Sentences with phrase «many biblical reasons»

There is no biblical reason to exclude the covenantal bonds of gay Christians from that affirmation.»
There are, of course, lots of good biblical reasons why people should not sin.
I believe if someone walks away from their marriage, (except for a biblical reason) Jesus would obviously NOT be in the center.
Citing biblical reasons to support your argument falls pretty flat though, when in the course of your posting you act decidedly UN-Christian.
I do wonder if CNN would give this «pastor» this forum to explain the many biblical reasons that abortion is wrong, or if you only get space to try to use a preacher and the Bible to push what CNN believes.
And by the way, how come Brian McLaren and Doug Pagitt and others in their group didn't tell Tony Jones to step down from the ministry for Biblical reasons?
We've all heard biblical reasons okaying slavery and the notion that the white race is superior to all others.
There is no biblical reason to resist this revision.
Pass a law to stone adulterers and make the eating of shellfish a crime then we will get your biblical reasoning.
That being said, if you are eating grains for biblical reasons, than care should be taken to harvest, sprout, and ferment the grains in a similar way.

Not exact matches

«Even without the biblical passage (1 Corinthians 11), I have so many reasons why this is right for me.
Investment for return (as Rodney Stark relates in The Victory of Reason) largely occurred against the grain of Church teaching, the Spanish Scholastics being largely ignored, and it was Calvin's application of biblical law to trade and commerce that created the competitive tension under which a millennium of misapplication and resultant economic suppression could begin to be corrected.
Furthermore, to base one's ID position on a non-literal reading of Genesis, incorporating the central tenet of special creation by the biblical deity, is, in fact, an exercise in bible - based reasoning.
The LDS Church's reasons for baptising for the dead is pulled from the following biblical scripture.
In fact, by failing to do so, you become a culprit by not probing their minds to make sure that whether they are aware of this biblical truth and hence being perished and away from that everlasting love for eternity — and for this very reason and negligence or misguidance, you will be responsible and accountable when you meet with your creator God of love whom he also loved you so much that if you were the only person living on the face of this earth and planet, still he would have come and died for you and the forgiveness of your since and loving you unconditional.
Thomas Paine hated Christianity (The Age of Reason) Thomas Jefferson rejected the divinity of Jesus (Jefferson Bible) George Washington preferred the terms «Grand Architect» and «Providence,» rather than biblical terms, suggesting that he was a deist.
I was enlightened by this program and by its biblical and philosophical grounding instantly upon encountering it; and my agreement with it is a chief reason of the extensive indebtedness of my thinking to Pannenberg's.
I read the tome «The Stand» and could not escape it that this man was a true Christian (non religious) in the biblical sense and it was one of the reasons I became the same in 1972.
But each time you transmit another one of your standard, Christian - inspired attempts to twist truth into a form that fits your biblical world view, you give all of us an opportunity to provide a reasoned rebuttal.
To the cultured despisers of religion and Biblical morality, we say we love you, but we will oppose you — and with our COGIC friends we will strive not so much to defeat you in a cultural and political struggle as to open your hearts and minds to the life - preserving and love - affirming truths of the Gospel that reason knows and faith confirms.
Over fifty years ago, G. Ernest Wright in The Biblical Archaeology (1955, p 46) said: «It may be noted that the new Carbon 14 method of dating ancient remains has not turned out to be as free from error as had been hoped... Certain runs have produced obviously wrong results, probably for a number od reasons.
The fact that the pope, or a council, can address contemporary situations and issues directly, and tell us how the biblical teachings apply to them, is another reason why we can expect the utterances of the contemporary magisterium to resolve disagreements more effectively than the biblical texts themselves.
By the rabbi's reasoning, half of the protagonists of the Hebrew Bible were presented by biblical authors as candidates for transgender surgery.
I can only guess that black people embrace the religion which seemed to dehumanize them for the same reasons millions of women continue to embrace Christ though their «Biblical submission» to their husbands has resulted in great emotional and physical abuse.
And one reason the conversation has become so toxic is because we've become convinced that the only thing we have in common is the biblical debate about same - sex relations.
