Sentences with phrase «many campaign dollars»

«Arthur Jones is not a real Republican — he is a Nazi whose disgusting, bigoted views have no place in our nation's discourse,» Tim Schneider, the state party chairman, said in a statement, adding that the party would put «real campaign dollars» into an independent candidate to challenge Jones in the general election.
Some of her remarks give fresh fuel to liberals» worst fears about Clinton, namely that she is a political moderate, happy to cut backroom deals with corporate interests and curry favor with Wall Street for campaign dollars.
On the salient legal advice point, the memo concludes that US laws prohibiting foreign nationals managing campaigns — «including making direct or indirect decisions regarding the expenditure of campaign dollars» — will have «a significant impact on how Cambridge hires staff and operates in the short term».
WebVisible found that campaigns with the highest number of leads per campaign dollar used between 1 to 5 negative keywords, combined with the right number of long tail keywords.
Our policymakers are controlled by their need for campaign dollars from Big Food, Big Beverage and other billion dollar industries.
I do not expect large campaign dollars to end up there, but for precisely targeted public affairs geofencing campaigns, it works.
The League of Women Voters said his abuse of his campaign finances was «a flagrant misuse of campaign dollars,» while The New York Times said they were «concerned» that he had tried to cover - up a scandal.
Where campaign dollars used to be spent on direct mail and television ad buys, their thinking goes, modern political infrastructures should be spending money on YouTube pre-roll video ads, search engine optimization, promoted Tweets and Facebook posts.
The Commission's inquiry into personal use tracked campaign dollars spent by the current members of the state Legislature from July 2007 through June 2013 (as reflected in filings from 2008 - 13).
Among its recommendations, the Commission called for legislation more clearly defining what candidates can not spend campaign dollars on, which would bring the state in line with stricter federal rules.
Take the 7th Annual Survey of Political and Advocacy Communications Leaders and help E-Voter Institute better understand how campaign dollars are being spent.
Just the other week, two Niagara politicians were charged with trying to hide who they were paying with campaign dollars.
«While the rest of the country was debating the issues of domestic violence, child abuse and the NFL, Cuomo spent his campaign dollars photoshopping Astorino's son out of a sport attack ad,» Hawkins noted.
Key democrats such as Obama, Dodd and Kerry are the biggest recipients of campaign dollars from them.
And he is one of the very rare breed of Democrats who is not scared off by the Cuomo / Hochul horde of millions of campaign dollars collected almost exclusively from the one percent of corporate polluters, hedge fund billionaires and other rich special interests.
They say he's raised tens of millions of campaign dollars from real - estate developers and the super rich, failed on a promise to clean up political corruption and, worse, gone back on his word to end Republican control of the state Senate.
Good government groups have for years complained that New York's campaign finance laws make it difficult for the public to determine the actual source of campaign dollars, whether due to the so - called «LLC loophole» — which allows business interests that control a network of subsidiaries to vastly multiply their political giving — or corporate formation laws that allow companies to obscure the individuals and other businesses behind them.
When it comes to raising and spending campaign dollars and living large nobody does it better than Jeff Klein...
Separately, Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance has been looking into whether de Blasio's operatives improperly funneled campaign dollars through party committees to help Democratic candidates for the New York State senate.
Kennedy, at his news conference, stated that twice the campaign rejected offers of campaign dollars but accepted it the third time when provided by an attorney for the Canadian businessman.
The eight lawmakers «solicited and received an unusually high proportion of campaign dollars from the financial sector,» collecting a combined $ 140,000, the Times reports.
And effective or not, I also think it's a bit weird to use campaign dollars and staff to promote a personal venture to line your own pockets.
Senate Republicans — who are major recipients of campaign dollars that flow through the LLC loophole — have bottled up legislation proposed by Democrats that would stop LLCs from being treated as if they were individual people under election law.
«Unfortunately, it's all too common for elected officials who find themselves in these types of situations to spend campaign dollars on criminal defense attorneys, but it's appropriate,» Goldfeder said.
Assemblyman Al Stirpe of Cicero was one of those who most benefited from Silver's campaign dollars Silver controlled.
