Sentences with phrase «many environmental triggers»

Rather, it's descent from a common ancestor (the scientific phrase in use currently is «descent with modification» meaning they share similar underlying foundation, but when they migrate (those that survive) they evolve based on environmental triggers (challenges), which give rise to mutations; that make future generations better suited to live in the new environment.
In fact, «the rapid increase in the incidence and prevalence of IBD in recent decades strongly suggests an environmental trigger for IBD, one of which may be dietary patterns.
But it's not yet known whether the gene, if present, is then expressed, or whether an undetermined environmental trigger sets it off.
Daniel's teachers observed his sensitivity to environmental triggers decrease, and his engagement with his classmates increase.
Narrator: If allergies run in your family or you suspect your child is sensitive to environmental triggers, allergy - proofing your house can reduce your child's symptoms significantly.
Although the specific etiology of autism is unknown, many researchers suspect that autism results from genetically mediated vulnerabilities to environmental triggers.
Since the algal species is native to eastern Canada, its recent blooms and rapid proliferation in rivers since 2006 — which have angered anglers looking for pristine waters — have been caused by an environmental trigger, with climate change a likely culprit, said Michelle Lavery, a master's degree student at the Canadian Rivers Institute and lead author of the research, published in theCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
«Because of the complex nature of asthma, providers need to approach patients with a guideline - based plan that takes environmental triggers such as allergens, viruses and occupational irritants into consideration as well the strengths and weaknesses of the medication that they are using in order to provide a well - tailored action plan.»
Kirby, in contrast, feels that while the idea of thimerosal as the «one and only cause of autism has gone out the window,» he still believes there is an «epidemic» with many environmental triggers and with thimerosal as a possible contributing factor.
Some researchers wondered if this tiny island in the South Pacific had revealed an elusive environmental trigger for neurodegenerative disease elsewhere in the world — the «Rosetta stone» of neurodegeneration.
But if environmental triggers of autism can not be ruled out, the idea that those triggers can be found in the MMR vaccine or in thimerosal has crumbled under the weight of scientific refutation.
Still, scientists can not fully rule out environmental triggers — including various types of toxicity — that might interact with a given individual's preexisting genetic inclination.
Most researchers think it starts when genetically predisposed people encounter an as - yet - unknown environmental trigger.
Most current research into the causes of cancer focuses on genes and environmental triggers.
Since the inherited risk is based in family genetics and is therefore beyond clinical reach, McFarlane relies on multifamily group therapy and social supports at school and at work to protect vulnerable patients from environmental triggers — illicit drugs and emotional stress in particular — that might send them over the edge.
If so, the prime suspect or environmental trigger of this defect would be the quantity and quality of the carbohydrates we consume.
4 - D printing is an emerging technology that allows 3 - D - printed components to change their shape over time after exposure to heat, light, humidity and other environmental triggers.
It may be different from the condition in Europe or in Africa, though the environmental triggers are the same.
Cystic fibrosis needs no environmental trigger.
«What we do know is this study is a clear indication that eating DHA can prevent this one type of environmental triggering of lupus,» Pestka said.
«Our research is sufficiently suggestive of an environmental trigger for autism associated with precipitation, of which vitamin D deficiency is one possibility,» says study co-author Michael Waldman, a professor of management and economics at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management.
Although it's still unknown exactly why DHA is able to prevent the onset of lupus, the researchers said this study provides scientists with a better model for looking at just how much DHA is needed to ward off the environmental trigger of the disease.
He suspects that H5N1 infection alone is insufficient to cause Parkinson's, but it may make the brain more susceptible, especially in combination with other factors, such as unlucky genetics, another environmental trigger, or simply old age.
While genetics play a role in the development of Lupus, a systemic autoimmune disease that can attack any organ system in the human body, so do environmental triggers, such as particulates in air pollution and ultraviolet light, explains Gaurav Gulati, MD, a physician - researcher at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine.
Now researchers face the challenge of identifying specific environmental triggers.
«This study shows that there appears to have been environmental triggers for this well - documented reef collapse in Panama.»
Above all, there is a new emphasis on the interaction between vulnerable genes and environmental triggers, along with a growing sense that low - dose, multiple toxic and infectious exposures may be a major contributing factor to autism and its related disorders.
Several large - scale, federally funded epidemiological studies are under way to pinpoint possible environmental triggers, as well as early biomarkers of autism.
First, autism may not be rigidly determined but instead may be related to common gene variants, called polymorphisms, that may be derailed by environmental triggers.
In humans and other primates, the ovulatory cycle has become spontaneous, generally on a set schedule that requires neither an environmental trigger nor a male.
Opiate addiction is largely controlled by the formation of powerful reward memories that link the pleasurable effects of opiate - class drugs to environmental triggers that induce drug craving in individuals addicted to opiates.
The virus is thought to combine with various environmental triggers to cause the different cancers.
The balance of expression of mutant and wild - type ACVR1 protein is likely to affect ligand binding dynamics, receptor oligomerization, internalization, and / or activation of downstream signaling pathways, as well as receptor response to environmental triggers that are clinical features of the natural history of FOP.
Researchers program biomaterials with logic gates that release therapeutics in response to environmental triggers
We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers
«This is the latest of a series of abstracts to emerge from the US about alleged environmental triggers for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The study helps to provide a neurological explanation for the sensitivity that people with PTSD tend to have to environmental triggers.
What we used to call fate, or destiny, is really a combination of random chance and environmental triggers impinging on the genome.
«These mutations are introduced essentially by environmental triggers, that is: they come from outside the cell.
That strongly suggests that there must also be an infection or another kind of environmental trigger that starts the disease process.
There is much evidence to suggest that ASD is a genetically - based neurological condition with environmental triggers.
I wonder what environmental triggers cause gum cells to act in the natural environment beyond the emergence of adult teeth
«Multiple biological pathways are likely involved in the pathogenesis of ME / CFS, with a range of clinical subtypes relating to variability in the types of environmental triggers, genetic and epigenetic vulnerability, as well as comorbidity patterns,» says senior author Ian Lipkin, MD, director of CII.
Water quality and the toxin beta methyl - amino - alanine produced by cyanobacteria are suspected environmental triggers.
And collecting longitudinal data about families — information from grandparents and even great - grandparents — may help scientists chart the development of particular risk factors and how they might interact with environmental triggers.
Published studies have suggested that T1D results from environmental triggers acting on genetically susceptible individuals and that microbial infection and their immunological consequences are suspected to take part in the pathogenesis.
He said about half the cases of schizophrenia, which usually manifests itself during late adolescence or early adulthood, were probably caused by the genes with the other half due to environmental triggers.
The mind and the body influence each other according to physical sensations and mental or environmental triggers.
This often happens when determined parents take things into their own hands and invest tirelessly in making lifestyle modifications, addressing environmental triggers and adopting a truly integrative approach.
While the exact cause isn't clear, it's likely due to some combination of genes and environmental triggers.
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