... Which is one of many reasons why I wrote A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
Here are 15 reasons why biblical illiteracy is not a problem in the church.
That's a complicated question for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the reality that Christians themselves disagree on exactly what constitutes «biblical principles about marriage»!
And so part of the reason for exploring everything from Leviticus 18, to Proverbs 31, to Song of Solomon, to the epistles of Peter and Paul, was to show just how much this phrase — «biblical womanhood» — really entails, and to not take the hermeneutical devices with which Christians are so familiar for granted.
Do I find myself defending this work based purely on secular reasoning, or is there a Biblical justification?
I have no real logical, biblical, or theological reasons to oppose theistic evolution.
So, contrary to what the cartoon suggests, the ONLY reason people promote the idea of sexual purity is because of biblical authority.
The presence of biblical support was not the reason for the teaching.
This addition helps to counter the impression left by the earlier draft that reason is used only triumphalistically to display biblical truth and not penitently to criticize Christian beliefs and practices.
I want a leader who despises science, reason, logic and non biblical education and knows it is a fact the universe is 6000 years old and the Egyptians had trained dinosaurs for pets.
In central Europe it sometimes seems that the deepest reason for preserving and developing the theological tradition in the university has been that a profession exists whose chief function is the proclamation of the Biblical message.
«The bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
Scripture is the primary source and guideline «as the constitutive witness to biblical wellsprings of our faith,» but tradition, experience and reason also function as sources and guidelines, and in practice «theological reflection may find its point of departure» in any of them.
This notion could be interpreted to include the scientific and philosophical wisdom which would then be integrated with biblical wisdom in an inclusive theology, although this interpretation is in tension with the flat assertion that reason is «not itself a source of theology.»
The reason most cant find a clear history of people from biblical events is because the characters were taken from Kemet writings.
Not only do my own private experiences of the bible's truth claims give me good reason to believe it's assessment, but the success and consistency of biblical anthropology in other quarters (not least literature and philosophy) means that I have absolutely no reason to be ashamed.
There is no secular, biblical, psychiatric, medical or legal reason to deny people full participation in society or to deny them the full exercise of their rights because of their sexual orientation.
The date was placed in late March, near the vernal equinox, only in 525 AD, for symbolic reasons rather than because of any biblical evidence.
For this reason conservative Christians maintain that if we dispense with the concept of God as a supernatural being dwelling in heaven, we are rejecting the biblical witness.
When Rob Bell released Love Wins, a book that made a compelling biblical case against the exclusivist theology that all non-Christians will be condemned to eternal conscious torment in hell, the Southern Baptist Convention released a resolution that stated: «Being troubled, even deeply troubled, by the implications of the biblical text does not give us a reason to abandon the text or force it into a mold that rests comfortably with us.
Among his publications are: The Scripture Principle, Harper & Row, 1984; Reason Enough: A Case for the Christian Faith, InterVarsity Press, 1980; (editor) Grace Unlimited, Bethany Fellowship, 1975; Truth on Fire, The Message of Galatians, Baker Book House, 1972, Biblical Revelation, Moody Press, 1971, Set Forth Your Case, Craig, 1968; and A Defense of Biblical Infallibility, Presbyterian and Reformed, 1967.
I suspect there is a name for the reason that Schwartz remains on the fence» for her near vision and her inability to bring herself quite to denounce biblical monotheism as the cause of violence and indulge the ressentiment her subtitle reasonably leads her readers to expect.
In the biblical documents, the prophetic motif clearly dominates the apocalyptic (which is one good reason for not buying into the current trend to elide the former into the latter), which means that hope characterizes the Christian stance toward life.
The reason for this may in part he here: individual Christians must be challenged to reflect on their commitment and to work from a biblical point of view.
But the bulk of the Regensburg address was directed to Christian intellectuals who, in the name of «de-Hellenizing» Christianity, pit biblical faith against the great synthesis of faith and reason achieved over the centuries of the Christian intellectual tradition.
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