Sentences with phrase «many aggressive problems»

«I make no apologies for the idea that I am a hard - driving aggressive problem solver.»
Know that dogs with aggressive problems require diligent management and regular training sessions over an extended period of time.
Regularly handling and restraining a puppy can help avoid aggressive problems due to fear.
I am owned by two marvelous Rotties and being a dog trainer / dog behavior specialist I am surprised how often people walk to the other side of the sidewalk when I walk them and then they want to come and pet the average Labrador I am treating for aggressive problems.
Slow introductions help prevent fearful and aggressive problems from developing.
If your pet has an aggressive problem, particularly if it involves children, or is on psychoactive medication (prescribed previously by another veterinarian or by Dr. Schwartz) it will need to be closely monitored and a recheck appointment is important.
The findings of this review are at once both heartening and bleak: based on the review, fewer than one half of children identified with early externalising problems continued to show these problems at later ages — a finding at some variance with the common notion that early aggressive problems portray a picture of uniformly grim long term consequences.
Children's aggressive problem - solving strategies differentiated the high - stable from the other aggressive behavior trajectories.
Abstract: The current study investigated developmental trajectories of teacher - reported aggressive behavior and whether these trajectories are associated with social - cognitive development (i.e., aggressive problem - solving) across the first three elementary grades in a large sample from Switzerland (N = 1,146).
Parents» Aggressive Influences and Children's Aggressive Problem Solutions With Peers.
The current study investigated developmental trajectories of teacher - reported aggressive behavior and whether these trajectories are associated with social - cognitive development (i.e., aggressive problem - solving) across the first three elementary grades in a large sample from Switzerland (N = 1,146
In addition, infants with disorganized attachment status at 12 months whose mothers perceived them as difficult in the second year showed significantly higher aggressive problems at age 5 years than those with only one of the two risk factors present.
Moreover, maternal rejection in preadolescence and increases in paternal rejection were associated with aggressive problems, whereas decreases in maternal rejection were associated with decreases in depressive problems over time.
Aggressive problems were a stable predictor of depressive problems over time.
However, both high and variable anger and anxiety also correlate with depressive symptoms, and high and variable levels of sadness and anxiety correlate with aggressive problem behavior scores in adolescents (Silk et al. 2003).
For example, does dysregulated anger relate specifically to aggressive problems, and dysregulated sadness relate specifically to depression?
High and variable levels of sadness have been associated with depressive symptoms, and high and variable levels of anger with aggressive problem behavior (Larson et al. 1990; Silk et al. 2003).
However a preponderance of drug abuse and sexual promiscuity - really blatant / aggressive problems to deal with on a daily basis.

