Sentences with phrase «many different cell»

Now we're talking about groups that are dedicated to one criminal activity, and not a criminal corporation that was controlling different criminal businesses with different cells throughout Mexico.
Thousands of these guides can be injected into different cells at once, a process known as genetic screening.
The goal here is to use «single - cell sequencing to understand how many different cell types there are in the human body, where they reside, and what they do,» as Nature reports.
One possibility is by having several «arms» for printing different cells simultaneously.
Okay, that little millimeter is growing three different cell...
Neural stem cells differentiate into three different cell types: neurons (purple), oligodendrocytes (red), which produce axon insulation, and astrocytes (green), which also support neurons.
The researchers thought this ability to switch between different cell types could explain why they can spread so easily around the body; switching cell type effectively disguises the cells in different tissues.
«Now that we've confirmed the human relevance of our findings, our future goal is to better understand the roles of the different cell types in psychiatric and neurological disorders, and to determine if targeting these cells can actually help treat seizures,» concluded Paz.
«Though it turns out that several different cells pick up the slack in the absence of macrophages, it was the neutrophil that emerged as a major contributor to debris removal.
Molecular characterization of the cells that undergo cell fate transition upon oncogenic Pik3ca expression demonstrated a profound oncogene - induced reprogramming of these newly formed cells and identified gene expression signatures, characteristic of the different cell fate switches, which was predictive of the cancer cell of origin, tumour type and clinical outcomes in women with breast cancers.
The functions of the hippocampus are based on different cell types, some of which are generated throughout life by neural stem cells.
Plath's team found that the changes that happen in cells during reprogramming occur in a sequential stage - by - stage manner, and that importantly, the stages were the same across all the different reprogramming systems and different cell types analyzed.
Neural stem cells are generally accepted to produce three different cell types: neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
Different parts of her body could have come from different cell lines.
«Just as normal cells with the same genome differentiate into many different cell types, a single tumor characterized by specific genetic mutations can contain many different types of cells — stem - like and more differentiated cells — with the difference being rooted in their epigenetic information.
That variability among cells containing the same program kicked off a whole new line of experiments that Elowitz says are focused on «what it is that is making different cells do different things.»
These rod - shaped structures function like grappling hooks between cells: the pili of different cells get caught and then shortened.
In the latest study, the researchers hypothesize that the downregulation of these three genes reprograms the cells so that they return to an embryonic - like state, in which they have the potential to give rise to a number of different cell types.
The Duke researchers who made this discovery say it may help explain how a relatively small number of genes can create the dazzling array of different cell types found in human brains and the nervous systems in other animals.
«Growing stem cells on synthetic surfaces with different levels of compliance showed that stem cells would become a different cell type depending solely on the mechanical environment they perceive.
The enzyme was tested in three different cell lineages: leukemia cells incapable of producing asparagine at normal levels (MOLT4); another line of leukemia cells, in this case capable of producing asparagine at normal levels (REH); and non-malignant cells, used as a control (HUVECs).
In order to isolate the 3D structure of the chromosome during metaphase, the authors used a combination of chromosome conformation capture technologies (3C, 5C and Hi - C) developed by the Dekker lab over the last decade to map the points of contact along the mitotic chromosome in different cell types synchronized to divide at the same time.
These three different cell lineages were subdivided into two groups.
The group's next step is to perform new in vitro trials with different cell types to evaluate the immune response and toxicity.
By understanding how different cells age, Murphy says, researchers may one day not only extend reproduction, but also life span and organ function.
Previous work from Dekker and colleagues had shown that points of interaction along the chromosome influence gene expression and are the reason why different cell types are organized differently in three dimensions.
Researchers have proposed at least five models of Barrett's esophagus, each based on a different cell type.
So just as different cells in a leaf contain different amounts of chlorophyll, coral cells seem to house different amounts of the photosynthetic algae that makes their food, Symbiodinium.
Even then, with a completely clean lab highly focused on meticulous technique, a new contamination struck in 2013 — something Myers identified when several different cell lines showed up with exactly the same mutation.
By turning different cells on and off, the researchers found two separate sets of nerve cells relaying hunting - related messages from the amygdala's central nucleus.
Comparing the metastasized tumors with the original breast tumors, the researchers were surprised to learn that multiple, slightly genetically different cells from the original site had broken away together and established the new tumors.
Roughly speaking, ChIP sequencing can be compared to a microscope, which enables us to observe the presence of different cell components in the entire genome at a given time.
The results, which focus on two choices near the start of embryo formation, show that, when cells are making decisions about what to become, there is greater variation in the activity of the genes in different cells — the same genes may be turned on in some cells and off in others.
Now, a team of scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have developed the Just EGFP Death - Inducing T - cell, or JEDI T - cells, which enable the visualization of T - cell antigens, allowing researchers to study T - cell interactions with different cell types, model disease states, and finally determine the functions of otherwise poorly characterized cell populations.
But it contains four pairs of apparently duplicated images, even though they are labeled as showing different cell lines.
DNA sequencing is used for mapping the sequence of the base pairs, which our DNA consists of, and ChIP sequencing is a derived method in which the sequences are used to determine the presence of different cell components in the genome at a given time.
All these very different cell types have the same ancestor, whose descendants must acquire different fates.
Next, they used a technique called fluorescence - activated cell sorting to separate out the newly differentiated retinal ganglion cells from a mixture of different cells into a highly purified cell population for study.
Semenza says methylation leads to the destruction of NANOG's mRNA so that no protein is made, which in turn causes the embryonic stem cells to abandon their stem cell state and mature into different cell types.
But at least bees have a rudimentary nervous system and a multiplicity of different cells in their bodies.
Different cell types — brain, blood, skin, gut etc. — all have unique and vital roles, yet they all start out the same.
Random differences between cells early in development could be the key to making different cells in the body, according to new research from a team co-led by Professor Wolf Reik.
We found that the genetic background had a major influence on whether or not weaker mutations would confer drug resistance, and in these cases many different cells adapted in a wave.
«This is a major breakthrough and a beautiful example of convergent evolution where vertebrates at least five times have independently evolved» this ability «by modifying different cell types to serve the same function.»
Kelley and his team also used mice with fluorescent markers in different cells of the ear followed by next generation sequencing.
Embryonic stem cells: They can turn into any of the body's 220 different cell types, meaning they are pluripotent.
«These treatments may attack the problem from different angles, helping different cells at different stages of recovery,» says Dorothea Jenkins, M.D., a professor and clinician in the Department of Pediatrics at MUSC and the senior author of the article.
But, much remains to be learned about how these different cells recognize and translate information from a given taste molecule and then activate a nerve to carry this information to the brain.
DNA methylation is one form of epigenetic modification being studied by scientists trying to understand how the same genetic code can produce so many different cells and tissues as well as differences between individuals as closely related as twins.
Implants like these could also control prosthetic limbs more precisely because they relay signals from carefully chosen neurons, rather than having software calculate a signal from recordings of many different cells.
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