Sentences with phrase «many educational principles»

So much is this true that the total separation of faith and religion from life and culture became a cardinal principle of a new outlook, now called The Philosophy of Science, the doctrine of which is that nothing is valid in society, in community law, or in educational principle, unless it belongs to the experimental order and can be proven by the senses.
1,100 schools and 1,700 kindergartens practice Steiner / Waldorf educational principles in over 80 countries on all continents of the earth.
Berkeley Rose Waldorf School, a Member of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN), follows the educational principles developed by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925).
The pedagogy of Waldorf education embodies many educational principles that are now being recognized as crucial for healthy, effective learning:
It can then embrace the educational principles that Lee and Levins (2012) identify as critical to the successful whole school uptake of the children's technology.
Rossi, a classical humanities teacher at the Lyceum school in Bologna, describes why Italy's secondary education model, based on Aristotle's educational principles, might work in the U.S.
While some of the materials reflected his views, Mr. Theisen selected materials based on sound educational principles and representing a variety of viewpoints.
The International Baccalaureate ® (IB) Career - related Programme (CP) is a framework of international education that incorporates the vision and educational principles of the IB into a unique programme specifically developed for students who wish to engage in career - related learning.
Courts are also more likely to defer to districts when the state or district can demonstrate that the evaluation system in question was thoughtfully designed and consistent with sound educational principles.
Utah espouses two fundamental educational principles: First, Article X, Section 1 of the Utah Constitution provides that all Utah children are entitled to a free public education.
Setting scoring levels such as «minimum competency,» «grade level achievement,» and «world - class» should be based on educational principles.
But they also say that the outcome of lawsuits will depend on whether «the state or district can demonstrate that the evaluation system in question was thoughtfully designed and consistent with sound educational principles
Discover the educational principles that are found in play and how they enhance learning in general.
The IBCC incorporates the educational principles of the IB into a unique offering that addresses the needs of students who wish to engage in career - related education.
This study has implications for designing curricula in ill - defined domains that seek to integrate and promote the application of educational principles to real - world problems.
The Evidence - Based approach generates a set of resources needed to implement a set of educational principles based on the best academic research on student success.
«Integrating the educational principles of Maria Montessori in the process of pedagogical support for pupils with learning disabilities.»
DEPENDING ON WHO IS SPEAKING about it and why, the demand that schools should deliver the three «Rs» may sound like either the worst platitude or a timely expression of educational principles.
The students were given a tour of the museum and an explanation of the educational principles that the Anne Frank House applies.
Josef Albers, despite his language difficulties, would quickly develop a system that successfully combined both Dewey's and Bauhaus educational principles, and assemble a board of directors that included Albert Einstein.
To do otherwise is to make a mockery of the educational principles of good schools like Uni High, and to do the public a grave disservice.»
Sound educational principles shall be employed which include one - on - one instruction requiring student involvement in a variety of ways.
• In - depth knowledge of educational principles as applied to students with emotional and learning problems.
The workshop is grounded in Dr. Nielsen's approach to couple therapy, emphasizing interpersonal process and integrating systemic, psychodynamic, and behavioral / educational principles.
The main caregivers presented more elevated levels in the factor parenting conflict, which might indicate that the relation between parental figures is affected as frequent and severe disagreements happen between the caregivers when concerning the child, and yet it is affected by the inflexibility and disagreements about educational principles used in the child's education (Margolin et al., 2001).

Not exact matches

«Our decision makers work hard and conscientiously to calibrate discipline appropriate for each case, taking into account all relevant factors, while upholding the principle that these are educational processes,» it said in a statement to Business Insider.
Much of it, of course, pertains to educational gifts, but behind his formula for philanthropy — which he's worked out with the help of Gowlings lawyer Robert Finlayson over the past 15 years — are some general principles that could apply to any gift.
After her bad experience with Jiwani, Brenda Rost says she went on to have great success applying the principles learned through housing guru Don Campbell's Real Estate Investment Network, which is solely an educational organization.
Principles and Goals The Latino Coalition supports dynamic free enterprise, limited government, low taxes, quality educational opportunities for all, reasonable government regulation, legal immigration, fair and open trade, and a strong national defense, all in support of American exceptionalism.
Instructional design and educational psychology principles support this: the first rule of training you learn is that most people don't learn very much when they are under stress.
Topics in Robert Miles» «Genius of Warren Buffett» class at UNO this week included «the Oracle of Omaha's educational timeline, investment principles, management philosophies, corporate governance, succession plan, mistakes, philanthropy and more,» according to the class marketing materials.
Learn the Oracle of Omaha's educational timeline, investment principles, management philosophies, corporate governance, succession plan, mistakes, philanthropy and more.
I will be sure to recommend others who are just beginning to understand the underlying fundamental principles of investing as strictly educational sites such as this are rare.
But religious voices (conservative and liberal, Christian and non-Christian) must be included in the curricular conversation, not to save religion, but to be consistent with our educational, political and constitutional principles.
The pleasure principle, which is commonly taken for granted as appropriate in recreation, has influenced the whole of educational practice.
Thus, though Americans may indeed need to reconstruct their educational system, it should not be done in the light of the communist model, whose central success principle is already at work undermining our own civilization.
First, we have repudiated the principle of the fixed multipletrack system, according to which pupils are divided at a specified age into mutually exclusive groups with different educational and occupational destinations.
An enduring and progressive democracy rests on common loyalty to a law of truth and right which is found and given, not constructed by human decision; and for the propagation and health of such democracy an educational system centered around this religious principle is required.
The overriding principle is that beginning with the educational and cultural material in which mankind most readily finds common interest, the programming will move progressively and as rapidly as possible to thornier materials.24.
Although acceptance of the program has waned in the last several years, its principles still hold sway in educational circles.
Process thought has much to offer in suggesting a sound perspective on the principles that should govern the work of — as it should also determine the approach to — education both of the young, whether they be children or adolescents, and of adults who are enrolled in institutions of higher learning or in other ways participate in what appropriately is called the educational process.
When he was made Dean in 1945, he sought to make the principles of the Whiteheadian system formative of educational policy itself at the Divinity School, and he hoped to make mastery of Process and Reality a foundation for theological study.
A primary principle of educational psychology is the law of apperception; nothing has meaning until it is apperceived in terms of what has already been experienced and known.
Rollins College, one of the schools to be mentioned in the statement, said in their own statement, «The principles of the nondiscrimination policy, which are at the heart of the educational process, are inconsistent with allowing exceptions for student organizations»...
Thus, the principles of esthetic value here discussed may serve not only as guides in creating and appreciating what are called «art objects» and as criteria of qualitative excellence in curricular matters outside of the arts, but as attributes of the good life and as a source of general educational aims.
Rodale Institute offers an educational and hands - on opportunity for interns to learn and practice the fundamental principles of organic plant cultivation and garden maintenance.
The school was started by a group of committed parents and teachers who believed they could offer a distinct educational alternative by forming a school guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf education.
Woodland Star has developed a powerful educational vision that is guided by the core principles of Public Waldorf education and embraces the developmental model of the unfolding child.
One of the fundamental principles behind Dr. Maria Montessori's educational theory is that the child needs to learn in a «prepared environment.»
In «Parenting for Intelligence and Success» (published at Psychology Today), Dr. Dona Matthews draws on educational psychology, and discusses 18 important principles to help kids thrive at school and elsewhere.
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