Sentences with phrase «many essential features»

(While the system is updating, the device will work in backup mode, ensuring its essential features remain in operation.)
Metrics are an essential feature of pay - for - performance contracts, and must be an essential feature of all government programs.
The essential feature of HSDD in women is a lack of desire for sex that causes distress.
As I have argued elsewhere at book length, the separation of ownership and control is not a bug, but rather an essential feature of corporate governance.
Data collection should be minimized to essential features.
The mobile app offers all the essential features that are available on the Highlow Trading Platform.
Here are some of the essential features associated with this currency option: • Easy coding: Ethereum has a swift interface and easy coding features.
Besides the wide array of assets, BDSwiss also provides its clients with essential features like news, education, personal manager, bonuses, different rewards and promotions, and so on.
In that sense, he embodied what I take to be the essential feature of theological liberalism: the conviction that our task is to midwife a new future, both for Christianity and for the world.
Hiriyanna says that, «its essential features were belief in a single personal god, Vasudeva, and in salvation as resulting from an unswerving devotion to him.
When Birch and I wrote our book we simplified by treating «participatory» as an essential feature of being «just.»
Nor does it seem correct to say that his atheism was an historical accident rather than an essential feature of the Marxian worldview.
Whitehead's philosophical project can, in part, be construed as an attempt to rehabilitate induction as an essential feature of experience.
The essential features of his spirituality are well expressed by the title of one of his numerous writings, Living Today for God (Vivre l'aujourd» hui de Dieu).
So there must then be also «essential features» in determinate identity that harmonize with the conditional features.
One can now prefigure an answer to the question whether things are real independently of our knowledge of them: whereas interpretations are always matters of conditional connections, things interpreted are harmonies of those conditional connections with essential features, and by that are not reducible to the interpretations.
Candler's speech program was organized around a «linear - transmissions» model which arises from information theory, which can be stated as follows: «The essential feature of all messages is information, and people use the information in messages to reduce uncertainty and thereby adapt to the environment».
By virtue of its essential features it is not reducible to the things with which it is connected, such as interpreters, or to the connections, such as interpretations.
The ontological relation of things acknowledges the mutual togetherness and causal independence of the essential features of all related items.
What perishes in this process, marking the loss of reality's subjective immediacy, is the existential reality of essential features; what remains is the objective reality of conditional and essential features harmonized.
The values of things are thus real, independent of the interpretation of them in the same sense that things are independent by virtue of being harmonies of their conditional features with and by means of their essential features.
As a hypothesis, this claim is to be accepted insofar as it is an essential feature of a worldview that proves itself in terms of the criteria of adequacy, coherence, and illuminating power.
The usual form is that God in all essential features guided the production of the Bible, through human instrumentality.
When the mass media are an arm of the schools, the critical function is intrinsic, since self - appraising, reflective activity is an essential feature of education.
It seems that there are two overall ranges of relations that are destructive of authentic human personhood (of which privacy is certainly an essential feature), that encourage spiritual dissolution.
It is accepted and welcomed as a significant and essential feature of life — as a necessary ingredient of the human situation.
Sölle does not provide us with a convenient list of the essential features of political theology.
the essential features and «truth» of the historical faith are identified with one of its specific historical expressions.
To be sure, this tradition has many faces; yet its essential features can be discerned through the study of such giants of liberalism as Friedrich Schleiermacher, William James, Walter Rauschenbusch and Harry Emerson Fosdick.
The fact that miracles are rare is not an objection to them but an essential feature of them.
So if a film - maker wanted to us to more closely consider this essential feature of rock, setting the film in 70s period would be logical.
The essential feature of a nexus which qualifies it as an existent thing is then precisely the composite unity brought about through the relational «mutual immanence» of its many constituents.6
Because the primary disposition of human experience necessarily entails this essential feature of mutual immanence, the basis of all human social relationships is, for Whitehead, likewise primarily emotive.
Some mutations do confer essential features that offer the possibility of survival and reproduction.
And although the favor of the God, as forfeited or gained, is still an essential feature of the story, and theology plays a vital part therein, yet the acts to which this sort of religion prompts are personal not ritual acts, the individual transacts the business by himself alone, and the ecclesiastical organization, with its priests and sacraments and other go - betweens, sinks to an altogether secondary place.
Christians could destroy this framework either by ignoring its essential features or by ceasing to use it as a frame of reference.
In the reproduction of living organisms, however, reproduction is essentially reduplication of all the essential features of the design (Pantin, p. 75).
Prehensions therefore are comparatively concrete as are occasions, and they contain their essential features, especially the fundamental feature of being related to a world of occasions (PR 28f).
(p. xi) He suggests that the question has renewed importance today in view of the tremendous suffering which seems to be an essential feature of our evolutionary world: predation, mass extinctions, and so on.
Both leave out essential features of the real world.
Thus that perception of external control which is so essential a feature in conversion might, in some cases at any rate, be interpreted as the orthodox interpret it: forces transcending the finite individual might impress him, on condition of his being what we may call a subliminal human specimen.
But in an enduring individual like a human being at least two and perhaps three kinds of essential features are needed.
Third, if the event in question involves free choice, there may be essential features spontaneously arising as the person commits himself to a value chosen; these are not of special concern here.
First, there must be essential features deriving from past events in the person's life that carry obligation from the past Second, there must be essential features deriving from the future and binding a person's present actions in terms of norms for future consequences These future - derived essential features might be consciously anticipated, but even if they are not a person still is responsible for unanticipated consequences.
In the context of a theological controversy regarding the Incarnation, and by reasoning according to the philosophical heritage of Plato and Aristotle, Boëthius concluded that there are three essential features of the person as such: substantiality, individuality and rationality.
Actionism is an essential feature of structural analysis.
The essential feature of worship was the sermon.
And were such laws propounded as essential features of the constitutional order itself — which is to say, propounded as laws governing the making of any other laws — then we could reasonably ask about the legitimacy of that regime.
In this way, for instance, value can now be established as an essential feature of the nature of things, in that from the subjective standpoint of a concrescing actual entity objectification is an evaluation of dative actual entities with a view to its own self - enjoyment and aim at satisfaction (RM 85, 101f.).
The essential feature of this Giffords draft theory of transition is that a two - step sequence is necessary for the constitution of an actual entity.
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