Sentences with phrase «many graphical effects»

They implemented so many graphical effects that could have easily been left out, but made all the difference.
Those, however, are not inherent to the Nintendo Switch version itself but are found in all releases of the game and, despite those, it still manages to entertain, to provide a jolly good time and to even impress at times with the graphical effects it pulls off, although the graphical side of things has high and low points, notably in its draw distance at times.
As well as a host of improved graphical effects we have also added in HDR which massively improves contrast to what was seen before
A nice graphical effect that Anchor has thrown in was the blood effects.
Name a graphical effect and the game has it.
Remedy had some extra resources for some graphical effects because they used 720p.
«Along with a wide selection of blade weapons and animated magic attacks we've achieved rich graphical effects and detailed, epic characters with the Quantum 3 engine.
I enjoy people that pixel count and analyzing game engines and performance and graphical effects.
Okay okay, that's an exaggeration and we are pretty sure that under the hood the game features more advanced graphical effects than its predecessor.
This new version of the action / adventure game include enhanced visuals and redone graphical effects.
He said the Vita is genuinely one of his favourite consoles due to the excellent tools and support, but the GPU on the Vita makes it tricky to produce the kind of graphical effects that have become a standard these days, which means sometimes we have to ship games without the full range of effects they might have on other systems, even older systems like the PS4.
Titan Quest Ragnarök also introduces a variety of other improvements such as new graphical effects, physics and UI improvement.
You won't find any voice acting, fancy graphical effects, or sweeping vista shots here like you would in recent console JRPGs such as Lost Odyssey or Final Fantasy XIII.
This new upgrade will boost Minecraft's visual flare dramatically with gorgeous graphical effects, HDR - support, and a native 4K resolution.
There are some incredibly realistic graphical effects such as blood splatter and bruising when injuries have been inflicted to either fighter.
The rebuilding of both Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide on Techland's next gen engine brings with it a significant visual & performance overhaul, introducing many cutting edge current - generation graphical effects:
There are a lot of existing user - created shader packs out there for Minecraft on PC which enhance the graphical effects, but Microsoft has put its developers to work on an official visual upgrade which they've dubbed as the «Super Duper Graphics Pack».
Graphical effects — Lighting and texture resolution have been improved.
What are all those glitchy graphical effects in aid of?
Sony can't mandate Devs limit graphical effects, physics and AI to guarantee X Res or Performance features.
As well as a host of improved graphical effects we have also added in HDR which massively improves contrast to what was seen before.
But that's not all that's here for Sonic fans — as there's several unique pieces of artwork on the disc too, used as part of graphical effect tests.
After Apple's CEO Tim Cook brought the company's focus on mobile gaming, and showed off some snazzy new graphical effects the iPhone 7 was capable of, he invited Shigeru Miyamoto and Bill Trinen, as well as Mario Kart and Nintendo mobile director Hideki Konno, on stage to announce and demonstrate the brand new game!
Graphical effects removed from Trilogy are kept intact (or «restored»), including lightning in Stage 3 - 1, ice glow in Stage 5 - 2, and fades in cutscenes.
The graphics aren't really a point with South Park as it is a stylised paper - cut - out cartoon style, but the graphical effects for powers and takedowns take this colourful yet plain style that much closer to being movie worthy.
But primarily, to scale across the range of hardware performance levels, we went the PC route and provided more options to the end - user: they can scale down the effective game resolution, turn off various graphical effects, and even whole subsystems such as audio, to reduce the load on their phones.
Our latest video showing off a near - final build of Project CARS on PS4 explores many of the available graphical effects and visual options, from the sun glare to the ferocity of the helmet cam.
Fixed the issue where graphical effect of a loot drop was not displayed intermittently when popping Splashy Water Balloon in Ellie's Mystical Lake.
(Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, the videotape graphical effects are distinct to these segments and aren't representative of the rest of the game.)
Features Plays Alucard, a descendant of Dracula, on a quest to end the evil one's curse for good More than 140 enemy types, from ghoulish spirits to grotesque monsters and beyond Classic 2D side - scrolling action, rich 32 - bit graphical effects
Essence featured next generation graphical effects, High Dynamic Range (HDR), dynamic lighting and shadows, advanced shader effects and normal mapping.
-- Is resolution included when folks speak about graphical effects?
Somehow, we've pushed developers into a pixel war, when they should be running both consoles at 720P with these sort of specs, and putting as much of that power into actual graphical effects, such tessellation effects, SSAO / SSDAO / HBAO, filtering, lighting, shadow counts and dynamic effects as possible (such as, grass bending to your touch)... that is, if you wanted to have an actual PC-esque experience.
The components inside have been swapped out for much more powerful parts than what's found in the original systems, thus allowing developers to push their games even further with higher resolutions, more graphical effects and better performance.
The varied and robust level boards, sound effects, graphical effects, music and insanely fast gameplay, made this game so addicting.
The animated music videos, songs and hyped up graphical effects make this game fun to play.
Igor implemented more and more features to the game like new game modes, zombies, graphical effects, as well as fixing bugs.
Some graphical effects have been added to make the game just a bit more than the same graphics at a higher resolution, but the game still looks familiar enough that veteran players will not be put off.
Quantum Break is a visual candy, it's not the best looking game on the console but it's highly impressive to see every single graphical effect on your screen.
Theme is more than a simple bullet point to be added amongst the various graphical effects, multiplayer modes, and stat systems.
Graphical effects, like tire tracks and dirt, [and] a new lower camera angle make for a more immersive feel.
Nice graphical effect.
Theme is more than a simple bullet point to be added amongst the various graphical effects, multiplayer modes, and stat...
The PC version, which can run at higher resolutions, is the best of these, though it is missing from graphical effects, while the Xbox version is considered the best console port.
Nearly all of the spiffy graphical effects from the arcade version have been wiped out entirely, and as a result, it doesn't feel like there's any difference between any of the levels other than palette swaps.
While this portable take on Enemy Unknown may not have all of the fancy graphical effects as its big brother counterparts, it is still pretty darn impressive and exciting to get such a full featured project such as this on an iOS device.
Though the NES game displayed the action from a top - down view, the jump to the SNES meant the series could now take advantage of then - new graphical effects, with Little Mac being made transparent during fights to give players a much more welcome third - person perspective.
Graphical effects...
There are texture pop - in issues and weird graphical effects throughout, plus some issues with Sebastian occasionally getting stuck on objects.
The graphical effects are so high that occasionally it becomes a bit too much for the Genesis to handle and the game suffers from noticeable slowdown at times.
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