Sentences with phrase «many calories you expend»

Numerous respected scientific bodies, including the WHO, have recognised that the fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories (kilojoules) consumed and calories expended [1].
The key to a healthy lifestyle is balancing the calories you consume with the calories you expend, so when you want to enjoy a low - or no - calorie soft drink, or a tea, juice or water, our flavorful portfolio gives you the choices and information you need to pick the right option for you.
Losing weight depends on the balance of calories taken in to the amount of calories expended through activity.
In other words, the calories they take in will match the calories they expend, as measured in a device called a metabolic chamber.
The most defining principle in regards to losing weight is the number of calories you consume versus the number of calories you expend.
The hard, cold, cruel fact is that there's no getting around the science of calories consumed versus calories expended.
Today, we're going to look at the main variables that affect how much you eat and how many calories you expend.
This becomes even more important when making up for the calories expended during exercise.
The balance between calories consumed in foods and beverages, and the calories expended through physical activity and metabolic processes.
The direct effects of physical activity are relatively small, compared to how many calories we expend just living and breathing.
This extra generation of power translates into more calories expended.
Strength training increases our TEE by elevating the amount of calories expended in activity (TEA).
After you account for your RMR, a caloric surplus (weight gain) or deficit (weight loss) is a simple matter of calories consumed through eating and drinking versus calories expended through physical activity.
Most people who want to put on weight actually overestimate the number of calories they take in on a given day or underestimate the number of calories they expend on an average day.
In its most basic form, calories consumed minus calories expended will result in weight gain if the result is positive, or weight loss if the result is negative.
«A big factor in determining the number of calories expended is a person's body weight,» says Richard Lopez, Ph.D., professor of exercise sciences at Florida International University.
60 to 75 % of the calories expended daily are due to it.
To lose weight, you have to reduce the number of calories taken in from food, increase the number of calories expended, or both.
No one can tell you exactly how much cardio is too much; however, an amount exceeding 60 - 70 minutes of cardio per day will most likely be counterproductive, especially if you are not consuming enough calories or protein to compensate for the calories you expend when you exercise.
Not surprising considering low calories will, inevitably, lead to decreased energy and increased lethargy, which leads to massive reductions in the number of calories expended.
1.6 calories per minute standing on an escalator or in an elevator, one - third of the calories expended by taking the stairs at a slow pace.
While nutritionists simplify obesity as a matter of «too many calories in and too few calories expended,» it is obviously not that simple.
Calories In — calories expended = fat stored.
Partly because we just have the weight data and not the calories in or calories expended.
On the right he puts calories consumed from food and calories expended by exercise.

Not exact matches

It's a different weight from body fat; it's not linked to calories consumed or expended.
What the data can prove, however, is that U.S. workers are expending substantially fewer calories at work than they used to.
To lose weight, you need to expend more energy (calories) than you intake.
Now I know I am expending more calories.
The theory behind zero calorie or negative calorie foods is that they contain such a scant amount of calories that the energy you expend eating them cancels out their calories.
You probably know this by now but humans burn fat by consuming less calories than they expend in a day.
In an investigation of 10 solid young ladies, expending a high - protein eat less for one day was appeared to increment metabolic rate after suppers about twice as much as eating a high - carb count calories for one day (13).
Expending a plant - based vegetarian consume less calories additionally doesn't really imply that your eating regimen is solid.
This administration won't just enable you to expend less calories yet in addition will empower you to oppose the enticements in the midnight hours.
They activate sympathetic nervous system — which helps control most of the body's internal organs — to expend more energy, so the body burns more calories when the same food is eaten with chili peppers.
Breastfeeding does expend calories, so you may notice an increase in the frequency of feeling hungry.
First, in order to burn body fat it is essential to take in fewer calories than you expend.
Just keeping up with all the calories my body was expending was a task in itself, and Serena often nursed for hours and hours a day.
For athletes, disordered eating usually means that they are not consuming enough calories, expending more energy than they are taking in through their diets and creating a dynamic deficiency in calories supplied to the body.
The more active you are the more energy you expend in the form of calories.
Youth, parents and coaches may have little or no awareness of the large number of calories contained in snacks and beverages commonly offered in youth sport settings or the relatively small number of calories children expend during sport.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you are expending approximately an extra 400 - 500 calories per day, so it's important that you eat an additional 250 - 350 calories per day to maintain your milk supply.
But, look on the bright side: you're expending more effort due to the increased resistance, so you're burning more calories.
Extra expended energy burns calories and interferes with a preemie's weight gain; feedings should take no longer than 30 minutes, according to «Advances in Neonatal Care» article.
This has led to an increase in calories consumed, a decrease in energy expended, and health inequities among communities and demographic groups.
They might swing in the canopy, but orang - utans expend fewer calories by mass than your average human couch potato.
In this case, if fat accumulation is primarily driven by an energy imbalance, these subjects should neither lose nor gain weight because they will be eating precisely as many calories as they are expending.
Dr Shanon Casperson, lead author of the study from USDA - Agricultural Research Service Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, USA said: «We found that about a third of the additional calories provided by the sugar - sweetened drinks were not expended, fat metabolism was reduced, and it took less energy to metabolize the meals.
On the expenditure side, the additional calories were not expended and fat oxidation was reduced.
Fundamentally, obesity is caused by imbalance between calories consumed and expended.
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