Sentences with phrase «many controversial points»

His final and most controversial point in response to the legislative changes question was about what he dubbed «enabling innovation».
We actually do not have sufficient hope and courage to develop the controversial points of doctrine in such a way that they can become intelligible and acceptable for the others, or at least need no longer be regarded as separating the Churches.
This is, indeed, a controversial point in Whitehead exegesis, 26 but I can see no other plausible way of reading the text.
In fact those who uphold the Church's teaching on difficult and controversial points may not have always understood why the Church teaches what she does.
Lem me me raise a controversial point, who here is with me when I say we should sell wilshere and get a striker???
It goes to stress a very controversial point.
He seems confused that no - one debated whether it was right or wrong that terrorists murder people after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, seemingly without recognising that it's because this is not a controversial point that it was not debated.
One of the most controversial points is the engagement with Iran and Syria, but Mr Blair insisted it was not a question of «being unwilling to sit down with people or not, but the basis on which we discuss Iraq».
The onus will be on selecting Members with «sound» views who can be relied on to be loyal and supportive of the Government's position at controversial points of the legislation.
That scale makes it a somewhat controversial point in science, because it seems like an impossible feat to map an entire human brain at the cellular level.
This will be a controversial point, but many essential oils are not safe for internal use and others should be used with extreme caution.
Some of his more controversial points included the need to embed responsibility and accountability systems deep into every classroom and office, and the importance of identifying and then removing superfluous burdens from school staff to enable them to improve teaching and learning outcomes with pace and certainty.
But probably his most controversial point was that this infrastructure removes the need for governing bodies and headteachers.
Some of the more controversial points that he will be discussing include the need to embed responsibility and accountability systems deep into every classroom and office, and the importance of identifying and then removing superfluous burdens from school staff to enable them to improve teaching and learning outcomes with pace and certainty.
The most controversial point that Fielder will be making is that this infrastructure removes the need for governing bodies and headteachers.
But on Friday, state education officials also unveiled several changes to the proposal — which doesn't require a General Assembly vote to become official policy — that dial back a few of REPA II's most controversial points.
This quickly became a controversial point, with people starting to talk about it in The Bookseller magazine.
Peel off the back cover and the Nexus S throws up one of its controversial points — there is no microSD card slot.
Controversial points raised in the video include that it still isn't cheap enough and the «Settings» app is too hard to find, but the biggest issues were the «bias» opinions present in what was supposed to be an objective question.
This is not a controversial point, serious IPCC advocates include this derivation as part of their narrative.
Is this a controversial point for you?
In every team of lead authors there were always a few alarmist types who could put the most dangerous spin on any controversial point of science.
Constraints of space preclude an examination of all these issues in the current post, which is intended only as a first reaction to what I consider to be some of the more intriguing or controversial points raised by the guidelines.
When lower civil courts face controversial points of law, they may refer a question of interpretation to the Supreme Court and request a preliminary ruling.
Here, arises one of the most controversial points regarding the dismissal of Andreas Antonopoulos as a witness.
This is going to be the most controversial point of failure.
One of the most controversial points is the last, «Separating children from an alienating parent is traumatic.»

Not exact matches

Lastly — at a panel in the afternoon Tristan Walker, Director of Business Development for FourSquare, Marci Weisler of Tipping Point Partners, Daniel Kim founder of Red Mango and Inc. blogger Howard Greenstein tackled the hotly controversial topic of leveraging daily deal sites and tapping into local marketing.
«We make a big deal about the controversial nature of our business and market around it,» explains Biderman, pointing out that the thousands of user profiles on Avid's various international sites represent, in the aggregate, a vast sociological study of human infidelity, an area that has traditionally attracted little in the way of sociological scrutiny.
Given that Trump has, more recently, reneged on some of his more controversial proposals, entrepreneurs point out that the future is uncertain.
Exactly when things went off the rails is subject to debate, but many point to the controversial acquisition of Compaq Computer in 2001 by HP's then - CEO Carly Fiorina as the start of the decline.
John Kirton, co-director of the G - 20 Research Group at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs, called the summit a «very solid success,» pointing to broad agreement on the agenda, much of it focusing on less controversial issues such as women's empowerment and promoting digitalization.
A controversial figure in his own right, Steinbrenner found himself in trouble at various points of his career.
While Reddit's move is controversial — skeptics point out that salaries may be based on an applicant's previous pay, which may or may not have been fair — it's nonetheless a concerted effort to lessen the disparity, and one that seems to be raising awareness for the issue at large.
The move remains deeply controversial, but it did earn Michigan points in our Workforce category.
Peele, BuzzFeed, and Monkeypaw Productions used a controversial but widely available software to make the video, in an effort to demonstrate the dangers of «deepfakes,» aka digitally manipulated videos that have the power to «make it look like anyone is saying [or doing] anything at any point in time,» that didn't actually happen.
Particularly controversial are the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant in the UK (currently under construction and controversial because of security concerns) and the Toulouse airport in France (a Chinese consortium purchased a majority stake but was relegated to a minority stake after French government intervention).
Another data - point to flesh out the Facebook data misuse scandal: The company has informed the European Commission that a total of 2.7 million EU citizens had their information improperly shared with the controversial political consultancy, Cambridge Analytica (via Reuters).
But while the situation has long been simmering, Tomaino's tweet comes at what might be a new boiling point, following what was arguably the account's most controversial message in history.
What especially struck me was that Richard, by then a controversial figure who had criticized the World Council of Churches and who had denounced the abortion right created by Roe v. Wade, loved debate and encouraged thinkers with diverse points of view to gather together.
The Lineamenti point out that, through recent projects such as the Courtyard of the Gentiles, Pope Benedict has tried to promote that respectful engagement with secular opinion - formers that Vatican II encouraged so strongly in Gaudium et Spes, one of the concluding - and most controversial - documents of the Council.
As Rod merely agrees with Jesus on this point, it should not be too controversial.
I know that this point might be controversial (But which of these 5 points are not?)
The post materialized after a long phone conversation between us in the wake of my controversial post about Dave Ramsey and poverty, at which point I realized my sister knew way more about this topic than I did.
I said that he was controversial, and that the people who DO believe those things about him can point to some pretty solid evidence to back up their claim.
«In three controversial Wednesday Audiences, Pope John Paul II pointed out that the essential characteristic of heaven, hell or purgatory is that they are states of being of a spirit (angel / demon) or human soul, rather than places, as commonly perceived and represented in human language.
The book's celebrated and controversial epigraph - «Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord» (Romans 12:19)- points to this twofold message.
Some of the mainstream media jumped on Dobson's comments, leading him to point to controversial televangelist Paula White as the source of the potential «born again» incident.
Let's face it, even non-Christians read the Bible in its «usual or most basic sense» most of the time on points that are not controversial.
I don't think it was the healing that was the thrust of what was controversial and upset leaders, but when it was done on the Sabbath and in a synagogue, overriding their protocol about Sabbath rest with him pointing out the hypocrisy them criticising him while at the same time untying their donkey, say, on the Sabbath.
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