Sentences with phrase «many established organizations»

The business world has become so fast - paced that keeping up is challenging for even the largest, most established organizations in the world.
Salespeople at established organization are often handed warm leads on a daily basis, and their goals are oriented more towards taking orders from existing accounts rather than closing new business.
Over the past few years, we've seen both young startups and established organizations adopt this pricing approach with overwhelming success.
In the meantime, the Great Recession and hiring downturn have produced an oversupply of skilled specialized workers who are offering up their services outside of established organizations.
They are an established organization with a clear vision for the future that they can successfully articulate to their employees.
For both startups and established organizations, the continued viability of your company depends on your ability to vet ideas and turn them into action.
A government - affiliated organization in China has announced that, in line with the country's current «five - year plan» for economic growth, it will establish an organization to promote blockchain investment and development.
Establish your organization's expertise, so when people think of your industry, they think of you first.
In my next post, we will dig deeper into the inner workings of some established organizations themselves.
That would establish some organization.
This year, two Toronto - based venture capitalists and the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) established an organization that will help North American clean tech companies» export to China.
Thankfully, there are many established organizations and startups that have provided the public with some great cryptocurrency storage options you can count on...
Investments in underlying funds that own small and mid-capitalization companies may be more vulnerable than larger, more established organizations.
For example I might believe full force that Xenu sent little aliens down here and if that's what I'm convinced is accurate, then I'm a Scientologist regardless of if I attend a church or participate in any established organization directly.
But most religions have long histories as established organizations in which money, power, and professional expertise play an important role.
Powers are people who are decision - makers in the established organizations of society, the organizations which by and large control the systems, determine the policies, provide the money and make it.
Denominations have become increasingly conscious of the importance of making use of the energies of laymen and have established organizations of their own to do this.
Again and again they have identified their constituencies, established organization, set up networks for communication, provided programs and candidates to rally around, and pointed folk toward the voting booth.
Barry explains that the value of being part of a franchise system is gaining access to a larger, established organization that continually devotes its own time and resources to developing, testing and improving systems.
On the other, the established organizations offer cost - effective services.
The March of Dimes is one of the most well - known and well - established organizations focusing on pregnancy health.
Dr. John H. Kennell, Dr. Marshall Klaus, Annie Kennedy, Penny Simkin, and Phyllis Klaus sat down and established the organization...
That they be an established organization that has as its main focus / mission to provide support to the breastfeeding mother
I don't have a solution for the institutionalization problem you posit, except to say that probably a few Occupys will become non-profit organizations and most will disperse their energies into established organizations or more amorphous, but local, efforts over time.
Let NY Vote, formally known as Easy Elections NY, is a statewide coalition of grassroots groups & established organizations fighting to modernize New York's elections.
Instead, Grose has been chosen to lead a newly established organization called NY CREATES that will operate SUNY Poly's research labs and clean rooms, making them available to researchers from universities across the state and elsewhere.
The Staffing of such established organization or Institution is based on two categories of employees: 1) The Line Men and 2) The Support Staff.
Without a public campaign finance system that matches private donations and encourages small - dollar contributions, outsider legislative candidates have little to no chance of raising enough cash to stage a significant challenge without strong name recognition or support of established organizations, unions, and local political figures.
The committee concluded that establishing an organization to enhance partnerships across sectors with an interest in ocean - observing, particularly nonprofits, philanthropic organizations, academia, U.S. federal agencies, and the commercial sector, would be an effective mechanism to increase engagement and coordination.
A group of gamers from Washington, D.C., one of the most successful groups in the game, established an organization with a general and groups of lieutenants and privates.
«If you're in a large, established organization, you may be groomed for 10, 15 or 20 years before you assume the broader responsibilities of CEO.
In 1996, Charu co-founded Nature Conservation Foundation, an influential NGO promoting science - based and socially - responsible wildlife conservation in India, and established the organization's High Altitudes program.
The constitution of the ECOG - ACRIN Cancer Research Group, which was adopted on May 17, 2012, formally establishes the organization as a single entity.
An experience during the summer of 1993 inspired Lieberman and his Jumpstart co-founders to establish the organization.
Like most established organizations in other sectors, the education system's inclination when it sees a potentially disruptive technology is to cram it into its existing model to sustain what it is already doing, but not fundamentally transform that model into a student - centric one (the importance of making this transformation should be clearer in light of the ACT's announcement today that 60 percent of 2012 high school graduates are at risk of not succeeding in college and career).
Most of the schools are partnering with well - established organizations, including the Children's Aid Society, the Door, East Side House, and Grand Street Settlement.
This problem of new opportunities not making sense to established organizations is not new.
Students also failed to examine bias or political agenda in ads, and in one exercise more than half of the students thought the article from the suspect and biased organization was more reliable than a well - established organization.
With the growth of special education teacher preparation and doctoral programs, came the need to establish an organization to foster communication among Chairpersons of Special Education teacher preparation programs.
An individual author with a plan is a force to behold; even so, an established organization will be able to open doors that you may not be able to open yourself, regardless of how hard you network.
I'd say that it certainly helped that we established the organization at a time when the digital revolution was reaching its peak, and the prevailing zeitgeist of this period was imbuing us with a spirit of digital innovation and optimism.
Thankfully, there are well - established organizations offering professional assistance that can make it simple and easy, ultimately saving you tens of thousands of dollars.Talk to an organization like In - State Angels operating in 38 states and helping students everywhere save thousands on tuition.
They had generally left established organizations, consistently it seemed because they wanted to do things their own way.
Whatever stage your business is in — whether you're a start - up, a company in growth mode or a well - established organization — RBFCU has three business checking accounts designed to provide greater value and choices.
If it weren't for a looming nationwide debt crisis, there wouldn't be the need for such well - established organizations as the Credit Counseling Society to exist.
A commercial mortgage can be used for purchasing an existing building, or for constructing it anew to establish an organization.
Investments in lesser - known, small and medium capitalization companies may be more vulnerable than larger, more established organizations.
Investments in underlying funds that own small and mid-capitalization companies may be more vulnerable than larger, more established organizations.
Overcoming «but we've always done it that way» is an incredible hurdle in a large, established organization like a bank — and so things don't generally improve without great effort.
Yelp can also verify that you are working with an established organization.
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