Democratic Sen. Mike Gianaris of Queens stopped by Capital Tonight on Monday to tout his conference's ethics proposal that includes public financing of political campaigns, restrictions on using campaign dollars for criminal defense and stripping those convicted of public corruption of their pensions through a constitutional amendment.
But at the start of this election year, Molinaro said he would not run for governor as he viewed an incumbent sitting on 30 million campaign dollars and sweet polling numbers.
«We believe that everybody should be doing well and it shouldn't be who you're connected to or how many campaign dollars that you received,» Kolb said.
When asked about this use of funds from a state campaign committee, the FEC directed Crain's to its 1996 determination that candidates may not allocate nonfederal campaign dollars toward a federal campaign unless the money comes from their personal funds.
«Mayor Bloomberg spent no time dialing for campaign dollars or hosting fundraisers,» said Patrick Muncie of Tusk Strategies.
These expenses, which include staff dinners during late nights at the Capitol and fundraising meetings, represent less than 1.5 percent of his campaign dollars on hand,» she said.
On Jan. 8, after announcing he wouldn't seek re-election, Israel penned an op - ed for The New York Times headlined «Confessions of a Congressman» where he complained about having to endlessly dial for campaign dollars.
With all that cash in hand, unions are in a position to tell state legislatures what to do, if they want campaign dollars next time around.
Most of the crucial decisions about how U.S. schools run and who teaches what to whom in which classrooms are still made in 14,000 semi-autonomous school districts, nearly all of them run by locally elected school boards, often with campaign dollars supplied by those with whom they negotiate collectively, and managed by professional superintendents, trained in colleges of education and socialized over the years into the prevailing culture of public education.
REVIEW This site explores Washingtons powerful world of lobbying, the perks of life in Congress and the pressure of raising campaign dollars.
Jim Florio, a former Democratic governor of New Jersey who supports Sweeney, suggested public education could be at stake if campaign dollars are diverted from more competitive races in other legislative districts.
Then there's also state laws forcing districts to bargain with NEA and AFT locals; the collective bargaining laws, along with the campaign dollars the two unions deploy, essentially give union bosses a level of influence over districts that supersedes that of the voting public.
Annual Giving Campaign dollars are essential to maintaining a low teacher - to - student ratio and small class size, and to recruiting and retaining our outstanding faculty.
It's time to move on, find another fake crisis to hype to scare voters and raise campaign dollars.
The oil lobby continues to spread the campaign dollars.
«The prohibition against foreign nationals managing campaigns, including making direct or indirect decisions regarding the expenditure of campaign dollars, will have a significant impact on how Cambridge hires staff and operates in the short term,» the memo stated.
On the salient legal advice point, the memo concludes that US laws prohibiting foreign nationals managing campaigns — «including making direct or indirect decisions regarding the expenditure of campaign dollars» — will have «a significant impact on how Cambridge hires staff and operates in the short term».
There is no sense that she is seeking this position for anything other than to help create necessary change, even if it costs her campaign dollars and potential re-election.

Not exact matches

As BuzzFeed points out, rather than spend marketing money on a traditional online ad campaign — which would involve paying someone to create an ad and then paying to place it on Facebook, or another social website, or even with the publishers who so desperately need the ad dollars — businesses are sending more of that money to Facebook to promote content created for free by publishers.
He wholeheartedly supported me in the decision to put our last marketing dollars into a campaign on a hot little site known as Myspace.
One of the most popular Kickstarter launches of the last several years was the Glowing Plant Kickstarter campaign, which raised nearly half a million dollars in 2013 to create a genetically - engineered plant that could glow in the dark.
Michael Dubin, co-founder of Dollar Shave Club, explains how his background in improv comedy helped him launch a viral advertising campaign.
The rising trend for taxes on sweetened drinks has prompted beverage industry giants like PepsiCo and Coca - Cola to spend billions of dollars on advertising and lobbying campaigns against the measures.
Anytime you are interacting or communicating with customers or potential customers online under the name of the business, treat it like a million dollar ad campaign.
Starbucks says it plans to tout its brewer with a multimillion - dollar marketing campaign.
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