Sentences with phrase «many familiar people»

The more familiar a person is with religion, the greater the chance of their seeing how irrational it is.
In the prophetic literature, various specific kinds of familiar person are the analogues for images of God as King, Judge, Shepherd, Husband, Father, etc..
I am old enough to enjoy familiar people even if I don't agree with them and think they are wrong, for that would be my description of my whole family.
It's funny how introducing new people to a familiar place, familiar people, and a familiar organization can suddenly help you see it all from a brand new angle.
The cast of characters might include monsters, bad guys, animals, imaginary creatures, or familiar people, places, and events combined in unusual ways.
She'll probably seek out interaction with familiar people but be anxious when separated from you or around strangers.
Fine Motor Skills — She can give a toy to caregiver when asked, she likes to explore, she can put objects (like toys) in a container Gross Motor Skills — She reaches for toys while sitting, she can walk alone, she can squat and stand up Sensory Skills — You baby likes attention from others and exhibits behaviors to get reactions, she likes hugs and affection from familiar people
One thing I often heard from overly familiar people when I was co-sleeping was them suddenly very concerned with how much sex I wasn't getting.
An anxious child often appreciates a consistent routine, seeing familiar people, going to regularly visited places and dependable bedtimes.
Sometimes head - banging can be traced to the loss of a familiar person or even a familiar object.
Toddlers also should be able to recognize the names of familiar people and objects, form simple phrases and sentences, and follow simple instructions and directions.
Your child can probably name dozens of things she sees regularly, including items around the house (bed, door, chair), animals, (dog, cat, bird, fish), and familiar people.
Babies this age begin smiling regularly at mom and dad, but may need some time to warm up to less familiar people, like grandparents.
If so it doesn't seem unreasonable to me to request he wait until she can better understand her overnight removal from familiar people and places.
Your child will probably enjoy gesture games, like pat - a-cake and so - big, and identifying things, such as body parts, pictures, or objects, and familiar people: «Where's your ear?»
When they get around to talking, though, they'll probably progress quickly and soon be able to point at something familiar and say its name, and recognize names of familiar people, objects, and body parts.
Infants are beginning to recognize familiar people, and by 3 months they should be reaching for things.
As babies get older, they may begin to show a preference for familiar people.
Leave with familiar people!
Leave your toddler with familiar people.
To ensure that the original memories were not influencing the participants» recall of the future scenarios, the experimenters had a different set of volunteers generate lists of familiar people, places and objects without calling up memories — for instance, using Facebook to find the names of 110 familiar people.
Research published today in Nature Human Behavior shows seeing familiar people activates a network of brain regions that appears to encode their position within the social group.
«Postexperiment questionnaires indicate that while envisioning the future, subjects tended to place those images in the context of familiar places (e.g., home, school) and familiar people (e.g., friends).»
This suggests that older adults recognized the familiar person but could not recall the source or reason for that familiarity.
«Because they are able to place the familiar person in the context of the crime scene, this may lead them to confidently assert that they saw the person commit the crime.»
«Eyewitnesses remember the crime itself and remember seeing a familiar person before but they may incorrectly visualize these two pieces of information together,» said Kersten.
«Reading emotional expressions may become more difficult with age, but using one's knowledge about a familiar person remains a reliable strategy throughout adulthood,» Rauers concludes.
I am socially very familiar person, I am an Mechanical Engineer and and higher position in my company and my office in Gurgoan working with MNC company in India.
The quest brings him in contact with many familiar people, places and things that define who he becomes in «Star Wars: A New Hope.»
She also begins to meet strangers who say they know her while familiar people swear they've never seen her before.
Naturally, Frank discovers that certain familiar people are once again up to something sinister, and he's forced back into investigation mode to get to the bottom of it.
When asking a student to make a choice, the teacher presents a board with a phrase or heading to indicate the purpose (e.g. «The Snack I Want Is...», «The Activity I Want to Do Is...») with icons or images that represent familiar people, objects, and activities attached to it.
But they do trust familiar people
As the day passes, various characters call on the man in his cell — vaguely familiar people, some who seem to resent him for crimes he can't remember — and each brings frustrating hints of his identity and his past.
Your pup has just been taken from its mother and littermates, and familiar people, surroundings, and smells.
Shy dogs can be like shy people: They are fine in familiar circumstances and with familiar people, but may become anxious and even defensive when exposed to strange dogs and situations.
However, some nervous new moms may also dislike having familiar people around.
We understand that familiar people may occasionally be able to handle some of these cats in their usual environment, but when cornered in a cage after a car ride in the presence of barking dogs and unfamiliar cats and humans, they become very frightened and often display intense fear aggression.
Social with familiar people and most dogs, Pharaoh Hounds will submit to their instincts should a rabbit bound across the lawn, or a cat, hamster or guinea pig dare enter their space, so don't keep these animals as pets.
The Guardian and Adopter arrange to meet in a neutral place, such as a local park, where, unlike in a shelter, the pet behaves calmly and naturally because they are with familiar people in a less stressful environment.
The Japanese Chin tends to be very responsive and affectionate to familiar people, but it can be hesitant to approach strangers.
Start in a familiar environment (at home with familiar people).
Have problems relating to or interacting with familiar people and animals in ordinary situations
Otherwise, if your dog is confined to your house and only meets the same familiar people over and over, he will desocialize surprisingly quickly and soon grow to be wary and fearful of strangers, especially children and men.
The Chatswood Cat Palace has premium, multi-level, custom designed Kitty Cabanas that provide the best cat boarding experience possible, short of a temporary foster home with already familiar people.
Earlier this year, a major study of more than 13,000 dogs ¹ analyzed the effect of spay / neuter status and age that the procedure was performed on three different types of aggression — towards familiar people, strangers, and other dogs.
Is she not recognizing familiar people or objects?
You have to watch your dog all the time, particularly around children, until you have gotten to know him or her well enough to be trusted around familiar people.
During development, a dog becomes socialized with familiar people, animals, objects and situations.
This was the likelihood that the dog would act aggressively toward its owner or other familiar people.
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