Sentences with phrase «many autistic children»

El Kaliouby and Picard, an MIT professor and Affectiva's chief scientist, were developing a device that could respond to users» emotions, with the aim of helping autistic children communicate better.
«Social robots have already redefined the landscape when it comes to, for example, teaching autistic children how to identify facial expressions and non-verbal cues, leading to more appropriate socializing,» she says.
Its innovative programs for autistic children and homebound elderly people are models for the new Russia.
«Some of the most important applications have been to the training of retarded children, to the elimination of sexual disorders, to the large - scale amelioration of adult psychotic behavior, to the training of autistic children, to the re-education of delinquent adolescents... to marriage counseling, to weight control and to
When the article mentioned «theory of mind» it reminded me of a population which typically has an impaired sense of it: Autistic children.
Like most parents of autistic children, I cherish my daughter.
When Bruno Bettelheim committed suicide in 1990 at the age of 86 he had a towering and broadly based reputation: as a wise and humane child psychiatrist in whose Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago hundreds of severely disturbed children had been restored to normal life, as an expert on child - rearing in the Israeli kibbutzim, as a survivor of Buchenwald and Dachau whose writings had established him as an authority on life in the concentration camps, and as a specialist in the treatment of autistic children.
I have the right to criticize China since a lot of autistic children end up in the orphanage.
Do you describe a boy as an «autistic child»?
The parents of autistic children in the 1960s faced a world that was largely ignorant and uncaring.
Some of the parents of autistic children would like their children to be cured of the difficulties created by their autism, but they recognize the benefits (musical and mathematical abilities, for instance) that often go along with being autistic.
That batch, however, was just a test - run for the, arguably, more important joy of altering for and sharing this recipe with a pair of autistic children with whom I work.
Some autistic children, when placed on a gluten free diet, showed significant improvement in their behavior.
I happened on being wheat free 9 years ago, on my own from something I read on the web in regard to autistic children — actually found it not at all difficult to change, and as a result my life - long cronic anemia was gone in 6 weeks and also the osteoporosis in my 60's when I had 10 fractures — wrists, ribs, vertebrae, and a knee.
Hi... what a nice recipes u had... i want to make this recipe for my autistic child but she can't have vinegar... so what is the vinegar subsitute
As the parent of an autistic child, I have often had to sit my eleven year old daughter down and tell her that despite her limitations, she can develop her talents and be somebody someday.
Inherently, a newborn needs your attention, and yet, you have this Autistic child.
And I think it's very typical from autistic children, from what I hear.
Share As the final piece in my celebration of April is Autism Month (make sure you read my older posts AMC And Autism, Games For Autistic Children, Autistic Society Of America), I have an interview with a mama to an Autistic boy.
As much as I know therapy helps our autistic children to be able to be a part of society and act like it, I do know that it takes a long time (and who knows even then) but it is really time that everyone understood autism.
One of the most difficult aspects of having an Autistic child is how consuming it is.
And to give my Autistic child all of the attention that he needs and requires.
In the beginning, my son was a very, very picky eater, and I have heard that that's really common with autistic children.
Although that number has been disputed, it helped spur the National Autism Association to create a program to help families with autistic children afford marital counseling.
Family resources and successful adaptation to autistic children.
Compounds produced in the digestive system have been linked to autistic - type behaviour in laboratory settings, potentially demonstrating that what autistic children eat can alter their brain function, say scientists from the University of Western Ontario.
While there's no hard research to support this, I've read a number of articles about iPads helping to keep autistic children calm and engaged so they can be more comfortable when in social spaces.
Though wholly discredited today, the «refrigerator mother» diagnosis condemned thousands of autistic children to questionable therapies, and their mothers to a long nightmare of self - doubt and guilt») Could it be that more parents are providing more support because more children are struggling with mental health issues that are completely unrelated to how they were parented?
Kind of like someone I know who has an autistic child that started reading antivax nonsense and convinced herself that her daughter was vaccine injured.
Now she has graced us with an obnoxious post entitled 7 Step Recipe for Creating an Autistic Child:
«Autistic children really can't understand what it's like to be someone else, whereas callous, unemotional children can understand, but they just don't care.
This is an in - depth and far - reaching conversation that includes dialogue about euthanasia, blood transfusions, medical experimentation without consent, research fraud, vaccines as biological weapons, autism, the rape of autistic children, the rape of medical patients — especially during hospital birth, birth trauma, trauma - based mind - control, circumcision, satanism / luciferianism, psychopathy, Agenda 21, and the deliberate attempt to kill and / or render infertile and / or genetically mutate the human race.
Angela has worked for the Orinda School District as an assistant in the special education classroom, working primarily with autistic children, and as a master teacher for the Head Start program in Alameda, Calif..
Autism is rare (despite the publicity), but because autistic children may be delayed in their achievement of developmental milestones, from infant development to adolescence, parent education about the signs of autism, and coping with the condition, is extremely important.
Please help our growing community of autistic children by letting people know that if they need any additional information, they can contact the Autism Society.
Also, for parents of potentially autistic children or Adhd or other brain diorders look up «Gut and psychology syndrome» with Dr. Natasha Campbell - McBride.
Autistic children generally don't relate well to people.
Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children — A Randomized Controlled Trial.
A Guest Post by Emilie Leeks «I want to be a peaceful parent — but can it be done with autistic children
How can you best deal with your autistic child?
Autistic children learn language more slowly than do children...
Meltdowns are something almost every parent of an autistic child is familiar with and although we all know tha..
A common problem for parents with autistic children is to find the right resources.
Meltdowns are something almost every parent of an autistic child is familiar with and although we all know that it will happen we never feel fully equipped to deal with it.
One great tool for autistic children, and especially those fussy babies who just can't seem to sleep, is a weighted blanket.
An autistic child may have trouble making eye contact with the people around him, and tends not to look at his parents.
There are times when an autistic child may ignore you when you're speaking to him, and he may even appear to be deaf.
An autistic child may perceive sensory stimuli very differently than a typically developed child.
If you pat the the back an autistic child he may cringe.
Besides sound, touch and texture, an autistic child may seem indifferent to temperature or pain.
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