Sentences with phrase «many generations before»

I asked a millennial about them, figuring she wouldn't know about a relic from over a generation before hers.
The generation before us didn't have this.
A revolutionary software called blockchain is poised to transform all sorts of businesses — from big banks to Silicon Valley startups — in the same way broadband Internet and cloud computing did a generation before.
It probably won't bring jetpacks and hoverboards, but it will usher in other radical technologies, business models, customer experiences and even a new breed of entrepreneurs — a wave of so - called digital natives who think and act differently from every generation before them.
It's clear this generation of students values diversity in the workplace more than any generation before them.
But while most critiques of Millennials are sensationalist silliness, that doesn't mean that today's young people, like every generation before them, aren't making some serious, career - limiting mistakes.
Millennials seem to be more economically and environmentally conscious than generations before them.
And as the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada's own 2017 National Opinion Poll: Canadian Millennial Views on Asia revealed, Canadian millennials (aged 18 - 34) are more positive about Asia in general and more engaged with the region through work, travel, language, and social networks than any generation before them.
Millennials are viewed as more adaptable, creative and solo - oriented than the generation before them
Hiring managers, asked to choose whether millennials or the generation before them were more likely to possess an attribute, painted the following picture:
«Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Chinese food.»
They where honed as verbal stories for generations before they wre wriiten down and then the «best» of the writing were collect and save in the bible.
Have a backbone pu - ssies... like the generation before you and the one that came after us.
We're glad to be caught up in this life with friends around the world and generations before us.
You and the rest of the millenials don't need to question every strategy of the generation before you.
I do take slight issue with: «Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Jesus.»
Earlier Mesopotamian law codes, two generations before Hammurabi, take what we would consider a more civilized approach to the matter:
You have it in one sentence (it seems to me)-- «Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Jesus.»
Two generations before the internet and social networking, the minister and grandfather of the self - help movement, Norman Vincent Peale, founded Guideposts as a place for what would eventually come to be known as user - generated content.
In other words, we need not compromise the historical tenets of the Christian faith to recognize that this generation has something valuable to contribute to the future of Christianity, as does Generation X, the Boomers, and the generations before them.
We learn and get exposed to more of our world than the generations before us.
He said: «We should not be alarmed when we see couples of today being choosier than the generation before them.
Like the youth of the former Soviet Union and its satellites after the collapse of the Berlin wall, the hypocrisy of the revolutionary generation before them has extirpated most traces of faith.
Christian family living does not refer to the form of the family in which one lives but to caring for the generations: the generation before, one's own generation, and the generations that follow.
The generation before us has no right to judge us just because they're older.
But I wonder whether any generation before our own would recognize it as Christian theology.
The quality of care for family members in one's own generation and in the generations before and after is more important than the form or structure of one's household.
In the generation before Scotus, Thomas Aquinas argued that, although we have to use the same language to talk about both creation and its Creator, the things we say can only be true analogously in the two cases.
Whereas 85 percent of the silent generation — the generation before baby boomers — identify as Christian, only 56 percent of today's younger millennials do.
(97) And how many a generation before them have We destroyed!
Our generation, of all the thousands of generations before us, has been called upon to decide the destiny of life in this corner of the cosmos.
«Like other young generations before them, they are idealistic,» says Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation, «but what sets this generation apart is they are turning their idealism into action.»
Or to put it in another way, we humans have evolved in a symbiotic relationship with the culture created by the countless generations before us; we are dependent on the culture into which we have been born, not only for what we think and believe we know, but also for our very humanity.
A generation before the existential Now theologians were shouting it from the front lines, he knew that the safest place for the Christian thinker was in the midst of the social struggle.
I also see a lot of the appearances (not sight specifically) as a guess at explanation or a story that was told through the family for several generations before being put into writing.
And, those prophets must had been instructed by God to incorporate that knowledge of Him that had been passed down from generation to generation before them.
What the generation before them took for granted about divorce, or mixed marriages, or birth control, or segregation, or homosexuality they begin to debate and discard.
Also, every generation before ours?
Millennials got it all wrong too, along with every other generation before them.
and address whether Jesus was talking of the generation before him..
Ours may be the generation that finally sees him ride in on the clouds, or we may meet him the same way generations before us have — one by one by one, as we close our eyes for the last time.
One recalls the recent occasion on which Secretary of the Interior James Watt dismissed the idea that it might be important to conserve resources for future generations — because there may not be many generations before the Second Coming of Christ.
In the generation before Jesus a man asked the great Rabbi Hillel to teach him the Law while standing on one foot.
No, we're still looking at several generations before this thing fizzles out.
This is because population growth has a momentum such that it takes about two generations before curbs applied now have a major effect.
My generation was called the most self - centered, and my mother's generation before that had the same problem.
And when it comes to homosexuality, we no longer think in the black - and - white categories of the generations before ours.
Like generations before us, we have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom.
i'm not calling her names - but i am calling into question her putting words in my mouth like: «Like every generation before ours and every generation after, deep down, we long for Jesus.»
Church - going parents of single young adults can not expect their children to accept the moral code learned by their generation before the sexual revolution.
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