Sentences with phrase «many ancient scriptures»

Because your ancient scripture tells you so?
People don't behave the way we do, good or bad, because of ancient scripture or the voice of burning bush in the desert or the face of the messiah on French toast.
Origen, the fecund Christian teacher from ancient Alexandria, said, «Genuine transformation of life comes from reading the ancient Scriptures, learning who the just men and women were and imitating them.»
We are simply not claiming to know what god is, what god wants or to think that humans are moral and good because they follow some ancient scripture — or not.
I am allowed to grow and evolve based on reason rather than having to wait until theology can catch up through rationalizing ancient scripture.
But if you wish, please feel free to go back and study those ancient Scriptures, but if you do, don't be surprised to find that it leads to even more confusion for you in the future.
For wisdom about the human condition, ancient scripture can be interesting and revealing — as can any good literature, visual art, poetry, music, and such.
Don't use ancient scripture as a guide for your life.
Most people reading the ancient scriptures understand these accounts of hearing God's voice as miracles that really did happen but no longer take place today, or maybe as folkloric flourishes to ancient stories.
For Ricoeur «the Christian fact is itself understood by effecting a mutation of meaning inside the ancient Scripture.
Hence there is hermeneutics in the Christian order because the kerygma is the rereading of an ancient Scripture.
This signifying relation attests that the kerygma, by this detour through the reinterpretation of an ancient Scripture, enters into a network of intelligibility.
Furthermore, «the kerygma, by this detour through the reinterpretation of an ancient Scripture, enters into a network of intelligibility... Jesus Christ himself, exegesis and exegete of Scripture, is manifested as logos in opening the understanding of the Scriptures.
Do you really think there's space here to go through all the outdated statements in every ancient scripture ever written?
A guy with an AK 4 - 7 Killed some kids who were half of eleven When the arguments started America parted But when we ask god why god says, uh, well, uh, it's really hard to figure out terms like, well, your whole post, which while yelled, is really rather confusing and doesn't seem to say a lot and needs to be interpreted, just like any ancient scripture.
Ancient scripture, especially Jewish and Christian, has been translated (how's your Aramaic?)
A stunningly beautiful book, lavishly illustrated, that provides a fascinating introduction to ancient scriptures that did not make it into the Jewish or Christian canons.
Yoga gurus in the country have dedicated their lives towards preaching and practicing the wisdom of yogic healing through various ancient scriptures, oral traditions, and physical practices.
It is from this classical grounding that Babaji taught ancient scriptures of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavadgītā, and Samkhya Karika as well as the philosophy and practices of Ashtānga Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga, and Tantra Yoga.
The benefits of honey have also been recorded in many ancient scriptures.
Similarly, the ancient scriptures of Persia advocate fasting and confirm its value as a means for spiritual purification.
Babaji wrote commentaries on all 4 Books of Patañjali Yoga Sūtra and all 18 chapters of the Gītā to support his students» understanding of these ancient scriptures.
However, given that the subject is, to say the least, touchy, the fact that this film was even made is worthy of at least some kudos to Maher for having the guts to potentially offend the vast majority of people in the country, and perhaps the world, with his expression of doubt in their beliefs and his own belief that, though many individuals have found great benefit from the ancient scriptures, religion ultimately does more harm than good when looking at it in its totality from a global historical scale.
According to the sacred ancient scriptures, the future emperor of China shall bear five black moles on the bottom of each foot.
«The Homecoming Saga» (the novels The Memory of Earth, The Call of Earth, The Ships of Earth, Earthfall, and Earthborn) was a retelling of ancient scripture as science fiction.
To create a more spiritual environment, use oils from ancient scripture such as frankincense or myrrh.

Not exact matches

For something as «ineffective» and «ancient» as the Scriptures and Christianity — it doesn't matter who you are — no one can deny the power and influence that the Word has; because here you guys are talking about it... 2000 years after they were compiled.
On Luther's side, the final break with the Church authorities came in the wake of Leo X's bull of November 1518; in that document, as Luther saw it, Leo arrogated to himself the power of defining Church teaching without accountability to Scripture, the Fathers, or the ancient canons.
Even though the scripture uses some aspects of ancient mil life to help us understand spiritual truths, the mil life and church life are not a perfect analogy or paradigm by which to judge the other.
Revisiting late medieval biblical interpretation, we may consider the delicacy of the hermeneutic circle formed by Scripture and tradition, appreciating the fragility of a synthesis that refuses to impose on ancient consensus a linear, hierarchical path to truth.
she may have prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is really a book of scripture a record written by ancient Prophets just like the Bible was.
In his encyclical on Holy Scripture, Pius XII warmly acknowledges that the inquiry of modern exegetes «has also clearly shown the special preeminence of the people of Israel among the other ancient nations of the East....»
It reflects the same reductionist impulse of those Christians who transmute the Protestant principle of sola scriptura (scripture as the highest authority) into nuda scriptura (scripture as the only authority), and accordingly read the Bible as though the ancient councils of Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus, or Chalcedon had never happened.
Comfortingly, I learned that the ancients viewed scripture not only as word but, dually as Word and Nature.
While that opinion may be supported by a literal reading of certain portions of the ancient writings which are revered as scripture, I find that attitude to be both deplorable and shortsighted.
But the roots of caste can be traced back to a story in the most ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, in which the various social classes are produced from the sacrifice of a primordial man — the priestly class from the mouth, the warrior class from the arms, the merchant class from the thighs, the laboring class from the feet (Rig Veda 90:10).
They must show reasoned thoughts — a rationale — to a world that believes the bible is just an ancient document — it is easier to quote a strange scripture than to show reasoned evidences.
Christian churches (at least the fundamental ones I've attended) have been quite adept at deconstructing the ancient jots and tittles of Scripture only to reconstruct vague mottos that everyone repeats and claims to live by but no one can explain to those who ask.
In thus opening the entire Canon of Scripture to the free study of the laity, the reformers did not intend to abandon the ancient framework within which it was to be understood.
Gambling your soul away on a guess based on ancient texts out of fear of torture doesn't sound logical at all, especially considering how many other versions of the scriptures have been found and conflict with today's bible.
«We follow the ancient liturgy of the church (chanting the Kyrie, readings from scripture, chanting the Psalm, sermon, prayers of the people, Eucharist, benediction, etc.) We also sing the old hymns of the church.
The mutually recognized authority of Scripture served well in the debates with the papacy, but the Reformers and their successors never did a terribly good job of saying why they received what they received from the ancient church.
The ancient writers of Scripture seem to affirm what all women know -
In modern times, Christians, upon further analysis of scripture, have come to find out that they were wrong for millennia and that God had been telling us of an ancient, round earth this whole time.
It was agreed in the Samaj that «the Vedas, the Upanishads and other ancient writings were not to be accepted as infallible guides, that reason and conscience were to be the supreme authority and the teachings of the scriptures were to be accepted only insofar as they harmonised with the light within us.»
This is how Orthodox believers view their dynamic continuity with the ancient church and scripture.
The author labored to give his words and phrases the quaint, old - fashioned sound and structure of our King James's translation of the Scriptures; and the result is a mongrel — half modern glibness, and half ancient simplicity and gravity.
Religion is not healthy for children nor any living thing If reading those ancient and primitive «scriptures» convinces you to be a good person, then good for you!
It fit ancient Hebrew scripture foretelling the birth of a king in Bethlehem, the birth place of David.
Though for us nature has been «demythologized» and «naturalized» — in large part because of this very passage of Scripture — for ancient Jewish faith a divinized nature posed a fundamental religious problem.
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