Sentences with phrase «many changes it is seeing»

However, the company is clear that none of the many changes it is seeing are slowing down its timeline for moving to its large - format Series 6.
«At 14W,» Brown adds, «I felt that the rapid changes we were seeing in retail were only just beginning.
This surge in AI - focused businesses in coworking spaces is indicative of the wider changes we're seeing in the way we work and the way we interact with one another.
This has caused me to reflect more deeply on the changes we are seeing and how a new social buyer ecosystem is forming.
Hence the changes we are seeing.
Relationships and change are seen as accidental.
The best theory to explain the rate and extent of change we're seeing includes the effect produced by people.
«The biggest change we're seeing now is sugar is becoming more of a focus and more at the forefront than ever,» Gettys says.
What changes are you seeing in your area?
And hey, that's the kind of thing that even Beth herself admits: she pushed herself and her competition hard to make WWE have no choice but to hire her, and she talks about how her performances during a «leaner» period in women's wrestling in WWE helped bring about the kind of gradual changes we're seeing today:
Talk about any changes you're seeing and discuss how your discipline strategies are working.
Strong positive associations with weight change were seen for starches, refined grains, and processed foods.
However, because the change was seen as temporary, the eight districts GAO visited made only marginal changes to their menus.
Contact your doctor to make him aware of any changes you are seeing.
Stability and gradual change were seen as key in maintaining the complicated structures of Saudi Arabian society and politics.
The big difference is that most of the changes we are seeing have a foundation in data.
The boundary changes are seen as likely to help the Conservatives and boost David Cameron's chances of winning an overall majority in 2015.
«Since these changes were seen in remitted patients they may reflect an ongoing vulnerability related to the pathophysiology of this common and disabling severe mood disorder,» Carter added.
«It's possible the kinds of changes we are seeing with increased jet stream sinuosity might continue into the future as a result of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, although it's not a perfect comparison,» said Gabriel Bowen, a geochemist at the University of Utah and an author on the study.
No change was seen in those given a sham treatment (Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / nature09656).
In contrast, no change was seen in people who had lost or maintained weight (Journal of Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1523 / jneurosci.2105 - 10.2010).
A similar change is seen from northern Colorado north to the Canadian border.
27 percent reduction in conotruncal defects, or severe heart outflow tract abnormalities; 23 percent reduction in coarctation of the aorta — a narrowing of the major artery (the aorta) that carries blood to the body; 15 percent reduction in atrial and ventricular septal defects — holes in the wall separating heart chambers; however, no changes were seen with regard to chromosomally associated defects — abnormality in the number of an infant's chromosomes.
The biggest changes were seen in West Antarctica, where more than a fifth of the ice sheet has retreated across the sea floor faster than the pace of deglaciation.
Does that mean the change we're seeing now is normal, or is the climate behaving in new ways because of human influence?
The same change is seen in patients with neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, Down's syndrome, and autism, and in people with poor impulse control.
«The scales of change we are seeing is something that modern society has never experienced,» Prather notes.
She wanted to be part of the changes she was seeing — or at least hoped she was seeing — in the Polish scientific community, even if it meant taking on some career - related risk.
Using data collected by thousands of volunteers through «citizen science» schemes, responses to recent climate change were seen to vary greatly from species to species.
Both of these changes were seen in stem tetrapods as they moved onto land.
The changes we're seeing just over 20 years are more than enough cause for real concern.»
In these conditions, fewer neurons were needed after training with VR, while no change was seen in the group that trained by walking on a treadmill without VR.»
Given the large changes we are seeing in the ice sheets today, that's not likely.»
No statistically significant change was seen in states that offered only religious exemptions or that had medium and difficult exemption processes.
After treatment, greater activation was evident on fMRI in the treatment group during performance of a memory task; no change was seen in the placebo group.
I'm curious, if the mid-holocene event resulted from solar activity, rather than orbital effects, would the resolution of our paleoclimate data really be high enough to determine whether or not these changes were as rapid as the changes we're seeing today?
Similar changes were seen in a crater etched into the Centauri Montes region of Mars, which apparently changed sometime between August 1999 and February 2004.
«So, they can give some valuable baseline data to help us understand the magnitude of the changes we're seeing now.»
Even those who see me on a daily basis are taken aback by the changes they're seeing.
Weil cautions that the supplement may need to be taken six to eight weeks before any changes are seen.
I am amazed and excited about the changes I am seeing and I have only been taking it for about 1 week.
By the end of the study, a number of very beneficial changes were seen to naturally occur.
Sudden intense hunger pangs and mood changes are seen as common and normal in our society.
No significant changes were seen in body composition between conditions.
Strong positive associations with weight change were seen for starches, refined grains, and processed foods.
As in the changes we're seeing in our global society, one needs to keep an open mind to what is good and progressive change.
As «Mad Men» begins to wind down toward its conclusion, the goings - on in the show move through the «60s at a relatively rapid clip, with social change being seen in the workplace even as Don Draper seems trapped forever as a guy who can't be happy at home, no matter how hard he tries.
Ferrara, now a resident of Rome himself, talks with African musicians and restaurant workers, Chinese barkeeps and relocated eastern Europeans, homeless men and women, artists, members of the right wing movement CasaPound Italia, filmmaker Matteo Garrone, actor Willem Dafoe, and others, all with varying opinions about the vast changes they're seeing in their neighborhood and world.
The huge drive to equip state schools with interactive whiteboards (IWB) resulted in huge market saturation for the technology but many IWBs are now nearing the end of their natural lives, and one of the major areas of change I'm seeing in schools is their decision to think about next generation technology.
Marshall Tuck, a former Los Angeles charter schools executive who ran unsuccessfully for state superintendent in 2014, credited Vergara and its nine student plaintiffs for the change he's seen in the halls of the capitol.
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