Sentences with phrase «many competing theories»

Competing theories suggest an insider may have been involved or that the attackers might have first had an account on the site and then discovered weaknesses that they then decided to exploit.
After all, kids should be exposed to all competing theories.
The extremely strong gravity of a massive neutron star in orbit with a companion white dwarf star puts competing theories of gravity to a test more stringent than any available before
Over the years, the Supreme Court has had trouble deciding between two competing theories on how the courts should interpret the religion clause of the First Amendment.
A second extreme that must be resisted is the idea that there are no nonrelativistic truths in terms of which to measure competing theories.
In science, as distinct from theology, a critical comparison of the competing theories, of the competing frameworks, is always possible.
But note that the shared observational core, against which competing theories may be tested, is not in general free from theoretical interpretation.
Wright does a good job of examining and dismantling several competing theories that have become prevalent in Western Christian thought:
The opinions collected here» some dissenting from the majority of the Court, others concurring in judgment but rejecting the majority's reasoning» show how Scalia applies his textualism to these issues, and how it differs from competing theories of interpretation, most notably the «living Constitution» view favored by many on the left and the varieties of intentionalism favored by many conservatives and moderates.
The evidence for each is not what I would call «strong evidence» hence there are about 6 competing theories with dozens more with less solid evidence.
Because, clearly, if you personally have not done these things, these is simply NO basis to choose between competing theories, right?
IF u are apologetic to the creationist theory or that we came from adam and eve as a competing theory to evolution, then your creationist theory will already be refuted because it doesn't hold up to the evidence.
There are many competing theories as to what caused that and we are finding more and more evidence all the time leading back to earlier and earlier times, closer and closer to that beginning.
Theres also a competing theory that getting concussions actually makes you smarter since it kills off the weaker brain cells first - making your brain more operate effecent as a whole.
A competing theory has it that the laser pulses rapidly heat water molecules in the inner ear, causing tiny shockwaves that vibrate the hairs in the same way sound waves normally do.
From past experiments, two competing theories emerged to explain how plants manipulated solar energy.
By developing treatments for dyscalculia, Butterworth hoped to test competing theories about the cognitive basis of numeracy.
By the 1970s several competing theories emerged to explain Cascadia's silence.
Next, Dekker and the team, led by Leonid Mirny, PhD, associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed sophisticated computer simulations using polymer models of the DNA molecule for the two competing theories for mitotic chromosome organization.
Several competing theories explain when and by what routes our earliest ancestors migrated out of Africa after they evolved there as early as 300,000 years ago.
Ever since, scientists have debated the cause of the anomaly, split over two competing theories of its origin.
For years, the disappearance of the Clovis culture and sudden extinction of 35 genera of animals were explained by two competing theories.
The hunt for dark matter particles has been fruitless and expensive, so it's encouraging that fresh competing theories are being taken more seriously
Noticeable blurring would help justify some key assumptions about how quantum gravity works, or even allow us to discriminate between competing theories.
While there are competing theories about where the Alvarezsaurid originated, the authors suggest that the discovery of an Alvarezsaurid at this site in Uzbekistan indicates that this group had an evolutionary history in Asia and provides evidence that this continent could have been where the clade originated.
Song compared two competing theories for how the status of the people we know affect our mental health, as well as two cultural explanations for why that mental health effect can vary across society.
This discovery of RR Lyrae stars provides compelling evidence that helps astronomers decide between two main competing theories for how nuclear bulges form [1].
The competing theory was described in 1973 by psychologists Nathan Azrin and Richard Foxx in their paper, «Dry pants: a rapid method of toilet training children.»
According to a competing theory, toward the end of its formation Mars suffered a giant collision with a protoplanet: but why did the debris from such an impact create two small satellites instead of one enormous moon, like the Earth's?
A competing theory, Hefti says, holds that the growth of neuritic «tangles,» linked to specific proteins called tau proteins, is the primary cause, with the wayward peptide - splitting enzymes simply an offshoot.
That is of interest because there are competing theories about what would happen to such black holes.
In doing so, he has ruled out three other competing theories involving clumsiness, predation, and the effects of bloating as seen in armadillo roadkills.
A competing theory suggests that cosmic rays bombarding Earth from outer space initiate lightning by introducing high - energy electrons that begin the cascade leading to a strike.
I realize that there are many opinions and competing theories at the fringe of our knowledge about the cosmos and our existence, but you could at least reference this conflict and give readers some context for this latest venture into the unknown.
«The making of Antarctica: New explanation links competing theories of the origin of Antarctic glaciation and highlights complexity of climate change.»
The existence of strong gravitational waves would rule out many competing theories of quantum gravity and indicate the correct path forward.
The ekpyrotic universe eliminates the need for dark matter and dark energy, makes inflation unnecessary, offers an explanation for the Big Bang, offers an answer to whether our universe is a onetime fluke or one of many, and grows directly out of a physical theory that appears to reconcile all of the currently existing competing theories of high - energy physics.
Navigating a minefield of competing theories, problematic ethnographic analogies, and woefully incomplete data, the author provides measured insights into the complex processes at work.
A new computational method, published in the journal Systematic Biology, tested two competing theories about how species came to live where they do and found strong evidence for jump dispersal, especially for island species.
«Today there are many competing theories of quantum gravity.
A competing theory holds that life started in shallow freshwater pools over a hydrothermal field, like those in modern - day Iceland.
Despite decades of research, scientists had been unable to reliably distinguish between two competing theories of coral growth.
To date there hasn't been a lot of strong evidence in support of any of the competing theories, but here we have confirmed that the classic theory is probably on the right track.
Although a spin - liquid state has previously been observed in herbertsmithite, there has never been a detailed analysis of how the material's electrons respond to light — a key to determining which of several competing theories about the material is correct.
This diversity bolsters one of two competing theories about the way our early ancestors evolved, spreading out more like a tree than a bush.
Was the «engulfer» a eubacteria or an archaean - yes - it depends on which of competing theories you choose?
The biology is messy, and there are many competing theories, so here we tend to converge them in a unified conceptualization [for more detailed treatment, visit the «Origins of the Eukara» pages at Palaeos].
There are a number of competing theories as to why the ice has been increasing and these can be split into two categories:
Competing theories of borderline personality disorder Gunderson JG, Fruzzetti A, Unruh B, Choi - Kain L. Journal of Personality Disorders.
A crisp image can tip the evidentiary scale toward one of several competing theories about the identity of a cellular or tissue feature, how it is structured...
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