Sentences with phrase «many false witnesses»

So — for the dishonest, - think about the short and long term affects your decisions have on the ones you take advantage of, bare false witness against, or spitefully use.
The royal commission tried to paint NAB's false witness furore as the thin edge of the wedge.
Proverbs 6:16 - 19 16 There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: 17 lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, 18 a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, 19 a false witness that launches forth lies, and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers.
Parental consent on many topics (NOT A LAW) 6: Thou shall not kill — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY (long pre-dated it) = > Goes back to the first offspring of humanity or the chosen depending on version 7: Thou shall not commit adultery — huge number of Christians commits adultery by LEGALLY remarrying = > still actionable in various tort and civil cases across America (didn't say it was a law) 8: Thou shall not steal — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY = > many laws on this we are very concerned about our stuff 9: Thou shall not bear false witness — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY = > purgery anyone 10: Thou shalt not covet — NOT A LAW = > stalking laws (Stalking IS a crime.
What we have is an entire sector under the blowtorch and battling serious reputational damage as the audience lay witness to AMP lying to the regulator, CBA awarded the «gold medallist» for charging fees for no service, planners caught taking fees from dead people, NAB caught false witnessing documents, client impersonation, inappropriate advice, Orwellian protection policies and a witness cutting short his testimony after collapsing.
The word «practicing» brings up to me the whole false witness thing of the so - called «homosexual lifestyle», whatever that might be.
Parental consent on many topics 6: Thou shall not kill — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY (long pre-dated it) = > Goes back to the first offspring of humanity or the chosen depending on version 7: Thou shall not commit adultery — huge number of Christians commits adultery by LEGALLY remarrying = > still actionable in various tort and civil cases across America 8: Thou shall not steal — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY = > many laws on this we are very concerned about our stuff 9: Thou shall not bear false witness — NOT UNIQUE TO CHRISTIANITY = > purgery anyone 10: Thou shalt not covet — NOT A LAW = > stalking laws
Accused by False Witnesses Prophecy: Psalm 35:11 Malicious witnesses rise up; They ask me of things that I do not know.
Santorum seems to not be bothered by that rule about not bearing false witness, when he talks about the president and his faith.
15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead.
Is lying, bearing false witness, ever okay?
Bearing false witness.
Do you really think that telling such a lie would please the god that has «Thou shalt not bear false witness» as one of his commandments.
Fulfillment: Matthew 26:59 - 60 Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, in order that they might put Him to death; and they did not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward.
There are christians out there who are willing to bear false witness in order to elevate themselves and their beliefs.
This story was enhanced with false witness claiming that he had been «drunk» and driving at «120 kph» and failed to get back in trying to pass a truck.
They simply hate the man and make up a pack of lies to see what they can make stick, even while claiming to be Christians who conveniently forgot that one of the Ten Commandments is, «Thou shall not bear false witness
Didn't your god say something about bearing false witness?
What's amazing is all this hatred from supposed Christians, who bear false witness and play the victim.
I don't think «a person who stirs up conflict in the community» is listed within the same thought about false witnesses for no reason.
If you don't admit to the first lie then you will be basking in sunny Hell for an extended vacation because «bearing false witness» is a Top 10 No - No.
You have hounded me with your criticisms countless times and you still bear false witness against me and simply make up your own reality pertaining to my motives.
You realize «bearing false witness» is a sin, right?
True Catholic doctrine includes the Ten Commandments, which includes you shall not steal, bear false witness, nor covet your neighbor's house or property, among others (Exodus 20:1 - 17).
Verse 19 is «a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.»
More bearing false witness.
No bearing false witness 10.
Even if you do not believe any of these myths from the beginning, Bearing False Witness can be a handy tool with which to counter these myths if you hear them from the mouths of others.
It's also the price we pay for neglecting the commandment against bearing false witness (it's the ninth one, if you're keeping count), which implies the responsibility to get the facts right.
Just another one to ignore, since it won't actually contribute to any conversation, except to blame atheists for something (bearing false witness in the process), or to have some other negative comment about atheists.
Satan will abuse any opportunity he has to be a false witness.
If you are bearing false witness against me, you should explain your reasons for doing so.
Thou shalt not bare false witness Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not cover thy neighbor All commandments!
If you are a Christian, you just broke the, «thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor» commandment — just so you know.
Mark and Matthew report that the council tried to get testimony against Jesus that would justify a sentence of death, but though many false witnesses were found, they did not agree in their testimony (Mk 14:55 - 59; Mt 26:59 - 61).
nice... name call after you have already born false witness.
You may not like the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you may not agree with their tenets, you may even feel you are such an expert on what makes someone a Christian and have the right to make the judgement on who is and who isn't, but spouting off inaccurate claims indicates no credibility, and inasmuch as Jesus said «thou shalt not bear false witness» I guess it doesn't leave you looking much like a Christian.
We know, none so well, how stained is our national record; we know with what envious eyes our own business and military and political Ahabs regard the inheritance of Third World Naboths and take it, if necessary after bearing false witness against Naboth.
It is already clear that that plot will involve the purchase and planting of false witnesses and the old charge that God and king, religion and democratic order, have been cursed.
They themselves haviong forgotten one of the first laws that was recorded... thou shalt not lie or bare false witness.
Don't bear false witness.
To not bear false witness you must also only speak the truth.
«You shall not bear false witness» is a call to a life that is open, free, vulnerable, and risky, but that is where life is lived, and that is where its meaning is found.
But in this democracy of ours, pseudo or real, the arrangements for the act of possession and the essential steps of pious subterfuge, false witness, indictment without defense, and finally violence and murder - all this is, in a manner of speaking, done in our name and sealed with our seal.
You are a Christian HYPOCRITE because you preach but DO N'T practice biblical commands like «thou shall not bear false witness».
For out of the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander.
«It is striking that at times, in claiming to uphold the other commandments, they completely ignore the eighth, which forbids bearing false witness or lying, and ruthlessly vilify others.»
We do it, by cunning, by power and prestige, by elaborately contrived false witness - we too do it claiming the while that it is done in the name of Yahweh, according to God's holy ordinance, even in the name of Jesus Christ, and of course because we are a Christian nation.
Let's see... bearing false witness... judging... pride.
False witness mean anything to you?
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