Sentences with phrase «many embarrassing mistakes»

Ubiquitous cell phone cameras mean every embarrassing mistake you or an employee makes is made in public.
This is evidenced by increased absences, embarrassing mistakes, illness, sloppiness, outspokenness and surprising behavior.
I mean absolutely embarrassing mistakes.
A more embarrassing mistake, at least in the eyes of some jaded veterans, was that Geiberger paid for food at tournaments through most of the West Coast swing.
They will make a trivial but embarrassing mistake and then try to cover it up, which usually entails a more serious and reprehensible mistake.
This book therefore gives them a head start, and thanks to it they may not make too many embarrassing mistakes or faux pas.
Prominent Labour MP Tom Watson has admitted to an «embarrassing mistake» tonight after voting the wrong way on changes to rules surrounding Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs)- an issue he had personally led a campaign on.
I couldn't understand the implicit messages, which led to embarrassing mistakes such as the equipment funding incident.
After a journal accepted a paper, I sent a standard e-mail to the editor: «Unfortunately, while revising our manuscript we discovered an embarrassing mistake.
Instead, it's about learning to leverage three simple words to help you make even the most embarrassing mistakes worthwhile.
That was an embarrassing mistake.
Tips tricks stop potential embarrassing mistake latest version ios gmail app very useful.
I made this decision at a traffic light, which was an embarrassing mistake, because the roof takes an annoyingly long time to open and close.
It was an interesting journey filled with countless embarrassing mistakes and blind determination, but at the end of the day, I think I've figured a few things out and wanted to share some pointers I learned along the way.
The sentences feel so fully embodied by the sensibility of the protagonist, Yoli, as she grapples with her sister's depression that reading is like spending time with an old friend — the kind of friend who's seen you through your loneliest moments and most embarrassing mistakes.
It was a costly and embarrassing mistake for Kobo out of the gate.
The Goof Check Final Pass service has also been a lifesaver — Angela combed through my ebook and identified formatting issues, typos, and other embarrassing mistakes so that I could fix them before sharing the ebook with the world.
It can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes that will haunt you to the end of your writing days, because once you've distributed your book, it will appear on Amazon for resale as new or used by various third - party resellers with that horrible self - created cover and all those copyediting errors in your manuscript, not to mention that character you later wrote out because she was portrayed a bit too much like your litigious ex-best friend.
Stay tuned for my next installment when I'll share our marketing and promotional strategies, the ones that have worked along with the embarrassing mistakes.
It really does pay to map out your journey in advance to avoid expensive and potentially embarrassing mistakes, not to mention the time it takes to retrace your steps.
In a world where anyone can share just about anything publicly, it's extremely important to have your book edited — more than once — and avoid embarrassing mistakes.
And when your book hits the market, you'll be able to rest easy knowing your content is free of embarrassing mistakes.
Beta readers help you avoid embarrassing mistakes that will haunt you to the end of your writing days.
Don't make these embarrassing mistakes
One embarrassing mistake I made was cashing out my retirement fund when I left teaching after my first year.
If I'm going to make an embarrassing mistake, I'm betting it's under this heading.
Read this article so you do not make the embarrassing mistake of getting the wrong kind of ring.
After the curator of media arts, Rudolph Frieling, introduced the roundtable, which featured prominent art critics and historians Moira Roth and Amelia Jones, as well as Hershman Leeson herself, I cringed and made myself as small as possible for fear that someone could smell my embarrassing mistake.
Acknowledging an embarrassing mistake in its August 7 front - page article, the New York Times — in what appears to be an attempt at fear - mongering rather than producing news — was forced to revise a part of an article aimed at casting the Donald Trump administration in a climate change - denying light for supposedly suppressing a report detailing man - made climate change.
They may have made a potentially embarrassing mistake as by then temperatures may well be steadily declining.
-- It contains some embarrassing mistakes in basic logic.
This is a particularly embarrassing mistake for statisticians to have made.
You could still have a two year embargo on the raw data, with the option of time extension, because you never know, the authors could make an embarrassing mistake.
In other words: — you must tighten the rules regarding the use of non-peer-reviewed material, in order to avoid embarrassing mistakes — you must relax the rules regarding the use of non-peer-reviewed material, in order to give more attention to the contrarian arguments
It could save you from an embarrassing mistake or worse.
Not only are these reports compulsory but they help you track each trust so you can ensure that everything is in balance and you haven't lost track of anybody's money — an embarrassing mistake that could lead to ethics charges or even disbarment!
The Yale Law Women made an embarrassing mistake.
He continues, «If he or she reports the «disclosure» to the Local Safeguarding Children Board, it might all turn out to be an embarrassing mistake, innocent lives will be wrongfully disrupted and much police time and children's service time will be completely wasted».
Covering most of the US and Canada, the standard warrantee isn't excessively restrictive, but knowing exactly where you can and can not bring your coverage may help you avoid an expensive and embarrassing mistake in the future.
Shortly after the original Nexus 6 finally moved to Android 7.1.1 Nougat, users were prompted to switch back to platform build 7.0, which initially looked like an innocent albeit embarrassing mistake.
Not proof - reading your article results in stupid, embarrassing mistakes.
Using an unprofessional personal email address is one of the most common and embarrassing mistakes you can make.
The browser extension checks your text for spelling and grammatical errors anytime you write something online to help you avoid embarrassing mistakes in comments, tweets, and status updates.
An online proofreader, like 1Checker, can help you avoid those potentially embarrassing mistakes that could cost you the opportunity of landing that job.
It shouldn't be hard to apply your skills to your resume and build your professional image, yet without guidance it's easy to lose direction and make embarrassing mistakes that could tarnish your reputation.
It shouldn't be hard to apply your skills to your resume and build your professional image, yet without guidance it's easy to lose direction and make embarrassing mistakes that could tarnish your -LSB-...] Continue Reading →
This week, asked hiring managers across a range of industries to describe the most embarrassing mistakes they commonly see in resumes and cover letters.
I have seen plenty of resumes with embarrassing mistakes that spell check didn't catch — it was a real word, just not the one that the candidate wanted to use in his resume (be careful to never, ever leave that first «L» out of «public relations» in your resume).
My goal is to show that embarrassing mistakes and a lack of clarity may result when four and five syllable words invade a resume, even if they are completely necessary.
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