Sentences with phrase «many editorial decisions»

He added: «In reporting the news, the SCMP will be objective, accurate and fair... day - to - day editorial decisions will be driven by editors in the newsroom, not in the corporate boardroom.»
Facebook got some nasty comments, not just from the head of the Republican National Committee, but also from the head of the Senate Commerce Committee, who asked CEO Mark Zuckerberg to make his staff available for questions about how editorial decisions were being made at the social network.
Left unsaid was that by de-emphasizing news articles, Facebook wouldn't have to deal with some of the same editorial decisions news organizations make each day, like deciding whether to show people graphic photos of news - worthy events.
Those are fundamentally editorial decisions that have an impact on the way that a billion users think about the world.
In contrast, one imagines that Denton, who is standing up to Hulk Hogan over $ 100 million, would have rebuffed Sony's attempt to use questionable copyright claims to influence editorial decisions.
Making editorial decisions about who to spotlight could also leave Patreon vulnerable if any of those creators end up offending people.
When it comes to the meaning of «fake news,» a majority believe that it involves editorial decisions as well as inaccurate reporting.
When you use the term fake news, does it only apply to stories where the facts are wrong or does it also apply to how news outlets make editorial decisions about what they choose to report?
Most Americans (65 %), on the other hand, say that «fake news» also applies to how news outlets make editorial decisions about what they choose to report.
The editorial decisions of link - placement on a website are very very different from what editors are faced with when it is printed on paper.
I faced one of my most difficult editorial decisions for the Easter edition of Premier Christianity magazine.
Obviously, the editorial decisions behind these books were complicated, see the amazon links for the basic story behind the books.
Her invitation to me in June 2001 to help prepare her father's philosophical papers to be shipped to the Center for Process Studies in Claremont made it possible for me to examine the variations in the manuscripts, the better to make balanced editorial decisions.
Over the weekend, The New York Times made a truly bizarre editorial decision and decided to run a long profile of a white nationalist «Nazi sympathizer» who lived in Ohio.
LOL it's priceless how many critics of editorial decisions such as font size and page placement you get in these comments, as if «front page» means the same thing today as it did when they printed this stuff on actual paper...
A denomination must do more, however, than simply leave its hands off editorial decisions.
After some internal debate, I made the editorial decision to draw my boobs.
All these statements were in direct contravention of the BBC editorial decision - but as the BBC Trust had delayed issuing the ruling, no - one was held to account for misleading MPs or the public.
So SEO issues usually aren't going to factor often in many editorial decisions.
The journalists» strike reflected accumulated frustration over what they saw as increasing interference into their editorial decisions.
This is interesting: there's a tricky editorial decision about whether it's better for the BBC to be perceived as failing to give enough coverage to an important Conservative policy announcement, or to be perceived as ignoring a story which involves major criticism of the BBC itself.
The 2015 AVMSD consultation queried whether there should be a derogation to the country of origin principle in the areas of 1) incitement to hatred 2) «where editorial decisions on an audio - visual media service are taken» 3) where broadcasters try to circumvent stricter rules in specific Member States and 4) protection of minors.
Based on this traditional journalistic norm, ad revenue should never influence editorial decisions (though as we see with 24/7 cable news networks, it very often clearly does), and editorial stances should never influence revenue decisions.
For example, if the COO was redefined based upon editorial decision - making, licensing for MTG would be changed to Italy and Germany respectively and Sweden.
Regarding, a change to the definition of COO in relation to editorial control, this could affect operators like MTG which takes editorial decisions on programming in Stockholm.
Our editorial decisions have never been influenced by our parent company.»
City and State Publisher Andrew Holt responded to the letter, saying the sponsorship from Airbnb at the conference has no impact on its business or editorial decisions.
Due to the X-rated nature of the raw videos in our possession, GP has taken an editorial decision not to publish them.
But the only editorial decisions Troy, who is retired as publisher and no longer owns the papers, makes on a regular basis have to do with what topic he's going to write about in his column.
Fellows have the opportunity to observe and participate in the process by which events and ideas become news, improve their communication skills by learning to describe complex technical subjects in a manner understandable to the lay public, and increase their understanding of editorial decision making and the way in which information is effectively disseminated.
With more experience at making editorial decisions, you get more independence.»
But Haldar defended the editorial decision to retract the paper, which has been the subject of an intense online debate for the past week.
«The transparent peer review process will encourage constructive feedback from experts,» the Wellcome Trust's press release reads,» [focusing] on helping the authors improve their work rather than on making an editorial decision to accept or reject an article.»
The introduction of this service has no bearing on our editorial decision process.»
However, editorial decisions at Cell Reports aremade independently by its in - house editors.
Online submissions with first editorial decisions within 3 - 4 weeks and fast publication at Wiley - Blackwell
Typically, these journals publish only a small fraction of the papers they receive and for the most part they rely on professional editors rather than active scholars to make key editorial decisions.
Advertisers do not influence editorial decisions, and advertising space is sold independently from any decisions about editorial content for all materials published by AMP.
This in no way affects our editorial decision - making.
All opinions and editorial decisions are solely my own.
From a more technical point of view, the film is lacking in some of its editorial decisions.
Even the editorial decisions within this imposed framework are curious.
O.J.: Made In America likely would have made the cut if not for a (totally defensible) editorial decision to classify it as television rather than film, but I voted for three other docs this year: Tower (addressed in the «outlier» section of my ballot), Author: The JT LeRoy Story (which correctly recognizes that letting Laura Albert expand on her own «myth» makes for better cinema than any objective investigative alternative), and Weiner... which ranked lowest on my personal list, but is the one I'm most surprised not to see on the collective list.
Much of the footage varies in quality - the soft - focus Handycam material really stands out - but it's still a rare glimpse at the recording of a full - blooded horror score, with the director making editorial decisions so the final music score fits into the «Blade II» soundscape.
The politics of the newsroom, the personal views of the reporters, and editorial decisions are as important as research and interviews.
This is a film in which the politics of the newsroom, the personal views of the reporters, and editorial decisions are as important as research and interviews.
Editorial decision - making and the creation and publication of content — including content produced with support from philanthropic funding — remain in the sole control of Education Week, under the direction of its Editor - in - Chief and Executive Editor.
Editorial decision - making and content remain under the sole control of EdSource, which remains strictly independent of any political party, cause or advocacy organization.
«In many ways, our editorial decisions are driven by the authors we meet,» Rutherford said.
At considerable expense, Rodale undertook extensive market surveys, the results of which dictated each business unit's editorial decisions.
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