Sentences with phrase «many conservative thought»

It has been based on the production of lies developed by the fossil fuel industry through industry - funded conservative think - tanks, laundered through conservative foundations, spun and repeated by right - wing media outlets, and adopted as ideology by the Republican Party.
I'm sure Bay Street and the conservative think tanks can come up with with some ideas of their own.
But he acknowledged that student debt was a «huge issue», telling the Bright Blue liberal conservative think tank's conference: «If you wanted to say you want to reduce that (fees) then either fewer people go to university or the experience would be less.
Some 12 «conservative thought leaders» will join the meeting with Zuckerberg on Wednesday, a Facebook spokesman said.
«It is the first time the Libertarian ticket will have more government experience than the Republican ticket, and that is astonishing,» says Stan Veuger, a resident scholar and economist at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.
Published by the conservative think - tank Fraser Institute, the report's goal is to influence public policy and «set the record straight» on «wildly off - base» reports on financial costs of raising children.
«We get millions of reports every week of potential violations,» Monika Bickert, Facebook's vice president of global policy management, said during a discussion at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, in Washington on Tuesday.
The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, will also hold meetings about the issue with Facebook executives, Axios reports.
Donors Trust's board of directors, which ultimately decides who gets funded, reads like a conservative who's - who directory: Arthur Brooks, president of American Enterprise Institute; John Von Kannon, vice president of the Heritage Foundation; William Mellor, president of the Institute for Justice, a libertarian legal firm; and Kris Alan Mauren, director of the Acton Institute, a Michigan - based conservative think tank.
Lighthizer is expected to try to nix another transnational court for investment disputes, and he has backing from a wide variety of constitutional lawyers, environmental and labor groups, and conservative think tanks that say the special courts encroach on U.S. sovereignty.
Late last year, Mr. Anders publicly mused about starting his own conservative think - tank once his 17 - year career as an MP ends in 2015.
Facebook invited a number of conservative think tanks and free market groups to a secretive meeting in Washington, D.C., where they were forced to sign strict legal agreements to prevent discussion of the event.
Jason Delisle is a resident fellow at conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute and an advocate for changes to the PSLF program.
Ross Douthat had a nice piece recently showing the electoral and rhetorical stupidity of this strategic move on the part of Huntsman's campaign in attacking the base of what conservatives think is important.
One postmodern and conservative thought is «Neither Locke nor Rousseau,» but that's because we see truth in both what would be Locke's criticism of Rousseau and Rousseau's criticism of Locke.
He discusses another one of those ridiculous, «why conservatives think the way they do» articles soon to be published, and weighs in with a theory of his own for higher levels of global warming skepticism among the world's Rush Limbaughs.
We conservatives think that nature exists to be used well by the human person, just as we think that human nature isn't an oxymoron.
Tony Perkins, president of the Christian conservative think - tank Family Research Council, doesn't see it that way.
(That's how today's nutbag conservatives think.)
Madison expresses the conservative thought that people will always be prejudiced, and so it's good that the Constitution (by being so hard to change) leads Americans to prejudiced in favor of what's actually good.
Tocquevillian postmodern conservative thought suggests we can't fully understand Rock, nor Disco, until we admit that the fully Modern and fully Democratic age only arrived recently, during the 60s, of course.
I'd be fine if the cartoon was lampooning an actual conservative belief or pointing out a real logical fallacy of conservative thought; but this doesn't seem to be doing that.
Nonetheless, denial of that evidence is a sizable, well - financed industry Conservative think tanks have produced scores of studies that try to discredit the data, the methodology and, not least, the motives of those who report the obvious.
Richards is a senior fellow at the conservative think - tank the Discovery Institute and author of «Money, Greed and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and Not the Problem.»
If you want to know what a conservative thinks of religious zealots, go read Barry Goldwater's prescient words:
Not to accept these qualifications of exegesis is to run the risk of twisting the Bible in the name of conservative thought.
One of the cornerstones of modern conservative thinking - indeed, of conservative thinking generally - is the critique of utopianism.
Funny how I don't care what conservatives think about anything.
Conservatives think that a large federal government with expensive programs becomes a burden on society that actually can't be sustained and creates worse conditions in the long run.
This fundamental caveat aside, Jerry Muller (and Princeton University Press) are to be applauded for providing a first - rate anthology of conservative thought.
Here we arrive at a paradox that Jerry Z. Muller's anthology of conservative thought richly highlights: conservatism is that theory which aims to protect sound practice against corrosive and corrupting theory.
reading this piece about Donald Livingston and the Abbeville Institute got me thinking: what new books about conservative thought would it be beneficial for interested students to read?
He approves Russell Kirk's dictum that there is no conservatism without natural law: «The «first canon» of conservative thought is: «belief in a transcendent order, or body of natural law, which rules society as well as conscience.
That's one of the most fundamental differences, I think, between a deeply conservative position and a strictly libertarian one: conservatives think that for all its merits, the right we have to choose in the marketplace needs to be shaped by virtue and ordered by a moral order (I never tire of pointing out that Adam Smith thought himself a moral philosopher).
reading this piece about Donald Livingston and the Abbeville Institute got me thinking: what new books about conservative thought would it be beneficial for....
It's certainly more in line with a lot of modern liberal thought than modern conservative thought.
Conservative think tank is an oxymoron at this point and time in this country.
Conservative thinking / actions have given us NONE of those things.
It's a greatest - hits tour of 20th century conservative thought, with an emphasis on libertarian, pluralist, and....
I would keep those conservative thoughts to yourself when you talk to the liberal lemmings.
More typical of conservative thought about the politics of culture is Francis Fukuyama of George Mason University.
It is an interesting thesis, although he pushes it too far when he writes that «In the past twenty years, conservative thought as represented in conservative journals and think tanks has increasingly come to reflect southern traditions, experience, and cultural ideas.
This was a real gain for conservative thought.
What is the Role of Leo Strauss in Conservative Thought?
Maybe we need a Conservative Digest to bring together the best of conservative thought on the Web and in print?
Not even all conservatives think this is a bad thing, you know — I'm fairly conservative, but I do understand that children abandoned by their parents need homes.
In the process of justifying his antagonism to the Revolution, an antagonism that surprised his fellow Whigs, Burke explored almost every theme that was to become a leitmotif of Anglo - American conservative thought.
I don't think I should though apparently the religious conservatives think otherwise.
And how about the shooting attack on a Conservative Think Tank last summer.
A break from this his conservative beliefs to embrace the contemporary beliefs in football management that places emphasis on winning titles instead of to be playing good entertaining football without winning the PL and the CL titles which amounted to playing to the gallery will be most welcomed next season if Le Prof will change from his conservative thinking to contemporary thinking..
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