely come out for his voice this time around, I did get to keep the slow, calming pace to his speech as well as the touch of Ye Olde English enunciation hinting at ages past.
Creativity is the essence of Four Sided Fantasy, a platformer that does away with the restrictive screen borders of ages past and delves into the world of the infinite.
Double Fine revealed their release plans for Broken Age this past week.
Their story is full of shocking twists and massive set - pieces, but some of its best moments feature the heroes quietly rowing a boat down a river, regaling one another with stories of ages past.
Rhythm game superpowers of ages past come together to drop a whole new beat.
Although we can give greater meaning to the relics of ages past than Aloy and her peers can, our journey of understanding as to the reasons why parallel her's.
In ages past, the world of Spira experienc...
Tansey's monochrome contributed at once to the sense of reality and, conversely, of deft quotation from ages past.
Either way, she had chosen to age past her prime.
The elderly population is expected to rise 40 % in the next decade, as the Baby Boomers age past retirement.
Thousands of years after their frosty formation, the mountains in Montana's Glacier National Park are reminders of the unfaltering majesty of ice ages past.
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