Sentences with phrase «many dialogue scenes»

Jeremy Renner has quite a few extended dialogue scenes in Wind River.
The sound effects and music were used well to liven up the dialogue scenes.
Although the film is punched up by some energetic cutting and hip - hop music, many dialogue scenes, particularly early on, are badly written and awkwardly staged.
In the end, the movie is still a musical, entirely sung through with little or no spoken dialogue scenes, filmed on a big theatrical set.
The race sequences are well - staged and interesting, but a lot of the dialogue scenes in between are forgettable, and the running jokes don't really work.
Active and scary, but properly modulated for dialogue scenes, this is a reference - quality audio mix.
Though we are largely spared Leonard Nimoy's stentorian presence as a performer, we must endure his miscalculations as a director: the dialogue scenes are often hilariously turgid; the action scenes — when Nimoy can be bothered to descend from his podium and film them — are zanily maladroit.
Some of the dialogue scenes, in fact, can be hard to track, precisely because Favreau apparently coached Downey to say whatever came into his head, no matter who was speaking or what was being talked about.
Picking up for the late Sally Menke, editor Fred Raskin replicates the precise in - and - out - rhythms she managed in Basterds» dialogue scenes; the cutting never feels rushed, even when we're ping - ponging between multiple perspectives in a dinner - table showdown that employs DiCaprio to deliver one of Tarantino's signature extended soliloquies (complete with a faux Yorick skull).
The supposedly cunning protagonist registers as a cipher, and the directors» tendency to shoot dialogue scenes in close - up blunts any understanding of the social milieu he's trying to conquer.
A bit of impromptu (and sloppy) cosmetic surgery was also performed on this film by its U.S. distributor, with additional English dialogue scenes haphazardly edited into the already confusing original.
The disjunction continues with dialogue scenes that flit between gags about turds, Cheers and douchebags and soppy / profound stuff about the true nature of fatherhood and friendship.
Oh, and it doesn't help that the scene before, he and Padme shared one of the worst dialogue scenes in all of Star Wars.
Sisters is one of these movies, as the rapidly cut, stream - of - consciousness comedic dialogue scenes make clear.
While most of the game's text isn't voiced, all of the cut scenes and dialogue scenes with Pikachu are.
Deliberately awkward moments which are funny at first, are allowed to drag into eternity; dialogue scenes run on; and it takes far too long to get to the punch - line.
The characters share a believable chemistry, although they remain static aside from dialogue scenes at inns.
New to this edition is nearly an hour of excerpts from the 1930 sound reissue with a synchronized soundtrack and some new dialogue scenes added.
The music occasionally, almost out of luck, sets the right mood, but most of the time just makes for awkward dialogue scenes and a composition clash of sound and visuals.
Many filmmakers argue that dialogue scenes are the hardest...
I was terrified during the big dialogue scene but I had Danielle Harris to get me through it.
A lot rides on the performances given by actors in Aaron Sorkin - written movies, as they must be able to act out large monologues and fast - paced dialogue scenes.
But when it comes to dialogue scenes between actors, I find it far too constricting (and unfair to the actors) to plan out those shots without the benefit of first playing it on the actual location with the actors.
A dialogue scene follows — though only Lynne speaks.
A much more pervasive dullness in the upscale art movie Damage unifies the sex scenes, the dialogue scenes, and the contrived plot; they're all in the same universe of discourse — or shall we call it the same hell of good taste?
In a less interesting movie, you might find the casting predictable, but del Toro's dynamic camera sense, even in the simplest expository dialogue scenes, challenges the performers to bring it, and to bring the fairy tale to life.
He isn't boring, doing more than shot reverse shot coverage in his dialogue scenes, but he isn't overly ostentatious either.
This won't be to everyone's taste, but very quickly became like candy to me — because, of course, by giving each scene and sequence its full weight and measure (there are rich, trenchant dialogue scenes in this movie, several of them; never better than Jesper Christensen's Mr. White having a quiet word with Bond, or Seydoux's Madeleine passing angrily, drunkenly out, muttering to herself in French), Spectre begins to feel like something no Bond movie has ever felt like before: an actual movie.
His entry, Planet Terror, is the sort of shoddily plotted excuse for madcap violence, gore, and carnage that should be expected, while Tarantino strangely tries for the high road, making the focus of his Death Proof its laborious dialogue scenes, which are at least fortunately topped with a nerve - wracking car chase.
Instead, the dialogue scenes are hollow and overly long, bringing the momentum to a near stop.
Some dialogue scenes between Spider - Man and the Green Goblin are awkward because of the costuming.
Which leads me to X-Men's dilemma that its dialogue scenes are more memorable than its noisy, effects - studded ones, the same for which can not be said of the mawkish smash The Perfect Storm.
Ford did more than any other filmmaker to enshrine Lincoln as a saintly rustic, most memorably in the classic Young Mr. Lincoln (1939), and Spielberg seems to follow his lead in the first dialogue scene of Lincoln.
The Jazz Singer (1927) was the first feature with a dialogue scene, but does that make it a classic?
I looked at the TV and loved the details and vibrant colors of the game, but something about the dialogue scenes caught my attention:
And there were tiny, tiny COGS working behind the eyes of the characters in the dialogue scenes.
There are some sloppy moments and obvious cheats, like extended dialogue scenes that were clearly done with green screen, but the overall piece is quite technically impressive.
The screenwriter has worked overtime to make a two character dialogue scene into a cinematic feast, placing the characters at various locales and telling the story in montage.
This is about all the movie has going for it, because as if it wasn't bad enough that Steele and Grey's relationship has all the depth of a kiddie pool, the two actors have very little chemistry and their interactions, particularly in dialogue scenes, are forced and mechanical.
It's not an overly visual movie, but McCarthy's brightly - lit shots, and a spare music score by Howard Shore, give the many dialogue scenes an urgent sense of rhythm.
The first dialogue scene sets the tone and direction for the film.
We discuss the overall feel in advance, then, in the case of simple sequences like dialogue scenes, I will even rely on the cinematographer to suggest improvements on my shots on the set.
The couple's lives together are shown in dialogue scenes interleaved with silent panoramic shots of the vast and slightly featureless East Anglian landscape; these do not cleanse the palate exactly, but add to the growing unease.
In fact, discounting a few painfully awkward dialogue scenes, The Neon Demon's first half makes the film seem like Refn's most surface - level - satisfying work since Drive.
It seems like compared to your other dialogue scenes, it doesn't cut away from the shot of her as much.
Working with a smaller budget, it's basically a four - character film which wouldn't suffer too much from being staged in a theatre — featuring unusually long dialogue scenes in diners, restaurants and motel rooms, with staccato rhythms and masculine posturing borrowed from David Mamet, another of Anderson's key, acknowledged influences.
2 (Grade: B): This kinder, gentler second half (not a sequel, the producers stress) of Quentin Tarantino's epic vengeance saga has its heroine (Uma Thurman) buried alive, training with a kung fu master (Gordon Liu), battling several villains (Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah) for re-possession of her samurai sword and trying to work out her relationship problems with Bill (David Carradine) in an anti-climactic series of rather static dialogue scenes.
«The Accountant» has a stunning surplus of slow dialogue scenes, studded with accounting lingo, and topped off by a dizzyingly dull accounting montage.
As an actor, which is more challenging, keeping true to your character while doing all that shoot «em up stuff, or the heavy dialogue scenes?
These are all simply dialogue scenes and none contain information which wasn't already in the film.
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