Sentences with phrase «many economic actors»

So this nudges us into a fundamentally different economic era, where the central economic actors are not knowledge workers but creators and empathizers.
The divergence of core and total inflation is important because the central bank's best means of controlling prices is convincing economic actors — households, executives, investors — that it has a handle on things.
The retirement of the baby boomers will leave the country with fewer economic actors, and the workers who remain aren't productive enough to make up for the lost output.
For all the issues that clearly separate Europeans and Americans, there is today clearly a will from Washington to engage in a deeper transatlantic cooperation on the emergence of new economic actors, and China in particular.
But it's also becoming ever harder for americans employing unilateral coercive diplomacy to convince other important economic actors, allies as well as non-allies, to play along.
For all the issues that clearly separate Europeans and Americans (including climate change), there is today clearly a will from Washington to engage in a deeper transatlantic cooperation on the emergence of new economic actors, and China in particular.
Record - high world debt stocks make various economic actors more vulnerable, motivating greater savings as a buffer against future shocks.
The complementary currency itself has declined in importance over the period while levels of overall consumption of goods and services have increased (although it is unclear whether the recent digitisation is to change this) A detailed study18 of the usage and circulation of the Palma found that around half of its usage was accounted for by just 6 economic actors in addition to the Banco Palmas itself: four local stores selling basic consumer items, the neighbourhood petrol station, and a party and décor shop.
Perhaps economic actors take the continuation of zero rates as evidence that the Fed is worried and so they should be as well.
Other economic actors have their own federal granting agencies, such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Shiller is also an advocate of behavioral finance, the soft form of which proposes that real economic actors do not act like the agents in Marshallian economic models.
Rather, fiscal stability will be an advantage at a time when so many economic actors will be weighed down by past borrowing.
«I think what Ripple is doing is not just, hey, how do we enable banks — it's a broader effort in how can you enable an Internet of Things and connected devices that are economic actors to pass a couple pennies.
That matters: economies work best when economic actors trust the government.
This was assumed by most people until quite recent times, but around 1980 a series of policies were put in place on a global basis, the purpose of which was to reduce the capacity of political bodies to control economic actors.
Global competition destroys industries in places that restrict economic actors in these ways.
All the decisions are made by economic actors.
This means that the principle that economic actors should be subordinated to governments does not entail the renewal of the nationalism that has led to such horrors.
The structural adjustment imposed by the IMF and the World Bank on debtor countries as a condition of aiding them to renegotiate their debts has transformed the relative power of governments and economic actors.
One needs a thicker account of the biological and psychological differences between men and women to explain pay disparity fully, which is simply to say that they can not be treated merely as economic actors.
Since my risky prediction in December about the markets» early recovery this spring, Obama has disparaged the market, investors, and economic actors.
Once governments reasserted their control over economic actors, it would become possible to restrict the power of the market.
In general, when economic actors call all the shots, the rich get much richer, but the poor remain poor.
No economist supposes that human beings are exhaustively understood as economic actors.
The early economists thought of the economic actors chiefly as individuals and small businesses.
They have been required to open their economies to transnational corporations without restriction and to allow these corporations to become the major economic actors.
What to produce, how much to produce, and at what price to sell are decisions to be left to the economic actors.
The other is by leaving economic actors to make their own decisions.
Implementation of the International Code into national level legislation provides opportunity to move towards comprehensive breastfeeding legislation that is pro-active in removing all obstacles; and holds social and economic actors accountable rather than the reactive status quo.
It has also exposed the political class and powerful economic actors as being involved in large - scale and complex corruption schemes.
How can this goal of the maximisation of the independence of economic actors be squared with the idea of governed economy where the conduct of those actors is subject to regulation and even prohibition?
In a purely theoretical market sense, you can't expect individual economic actors to behave according to anything but their best interest.
For example, in environmental legislation, who is the administrator, who are the environmental groups, who lives there, and knowing what economic actors are affected are vital for predicting the outcome.
I will argue that the primary purpose of economic governance in a republican economy should be to promote the independence of economic actors as a means of preventing the abuse of economic power and the corruption of public life.
Since its beginning two years ago, the investigation has been largely successful in dismantling chains of corruption and exposing not only the political class behind them but also the extremely powerful economic actors involved.
There is also increasing interest in the link between government actions and the decisions of economic actors such as businesses, households and banks.
Cities such as London, Hamburg or Paris are much more effective socio - economic actors than some EU member states such as Latvia or Cyprus.
It is quite likely that political factors, for example the influence of powerful economic actors on legislative bodies, played a role in causing, or exacerbating, this crisis, as Daron Acemoglou, for example, has recently argued.
By the time you are in the business of publishing newspapers you are capable of acting as a rational economic actor and deciding whether to pay regulator fees or take your chances with exemplary damages.
In reality, novel goods and services may constantly enter markets, thereby requiring economic actors to develop ever more novel strategies: all the relevant variables can not be pre-stated.
Credit is aligned with a rights - based approach more than assistance because it boosts people's financial assets for livelihoods while «maintaining the borrower's dignity as economic actors - not as recipients of charitable handouts,» (Jacobsen 2005: 77).
And yet for three decades, Americans, who have generally shown themselves to be rational economic actors, haven't been pursuing the profitable path of education in sufficient numbers.
If enough economic actors did this, bubbles would self - deflate.
Three) Partly because of monetary policy, a risk culture developed for economic actors took more and more risk because they thought that the Fed would rescue them in a crisis.
Now, response # 1 is nothing all that great — the Fed is trying to extract value out of economic actors by making them undervalue risks, whether those risks are duration, convexity, credit, etc..
He discovered that an economic actor with an edge could size his bets as a ratio of his edge in betting divided by the odds received on the bet.
Similar to Michael Porter's Five Forces framework, Co-opetition aims to describe a business or industry as part of a broader system, and design business strategy through competition and alliances with other economic actors that affect your business.
Rather, reserves are going unutilized because of a profound lack of confidence on the part of economic actors bred by anti-growth policies promoted by the Obama administration (particularly healthcare reform) and the threat of significantly higher taxes (as much as US$ 6 trillion over the next 10 years if current plans aren't altered.)
Fascists (Crony Capitalists) and Socialists will protect favored industries, but failure gives important signals to all economic actors — what to avoid.
If the Federal Reserve stimulates by duping getting economic actors to accelerate current growth by taking on more debt, it has worked here.
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