Sentences with phrase «many erroneous ideas»

There is also the non Christian erroneous idea thet we can be saved by being good or less bad than someone else.
This type of confusion is common among people who have erroneous ideas about the origin of the earth and so never bothered to study linguistics... if god gave us ready made language, why bother?
To understand the present situation in the Soviet Union one must give up the erroneous idea that it is a unified nation.
A false prophet claims to have received direct revelation from God but in fact promotes erroneous ideas.
One of the things I've noticed and have mentioned it to a couple of people today is the obviously erroneous idea that our thoughts must be static.
I've heard people claim that coconut oil has a «thermogenic effect» supported by the erroneous idea that coconut oil is synonymous with a semi-synthetic laboratory product known as MCT oil.
It's erroneous ideas like this that contribute to falling vaccination rates, since these people are being convinced that breastmilk IS a vaccine.
As one colleague of mine brilliantly remarked when discussing this issue with me, it emphasizes the erroneous idea that nutrition equals weight management.
Studies show that repeating a misconception in order to disprove it often ends up reinforcing the erroneous idea in people's minds.
The district found that it needed to start by addressing four roadblocks: the student deficit model, the tradition of handing off students to special education, teachers» overreliance on intuition instead of assessment data, and the erroneous idea that RTI is just a new pathway to special education.
You have an erroneous idea about what a liberal progressive is.
However peer review is not infallible: «Many well - founded concepts are rejected and many erroneous ideas accepted.»
Sometimes officials just don't know the facts or have erroneous ideas.

Not exact matches

The idea that a lot of non-mining full nodes will make the network more decentralized (because they can make sure the miners are behaving) is erroneous, because an SPV client can already query the network's nodes.
Otherwise, you're as erroneous as the rest of the people who «claim» to be Christian but have no idea what that means, what the history is, what the rules are and what is expected of them.
(6) And finally, classical theism is marked by an erroneous conception of infallible revelation according to which, «The idea of revelation is the idea of special knowledge of God, or of religious truth, possessed by some people and transmitted by them to others» (OOTM 5).
Beginning with a definition of the Christian idea of responsibility they proceed to examine the erroneous or heretical forms of church responsibility and conclude with an effort to understand the positive content of the Church's social obligation by considering its functions as apostle, pastor and pioneer of humanity.
The idea that Scotland is a left country is entirely erroneous.
In his new book and elsewhere, he perpetuates the erroneous — and pernicious — idea that war is «humanity's hereditary curse.»
But some erroneous lessons in health care may need to be unlearned — leaving behind the fear of dirt, the love of antimicrobial cleansers, and the outdated notion that an antibiotic is always a good idea.
The idea is erroneous in that the term includes all ethnic teams.
Digital video allows both researchers and teacher candidates to identify and resolve any inaccuracies in lesson content or erroneous preconceptions about science that unintentionally convey ideas that could negatively impact what children learn.
It's a good idea to send the whole report to the credit bureaus with the erroneous items clearly circled and then send it by certified mail.
It is also a good idea to include the resulting impact you have suffered as a result of this erroneous info.
The ideaerroneous, perhaps, but persistent — that all abstract painting is a form of distillation from life has stuck with me.
The idea of an evaporation thermostat was proposed in the 1970's by Newell, and was based on erroneous reasoning confusing correlation with causation; when one does the physics, one finds that evaporation increases the air - sea coupling, but can't prevent a warming if the atmosphere itself warms.
The Inquisition found that the idea of the Earth's movement «receives the same judgment in philosophy and... in regard to theological truth it is at least erroneous in faith».
First, individuals are more likely to abandon erroneous beliefs if they are engaged in an open exchange of ideas.
For this reason, I find far - fetched the idea that a planner is going to rush off with a climate scientist's probability distribution and make an erroneous decision because they assumed they could trust some percentile of the distribution to its second decimal place.
Remember, your driving record is your personal driving history, so it is a good idea to check your record periodically to make sure that no erroneous information was entered.
The idea that certain diagnostic categories do not belong in group is erroneous as long as the «Noah's Ark Rule» is kept firmly in place.
Humor can illuminate ideas or beliefs people hold that are erroneous.
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