Sentences with phrase «many dogs in the house»

Warning: Careful if you have dogs in the house as this sweetener is poisonous to them.
At bedtime, he sleeps on a futon soon to be covered with a futon cover that I received from a different Buy Nothing member, and when we take him upstairs to meet the other dogs in our house, we all get to relax and get to know each other, thanks to some baby gates that I also received through Buy Nothing.
Cleanliness of the house becomes a priority to us mothers when you love and have dogs in your house, and at the same has got a family and a baby to take care of and bring up.
«We will give you Four Wheel drive [vehicle] but you know what, these people were lucky that I do not have big dogs in my house else I would have released the dogs for them to bite them.»
«Andrew wanted to make it clear that HUD was the big dog in housing in Washington and everybody else better respect that,» says one veteran Washington housing expert.
«These people were lucky I did not have big dogs in my house... I'd have released the dogs to bite them for the whole world to ask, «Ohh Moderator, why are you so wicked?»
More Democratic resignations are coming, along with some Blue Dogs in the House and moderate Democrats in the Senate switching party affiliation over to the GOP!
After a study found that kids who grew up on farms or with a dog in the house had fewer allergies, research started to explore the importance of the organisms found in these less - than - sanitized environments and how they impacted health.
And then dies, leaving Jessie handcuffed to the bedposts with a ravenous dog in the house and maybe a serial killer (or a scary hallucination) sharing the room with her.
Amazon isn't the only place to sell your ebooks, and I've had some luck with Apple and Kobo of late, but it remains the big dog in the house
If you have other types of pets such as cats or dogs in your house, choose other types of cages such as aquarium or plastic modular cages rather than barred cages to prevent any unwanted circumstances.
When asked what his mom thinks about him having two dogs in the house, he replied, «Oh, she was surprised, but she loves both dogs.
Make it a priority to do a tick checkup before you let your new dog in the house.
It isn't humane to lock a dog in a house and never take her for exercise.
You can still use them as a sleeping place for your puppy or dog in the house, however.
With eight dogs in my house, when I say «it is time to go work: they are climbing over each other to be the «one to go.»
He's done very well adjusting for being the only dog in the house for 10 years.
This is a matter of safety for the prospective boarder and for other dogs in the house.
(excesses of anything - high stress in your job, high stress at home; driving long hours, dealing with a with a child with physical or psychological issues, dealing with another reactive dog in the house, dealing with a spouse or family member with drug or alcohol issues?
Or, a dog had puppies and the owners simply didn't want that many dogs in the house.
She needs to be the only dog in the house.
«My family loves dogs — we have had anywhere from 1 - 3 dogs in our house.
«Having a dog in the house provides a great way to teach children responsibility,» says Lisa Peterson, director of communications for the American Kennel Club.
My question is, I touch my puppies that I lend to my cousin but after that I wash my hand with a soap and put an alcohol with it did the virus dies on that or I might take the virus with me and affect my other dogs in my house?
Other dogs in the house would not be a problem.
The love that you receive from a cat or a dog in the house is unlike any other kind of love you'll ever experience.
Canine influenza viruses (CIV) have never been proven to be transmissible to humans, but it's always best to err on the side of safety and take precautions to disinfect when caring for a sick pup, especially if there are other dogs in the house.
She prefers not to share attention with any other dog in the house, but we are working on that, and don't feel at this time that she has to be the only dog in the home.
This can speed along the healing process and give your pet the feeling of being the only cat or dog in the house.
Fleas greatly prefer cats and dogs to people; they only infest humans when there has not been a cat or dog in the house for several days.
Crate train a dog: You can also keep your dog within the crate at home when you can not supervise it because letting loose your dog in the house would increase the chances of hurting himself or putting himself in some danger.
Chyna prefers to be the only dog in the house, and at her age, if that's what Chyna wants, that's what Chyna shall have.
If you have other dogs in the house and want to make a gradual introduction, you may want to set up a room just for the puppy.
Jenn has several dogs in her house, and although Chopstix has never been around other dogs, she integrated very easily with them and hasn't had any issues.
I care for these dogs in my house as part of my family so I only take one puppy at a time (some overlap).
i don» r really like a big dog in the house, so can a Leo be left outside all the time as long as he has a place to get in out of the weather.
Even worse, neighbors said there were more dogs in the house that the owner came back to feed twice a week.
Although there were nine dogs in the house, including a pregnant pit bull, the animals did not violate any city ordinance because six of them were puppies.
Cookie is great with the other dogs in the house and likes to try to play with them (they're seniors and aren't really into it - but he tries!)
According to Wall, «We've had several phone calls, but they all have another dog in the house or another cat in the house.
When trying to figure out how to keep the dog off the furniture you have to consider your own behavior, what is fair to the dog, and any other dogs in the house.
Keep in mind that if your dog is under a bit of stress or there is a new dog in the house that he may need a bit of behavioral training in order to help him get over this habit and the need to mark his territory all around your home.
From encouraging people to exercise more, to breaking up arguments and the obvious benefit of providing companionship, a dog in the house provides a fantastic life changing experience.
One dog in the house having accidents that are not properly treated leads to other dogs doing it — including dogs who move there later.
Both dogs will not except another dog in our house, can this be fixed?
Multiple dogs in a house comes with a set of challenges that are very different from single dog households.
So, if you are going to be in the habit of keeping these types of dogs in the house, then you need to be consistent in doing so and not just do it only when you feel it's too cold.
Of course, conditions are very different as she is the only dog in the house so I don't have the assistance of other dogs in the pack to help with the training.
The kitchen should be considered a sacred place for all dogs in the house — a place where they behave, are well - mannered and listen to what you say.
There is no extra pet - sitting charge for multiple dogs in the house.
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