Sentences with phrase «many deep ecologists»

The deep ecologists, pantheists, and so forth say that nature would cheer if man — the human person — were to disappear.
By contrast, deep ecologists disparage such a distinction and its attendant personalistic imagery, and in Heidegger intimations of a loving God remain quite undeveloped.
Heidegger sometimes leans in this direction as well, but deep ecologists deny such a distinction.
In the case of the deep ecologists, Christians can recognize that in many instances a Christian environmental ethic — often called stewardship — has been shallow rather than deep.
Can they develop theologies of ecology that affirm the intrinsic value of all life, as do the deep ecologists and most others within environmental philosophy, and that also affirm the care of a compassionate God for the poor and oppressed, as do prophetic biblical traditions?
On the other hand, if we look at the Jewish scriptures in light of some of the more extreme expressions coming from deep ecologists and others, we do find an emphasis on discontinuity as well.
In seeking to root out man's claim to a special status in the universe, deep ecologists are pagan pantheists who reject biblical religion, especially the injunction of Genesis 1:28 to «Fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the seas, the birds of the sky, and all the living beings that move on this earth.»
It is the Whiteheadian insistence on this distinction that many deep ecologists find offensive, but Whiteheadians can not give it up simply to diminish opposition to our view.
Nothing in either volume on deep ecology suggests that this is an appropriate reflection for deep ecologists.
But it has been Shepard's formulation and the conclusions he drew from it that have been of greatest importance both for deep ecologists and for me.
I assumed, therefore, that I was a deep ecologist.
Furthermore, the proposals of deep ecologists illustrate the far too direct move from a new sensibility to policy recommendations that results from the depreciation of ethical reflection.
My argument is not against the intentions and actual sensibility of leading deep ecologists.
We may hope that by showing that judgments of comparative value do not replace or count against the positive insights of deep ecologists, the offense may at least be reduced, and the alliance on the many points of agreement can be strengthened.
We have more to gain from the rich explorations of individual deep ecologists than from their formal conceptual statements and arguments.
This suggests that the criticism of animal rights advocates may not be as much a matter of shared principle among deep ecologists as I have supposed.
The lack of attention by deep ecologists to the relations of human beings to individual nonhuman subjects is connected with their distaste for ethics as usually understood.
Despite Naess's openness to Whiteheadians, the objection to any gradation in the valuation of other species is widespread among deep ecologists.
Deep ecologists have pressed the question of why civilized human beings, and especially those in the modern West, have become so alienated from nature.
Deep ecologists, like feminists, have been led to explorations of history, of individual psychology, and of how we raise and educate our children.
This lack of interest in the subjective experience of nonhuman animals seems characteristic of other deep ecologists as well.
His own views, so influential among deep ecologists, are opposed to the judgments of relative intrinsic value that seem inescapable to most Whiteheadians.
To clarify this, Whiteheadians must defend the gradations of value that have offended deep ecologists.
Whereas Whiteheadians can rightly be faulted for failing to probe the sensibility that leads to acceptance of false philosophies and the historical and psychological origins of this sensibility, deep ecologists can be faulted for failing to provide practical proposals for slowing and finally stopping the human destruction of life - support systems without causing even worse evils.
As noted above, where Whiteheadians affirm a both / and, deep ecologists set up an either / or.
In terms of emphasis, especially in the current global ecological crisis, that of deep ecologists is correct.
These comments suggest that Naess is personally open to entering ethical discussions in a relatively traditional way, If other deep ecologists follow him, the gap between them and Whiteheadians will narrow Meanwhile, however, this opening on the part of Naess can not be taken to characterize the movement as a whole.
This emphasis on interrelatedness connects Whiteheadians with the emphases of many deep ecologists.
Shepard's insights help readers to understand the distaste in which deep ecologists hold those kinds of discourse.
Hence, despite the wide - ranging agreement between Whiteheadians and deep ecologists, despite the generous inclusion of Whitehead by Naess and Shepard, and despite the importance of working together on our shared agenda, it seems better to think of two separate communities concerned to reshape the modern Western attitude and behavior toward the natural world.
The use of the term intrinsic value by deep ecologists misled us into thinking there was more similarity than may in fact exist.
The difference, from the Whiteheadian point of view, is that whereas these deep ecologists think we must choose between an ethical - valuational approach to other creatures and an appreciation of our unity with the whole system of nature, Whitehead shows us the truth of both.
Ruether attends to both Ecofeminist and deep ecologist solutions.
Deep ecologists want to counter Western culture's anthropocentrism — its tendency to place humanity at the center of the universe and to reduce the nonhuman world to an instrument for human ends — with a theory of an expanded self which calls for identification with the nonhuman world.
For many ecofeminists and deep ecologists, such a critique of Christianity is a prelude to its rejection; it is a signal to create new religious systems, opt for non-Western ones, or return to the beliefs and practices of an era preceding the fall of Western civilization into a world - and woman - denying dualism.
Although not fully sympathetic with everything that some of the «deep ecologists» or «Gaia theorists» advocate, these works stand, more than any other works I know, as theological manifestos for an American Green Movement — one book is in a more academic form for the university and seminary, the other in a more confessional mode for the church and community study group.
As early as the 1970s, «deep ecologist» Paul Shephard, developed the misanthropic notion that the whole of humanity should be ghettoized in cities, giving the rest of the planet over to a nature devoid of humans.
Finally, you might be interested in looking at the work of the Buddhist Deep Ecologist, Joanna Macy.
That his thesis has the potential to draw in and engage disparate climate change factions is suggested by the cover - blurb testimonies from an oil company advisor, a deep ecologist, a sociologist, and an environmental scientist.

Not exact matches

«This sort of deep epidemiology is important,» says Raina Plowright, an infectious disease ecologist at Montana State University in Bozeman.
That's how deep - sea physiologist and ecologist Mackenzie Gerringer describes the pressure squeezing down on the deepest known living fish, some 8 kilometers down.
Microbial ecologist Terry Hazen of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and his colleagues used two ships to collect 200 samples from 17 deep water locations between May 25 and June 2.
That's why marine ecologist Rodney Rountree, from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, decided to turn a few mp3 players into waterproof, deep - sea recording devices.
As the six articles in this special report show, hope resides with interdisciplinary collaborations — epidemiologists, climatologists, ecologists, and others working together to solve medical problems with deep social roots.
«This information can help marine ecologists to design optimum plans to protect these areas from deep ocean mining,» Mitarai said.
«The sheer amount of organic matter that is made available is astonishing,» says deep - sea ecologist Paulo Y. G. Sumida at the University of São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil, who studies the ecological role of whale carcasses.
This paper will likely be very influential, adds Lawren Sack, a plant physiologist and ecologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, as paleobiologists can now better estimate photosynthesis for fossils from deep time.
Phytoplankton play key roles in several chemical and nutrient cycles, including taking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and either cycling it through food chains or sequestering it in the deep sea, says marine ecologist David Hutchins of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, who wasn't involved in the current study.
The study presented here highlights current knowledge gaps and provides research recommendations so that ecologists can gain a deeper understanding of the linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem stability in a changing world.
An enthralling three - episode PBS Nature program hosted by bear ecologist and adventurer Chris Morgan takes a 3,000 - mile journey deep into Alaska's bear country to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of majestic brown, black, and polar bears.
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