Not exact matches

That fund, called 1MDB, has run into serious financial problems in part because of aggressive borrowing.
But an aggressive push into the Chinese search market could cause an image problem for Microsoft elsewhere.
As for Sloan, this past July — the same month he told Tolstedt privately that she was being removed as head of the consumer unit, in part because of the problems in the division — Sloan continued to publicly defend the bank's aggressive cross-selling, saying he didn't see a problem with the strategy, or at least not much.
This unique adjustable design successfully attempts to solve a similar problem as open comb razors like the Mühle R41, but the Futur is a better choice for novice users and any others for whom an open comb is just too aggressive.
But on the day of his telephone interview, he is more concerned that a leak in a pipe is knocking the group off its aggressive schedule than he is about the wider ramifications of solving the world's energy problems.
The problem is that most wellness programs are nothing more than lip service, passive - aggressive attempts to control employee behavior and not serious attempts to simplify getting, and staying, healthy.
Long before they were rocked this month by local police killings of black men, the two U.S. cities were grappling with similar problems — police forces viewed by many as overly aggressive and unrepresentative of black communities.
Today the industry faces a different problem: The financial crisis left many professionals viewing the sector as aggressive and self - serving.
As Valeant's problems got worse, leading to the ouster of its CEO and an aggressive turnaround plan that called for divesting assets to pay down debt, Addyi languished.
Since Ms. Fowler published her blog post, dozens of current and former employees have come forward to detail their own problems with Uber's aggressive workplace culture.
Strategists at Bank of America Merrill Lynch put a fine point on the paradox of how central banks created both a liquidity solution and problem with their historically aggressive measures while they and congressional legislators created a tighter regulatory environment.
To compound the problem, credit card issuers are aggressive about jacking - up rates when the Fed funds rate is rising.
If you make it to your 50s and 60s and you're still prospering, you have a very good sense of how to avoid problems and when to be conservative or aggressive with your investments.»
NEW YORK (AP)-- The problems at Wells Fargo and its overly aggressive sales culture date back at least 15 years, and management had little interest in dealing with the issue until it spiraled out of control resulting in millions of accounts being opened fraudulently, according to an investigation by the company's board of directors.
Policies that spur more efficient corporate restructuring can revive productivity growth by targeting three inter-related sources of labour productivity weakness: the survival of «zombie» firms (low productivity firms that would typically exit in a competitive market), capital misallocation and stalling technological diffusion... As the zombie firm problem may partly stem from bank forbearance, complementary reforms to insolvency regimes are essential to ensure that a more aggressive policy to resolve non-performing loans is effective.
Moreover, while the threat of protectionist measures has remained, the political problems of the Trump administration may have lowered the possibility of aggressive unilateral measures by the United States on trade.
I think I can predict that negative interest rates and more aggressive money printing are not going to solve the debt problem.
Mr. Hawking wins easy battles against uneducated (in science) religious persons, but taking his statement on perspective, He is based on assumptions with serious underlying problems, basically everything from mathematics, to the incompatibility of quantum mechanics and relativity, and the lack of proof and evidence for string theories, he is launching a very aggressive statement, probably his last effort on life to counter the anthropomorphic ideas of God, and this is very common in all scientists.
Here's a clue: when you ask a question and it gets an emotionally aggressive response, that is a sign you have struck a nerve close to the heart of the problem.
In one study of college students suffering «an enduring, significant negative outcome» from encounter groups, it was found that groups with most of the severe problems had had aggressive, confronting, authoritarian leaders.4
The problem is, Islam has been shown to be an aggressive religion over time.
Social action groups are excellent for couples in this stage, keeping them involved with problems and perspectives beyond themselves, while using their aggressive energy to help reduce a social evil and make it a better world.
They recognize and fault religious extremism in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the middle - east as being irrational and as blindly leading those people to support actions and positions causing severe problems... yet they don't question their own blind extremism and the obvious aggressive exploitation of their own beliefs.
«The problem is that you have persisted in an aggressive effort to persuade other Church members to your point of view and that your course of action has threatened to erode the faith of others.»
If think that every church would have gone broke if they were to tackle that serious problem in an aggressive manner.
Radosh argues that her «aggressive counter vision» to the old leftist narrative, in which witch - hunting McCarthyism was the real problem and the Soviet Union never sent spies, drew them approval, and understandably enough.
One leader even got physically aggressive with me when he invited me to tell him what my problem was with him.
Moritz says the aggressive expansion signified management's desire to continually improve the resort, and to try innovative ideas to solve problems.
While the winemakers were happy to deal with the problem by buying back the wine, Foster's Group chief executive John Pollaers took a far more aggressive stance by relying on a rarely used part of the Consumer and Competition Act, section 98.
Wenger's not the problem, it's the players, they just simply aren't ballsy enough or aggressive enough, we have too many nice guys in the team, we have no real leaders.
Please address me the way I address you when there is a problem (mostly passive aggressive emails), as I could have explained that 90 % of what I said was sarcasm and 10 % was a plea to not have to document any of you guys.
A long - term problem for Boston, and why I expect them to be aggressive on the trade market: You can't pay everyone.
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