Sentences with phrase «many different bases»

«Everything went very smoothly with packages being delivered from four different bases across the country.»
Sometimes, having policies is great, but the way they're interpreted or implemented can be very different based on the individuals who are in charge of implementing them and how they interpret those policies.
Each company's definition of a «lead» is different based on their web goals, so it's important to businesses to be able to track leads!
We found that the best mortgage lender will look different based on where your priorities lie.
This number can be different based on where the mutual fund manager is employed.
The Budget and Estimates are also on different basis of accounting.
Follow up may look different based on the priority of the lead; however, the bare minimum should be a short thank you email letting them know that you will be in touch.
Investing results can be very different based on these adjustments.
Exactly how are we any different based on your standards?
41,000 christian sects all believing something different based on the deeply flawed, contradictory, historically inaccurate, wildly fanciful bronze age story book.
So we have a different basis for valuing people.
To a notable degree even yet, the unmodernized Indian's life is corporate, and the individual exists only in his tribal relationships and functions, so that when the Government, even with good intentions, has tried to serve the Indian on a different basis, taking him away from home for education, discouraging old folk - ways as heathenish, assuming individualistic thinking in his treatment, the result has commonly been the disintegration of the Indian's life.
Jesus calls for living here and now, in a society that operates on a quite different basis, the life of the basileia theou.
This is really a different basis for prayer.
Though beginning from somewhat different bases, both death - of - God and Zen reject all transcendence modes that separate ultimate reality from contemporary living event.
But such implication sets the whole notion on a very different basis from that usually ascribed.
But it comes from an entirely different basis.
To respond to the ecological crisis it may help us to go deeper into our own religious tradition to see different bases other than what we already found.
These writers and innovators are, in some sense, Noahs, and the arks they are building may help us ride out the storm, or at least reestablish our civilizations on a different basis once the waters recede.
Disputes over intrinsic values have a different basis and resolution.
Conflicts between judgments regarding these two kinds of value have different bases and must be resolved in different ways.
I've experimented with so many different bases over the last few years, and this one is my favourite.
Try different base teas, carob instead of cacao, your favourite superfoods, nuts and seeds, spices, essential oils etc..
I may try it again with a different base to put it over and see if that helps.
With 18 to 20 different base products but making just 1 million liters of rum a year, St. Lucia Distillers is small in comparison to industry leaders.
Loved the corn in it, but would probably start with a different base for polenta (e.g., with chicken broth or cream / milk).
Individual people can react to any food and everyone is different so the elimination diet could look different based on the uniqueness of each person going through it.
I've used three different base recipes and many combinations of gluten - free flours and this is the sturdiest with the best flavor yet.
Obviously this spring soup has a totally different base, but I needed a quick snack... and this soup was a 10 minute option, faster than the original root veg version and also much more seasonal!
I did use a slightly different base for the pancakes than the one in my first basic pancake recipe, though I can't tell you which is better because the chocolate and coffee flavors made them hard to compare — texture-wise, however, both are quite fluffy and tasty.
One of the fun things about vegan «mac and cheese» is that because it's already such a departure from the original dish, you can put lots of different spins on it with different base ingredients in the sauce.
Instead of encouraging you to use the Everyday Food recipe as your foundation, I'm suggesting different a base cookie recipe, adapted from (who else?)
The role the player does can be slightly different based on individual playing style.
My response is different based on who is asking the question.
You could easily use a different base, but you might have to adjust the measurements and it may not create the same «fluffy» look of this wreath.
You can even get a few different bases if you plan to use the car seat often.
Because each of Illinois «958 local school districts has the ability to set its own property tax rate, and because each has a different base of local property value on which to collect taxes, there is a wide variance in the tax rates and dollars that support local elementary and high schools.
Because his absorbency needs are different based on the time of day, we do not pre-stuff any of our pocket diapers.
The numbers become even more confused because there are different types of twins, and the rates are different based on zygosity.
This should be calculated using the number of places in the provision which are used by pupils in the school (as opposed to pupils on the rolls of other schools) excluding places occupied by under 5s and pupils aged 16 to 19, although authorities can use a different basis if this is agreed by EFA.
Start with a different base (rice, soy, goat's milk) or remove any nutritional yeast if you added some.
The seat should fit your car: Different car seats have different base designs.
I love how everything you make is so different based off the color and texture you use.
It was decided on an altogether different basis.
Although the then DfES did subsequently provide additional funding, there remained the structural problem of the government deciding on teachers» pay and then giving money to local authorities on a different basis.
«It's a new parliamentary party since the election thank goodness, with lots of new Conservative MPs so we're able to look at this again, not entirely through the prism of the 2013 vote, which was a vote on a slightly different basis and which of course predated the Isil surge across Iraq last year.
Democrats also released their campaign finance information filed with the Federal Election Commission with each drawing from different bases.
Baroness Prosser: confirmed Labour would work with the SNP «on a very different basis» to a coalition (Daily Politics, 30 March 2015).
Specifically, the self - employed face unnecessary bureaucratic burdens in having to prepare monthly accounts for the DWP and annual accounts, on an entirely different basis, for HMRC.
Type: Choosing a type of probiotic can be different based on your child's needs.
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