Sentences with phrase «many cells of interest»

In cancer research, our goal is to be able to start with a sample of human tissue, extract many cells of interest, and perform genetic analysis upon each of them separately.
«We have shown that Anc80 works remarkably well in terms of infecting cells of interest in the inner ear,» says Stankovic, an otologic surgeon at Mass..
The researchers solved this problem by developing markers to label the cells of interest and then testing different enzymes and other reagents to draw them out of tissues.
All cell biologists have at least «two cells of interest,» wrote biologist Frederick Neidhardt of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1996: «the one they are studying and Escherichia coli.»
They recorded electrical activity just outside individual brain cells of interest, and compared the signal with sounds the birds made.
By expressing foreign genes in target cell types, they hope to be able to specifically silence or activate cells of interest.
Once a sufficient number of virus particles have been generated by the packaging cells, they can then be harvested and used to transduce target cells of interest.
A cell of interest is highlighted in both the cell table and the image.

Not exact matches

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks suggests a title of particular interest to anyone working in tech (and parents): «This alarming book is about the generation born after 1995 who've grown up with cell phones, Instagram, and the rest.
More interesting, he said, would be working with organizations like police or fire services to station fleets of drones — similar to how you have cell towers today — to help facilitate their work.
Embryonic stem cells are scientifically and medically interesting because they are «pluripotent» (capable of generating many cell types), but they are not the same as totipotent single - cell embryos.
But what is really the most interesting are all the lying secular fanatics that insist that nutballs like this guy are the epitome of Christianity when anyone with more than two functioning brain cells should know that that is simply slander.
Dennis has a PhD in genetics / developmental biology from the University of British Columbia and a special interest in studying pattern formation and cell - cell communication during tissue development using fruit flies as a model organism.
It's actually possible and kind of interesting to watch evolution at work — at work even in mammalian cells.
He told members of his church: «Society is drugged by the cell phone but at the same time it is not interested in understanding how it should be used.
Also I have suggested that the aims of low - grade occasions in cells do not «trickle up» to include interest in higher - grade bodily occasions, even though the physical results of those aims may well affect the entire body.
I decided my job would be to call 911 in case of emergency (which would prove interesting since Dagmar would be the one to come rescue us) and got my cell phone to be prepared.
What was also very interesting about the study was that increased mitochondrial efficiency of the cell (needing less oxygen), apparently is owed to the lower levels of proteins... proteins that normally make the mitochondria «leaky» and inefficient.
Advances include development of routes and surfaces that are more wheelchair and walker friendly; signage that includes Braille text and other tactile information to describe specific points of ecological interest; and trail «tours» that can be experienced through cell phones and other smart devices.
Mr. Kaisary's main interest is the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer and benign prostate disease together with bladder cancer and renal cell carcinoma.
It also creates issues with Luddite citizenry such as the Amish, who on matters of religion do not use certain technologies, including cell phones and the internet, so an alternate way of re-deligation would need to be established for them (perhaps a service that will hold their votes in a way that can be trusted to vote in their interests).
One particularly interesting use of cell phones for fundraising in the 2008 election cycle: the John Edwards campaign contacted list members via text, urged them to call a number and listen to a recorded message, then connected them to operators to take donations right away.
But the really interesting uses of mobile technologies are probably still a couple of years away (hmmm, they ALWAYS seem to be a couple of years away), and savvy campaigns are gathering supporters» cell numbers now for applications that haven't yet been dreamed up.
Interesting use of cell phones.
He added: «The important thing is that you work with people who are like - minded and interested in pursuing the same sort of things where you can, and we will, whether the subject is stem cell or whether the subject is climate change.»
«What is especially interesting about RyR2 is that it works inside the cell as a regulator of intracellular calcium.
Her interest was piqued: Upon graduating in 1999 she joined the lab of Ding Xue at the University of Colorado, Boulder, to study how cell death is regulated in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.
That fetal blood holds all sorts of interesting — and potentially therapeutic — cells and molecules.
When looking for genes that might play important roles in the metabolism of healthy and cancerous liver cells, Wang and his colleagues became interested in a gene called SLC13A5, which produces a protein that transports citrate into cells.
Nevertheless, kesterites are considered interesting alternatives to CIGS solar cells because they consist of common elements, so that no supply bottlenecks are to be expected.
Thus, light - sheet systems have become the next wave in live - cell imaging for many scientists interested in high - speed cellular activities, such as the firing of neurons or the flowing of blood cells.
My subject covers a variety of fields, but I am mainly interested in genetics, cell / molecular biology, and physiology.
«This work may have interesting implications for the stem cell field,» says Richard Lang, a professor of developmental biology at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation.
This sparked my interest in the role of one type of immune cell — dendritic cells — in GVHD, and I thought this could constitute a postdoc project.
«What we decided to do was take a completely unbiased approach where instead of targeting individual genes of interest, we would express randomized guides inside of the cell,» Lu says.
Projects of interest include creating drugs that fight HIV, bacteria that seek and invade tumor cells, and biological sources of renewable energy.
Although the regulation of this gene has a strong «cell cycle control» component, I was more interested in studying cell cycle regulation «proper.»
The study, recently published in Cell Metabolism, also found that beige fat, unlike the better - known white and brown fat, has interesting anti-diabetic effects on blood sugar metabolism that seem independent of temperature regulation.
The technique analyzes the spatial organization of chromatin in a cell and detects all the genomic regions that interact with a particular region of interest.
A combination of circumstances induced me to leave India and enroll in the graduate program in what was then the department of cellular and developmental biology at the University of Arizona, Tucson, in the U.S. My Ph.D. supervisor, Neil Mendelson, had been a well - known name in DNA replication and cell division in Bacillus subtilis, but by the time I had joined his lab, his interest had decidedly shifted to cell shape determination.
«The challenge has been how to direct certain therapies designed to manipulate genes of interest in specific cells without developing a specific drug carrier for each specific cell type.
Dr. Massagué is particularly interested in the ability of tumor cells to hug blood vessels, as he suspects this behavior may be essential for the survival of metastatic cancer cells not only in the brain but also in other parts of the body where metastatic tumor growth can occur.
«All of them are interesting; all of them are important,» Collins said about the three types of stem cells.
A very interesting finding was that this mechanism is important for maintaining the identity of the cells.
«So there has been a lot of interest in the diabetes research community: If you can target those antigen - presenting B - cells, that could be potentially a very effective disease intervention,» says JAX Professor David Serreze, Ph.D., lead author of a highlighted study published in the Journal of Immunology.
«But what I find most interesting in Parkes» samples is the high density of microbial cells.
Another interesting aspect to the work is that it demonstrates the possibility of adding new machinery to human cells to enable them to make therapeutic agents in response to disease signals.»
«Ultimately we're talking about biological systems — we're not really interested in one cell, we're interested in how analyzing many single cells can help us better understand an [entire] system,» says Adam Abate, associate professor of bioengineering in the University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy.
But what [was] really interesting in this study of the sled dogs, of Larry the sled dog in particular, was the discovery that some of these high performance dogs appear to have the ability to draw fat directly out of their and blood right into their muscle cells and immediately burn it that way, which is a more efficient way than normally what you'd see.
But their overriding interest in BPTES, says Slusher, was in how it works: by blocking the production of glutamine, an amino acid that acts as a building block of cells and is used frequently by pancreatic cancers to create more cancer cells.
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