Sentences with phrase «many effects of global warming»

«Technology has got the upper hand and will stay well ahead of that and counter-balance» the effects of global warming.
«The U.S. has obviously been clear about where it stands with the Paris Agreement, but it is heartening that 19 other countries reaffirmed their commitment to the agreement,» said Thoriq Ibrahim, minister of energy and environment for the Maldives and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, a group of countries vulnerable to the effects of global warming.
The world has to take a look at itself and consider what it is going to do about the increasing effect of global warming.
Or vow to joyfully accept children when he can not know with certainty the effects of global warming his children and grandchildren will have to endure?
Since taking leadership of the country last September, Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who in 2009 said the science behind climate change was «crap», has abolished the independent Climate Commission, the body created by the former Labor government to provide public information on the effects of global warming.
Making little changes in your life can help the earth and help to reduce the effects of global warming.
More than two of every five Americans reside in counties with unhealthy levels of smog and air pollution, thanks largely to the effect of global warming, health researchers report.
The latest research shows that climate talks must lead to more aggressive action to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming
Dr Meleady, a lecturer in psychology, added: «If similar interventions were to be implemented in comparable situations in other cities and countries, the potential contribution to reducing air pollution, improving short and long term health, and reducing effects of global warming could be substantial.»
As the effects of global warming become more evident, disaster planners and community activists are beginning to acknowledge that class disparities will come with a changing climate here in the United States, just as it will in developing countries.
He found 14.9 percent believe the effects of global warming will never happen to 29.6 percent of their male counterparts.
Small Steps Diplomats hope there will be some progress on funding to help developing countries most at risk from the effects of global warming, particularly in Africa and small island states.
It is the first study of this scale to investigate the effects of global warming and drought on decomposer soil animals.
Results showed, for instance, that 29.6 percent of conservative white males believe the effects of global warming will never happen, versus 7.4 percent of other adults.
Overall, the group is pressing for final passage of climate legislation during this Congress because delays will make it more difficult to avoid the most severe effects of global warming.
Proposals to reduce the effects of global warming by imitating volcanic eruptions could have a devastating effect on global regions prone to either tumultuous storms or prolonged drought, new research has shown.
Abundant liquid water newly discovered underneath the world's great ice sheets could intensify the destabilizing effects of global warming on the sheets.
Geoengineering — the intentional manipulation of the climate to counter the effect of global warming by injecting aerosols artificially into the atmosphere — has been mooted as a potential way to deal with climate change.
-- Jon Klein, Portsmouth, N.H.. Most scientists agree that the effects of global warming are starting to show up all around the world in many forms.
The effect of global warming on this sort of co-occurrence is essentially unstudied.
As one of the most northern species, caribou will feel the effects of global warming, says Musiani, a professor in the faculties of Environmental Design and Veterinary Medicine and co-author of the study.
If the British feasibility tests are successful, the balloon - and - hose contraption could be used to inject additional particles into the stratosphere, thereby reflecting more of the sun's energy back into space, and hopefully curbing some of the effects of global warming.
Rich and poor were deadlocked on Wednesday over how to raise aid to help developing countries cope with the damaging effects of global warming, in a setback at United Nations climate talks in Warsaw seeking progress towards a 2015 accord.
Adds Anderson: «What we are seeing is consistent with the effects of global warming
However, many effects of global warming are likely to be less positive.
The US government is creating seven new «climate hubs» designed to help farmers handle the effects of global warming, such as droughts and invasive pests
But perhaps trumping all of these examples is the potential disastrous health effects of global warming.
Catastrophic effects of global warming are being felt from the deserts of Darfur to the island nation of Kiribati
Much of the damage will have been done by the year 2010, it says, and the rest by 2070, when the predicted effects of global warming from emissions of greenhouse gases will have done their worst.
I suspect ministers are right to believe that supporting Hadley and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the best way to help the tropics and the rest of the world survive the effects of global warming.
One of the negative environmental conditions that will worsen with the effects of global warming is the flooding of farmland due to torrential rain.
Finney believes that changes in climate cause the cycles in salmon populations, and as scientists struggle to understand the rate and effects of global warming, salmon may help them distinguish normal climate variations from the early warnings of a system gone dangerously wrong.
We are inundated with news and commentaries on the causes and effects of global warming ( and on the inexorable...
Within nations, local effects of global warming will cause internecine fights for increasingly scarce water.
Using a series of mini open - topped green houses, researchers were able to raise the temperature by around 1 °C, mimicking the predicted effects of global warming.
Furthermore, he said, the shrinking range of pikas is just one example of the negative effects of global warming on plant and animal species around the world.
New flood research makes one thing clear about the deleterious effects of global warming: they are not problems developing nations will have to face alone.
None of Cruz's comments disprove climate change, said Richard Alley, a scientist at Pennsylvania State University who specializes in the effects of global warming on ice.
Limited growth in a drier climate has restricted the amount of carbon that new trees can lock away from the atmosphere, reducing their ability to counteract the effects of global warming.
Warmer winters, prolonged drought, and other effects of global warming multiply the threat of fire in these communities
But given the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming, scientists have an obligation to study the idea, he says.
Keith adds, however, that the few existing studies suggest albedo modification could help ameliorate some effects of global warming.
B. Riegl and S. Purkis's E-Letter on our recent Review (1) focuses on promoting assisted migration, based on a belief that local adaptation and (unassisted) migration will be insufficient to allow corals to cope with the effects of global warming and ocean acidification.
The predicted effects of global warming are many and various, both for the environment and for human life.
Biologists Richard Primack and Abraham Miller - Rushing looked in an odd place to study the biological effects of global warming: old photographs.
The effects of global warming can be seen in retreating glaciers, threatened animals and plants as well as rising seas.
Now researchers are studying the impacts of deliberately injecting SO2 into the stratosphere to contract the effects of global warming, known as climate intervention.
There, the effects of global warming bite into fisheries, ecosystems and ice.
Another quite obvious effect of global warming is wildfires.
All of them contribute, he said, and an exclusive focus on any one dimension, whether it's levees that are too high or the effects of global warming, «doesn't give people accurate answers.»
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