Sentences with phrase «many hiring authorities»

For instance, Brodsky wants to know if the OTB board failed to live up to its fiduciary duties when it voted to give hiring authority to its new chairman, Larry Schwartz.
We remain committed to this task in order to reduce our governance structure (23 government entities, 23 hiring authorities to 1 government entity, 1 hiring authority) and secure long term financial stability.
• The ARPA - E Director will have flexible hiring authority to recruit the best and brightest program managers from outside of government at competitive salaries and for limited tenures of 3 - 5 years to ensure that fresh ideas and talent circulate through the program.
Having special hiring authority would not necessarily save NSF money because the new hires would still be earning higher salaries than regular government managers, Tornow acknowledges.
Other research agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, NASA, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), already have such hiring authority.
At a 9 August meeting of NSF's oversight body, the National Science Board, NSF Director France Córdova said special hiring authority would allow NSF to keep top managers for longer than the 4 years allowed under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) that governs their service.
In particular, NSF is thinking about asking Congress for special hiring authority, a mechanism that would allow the agency to bring in senior scientists at salaries above what they can typically offer federal workers.
Raymond hand - picked the principals for the schools, gave them full hiring authority, created positions for additional teacher coaches and site administrators, provided extra training and time for collaboration, and gave the schools more latitude to choose their curriculum.
If school hiring authorities are able to make good decisions about whom to hire, these reforms have the potential to benefit schools and students.
Schedule A is a specialized hiring authority that allows Federal hiring officials to appoint qualified people with disabilities non-competitively.
This document provides useful informaton on applying for Federal jobs using the Schedule A hiring authority.
The Schedule A Hiring Authority is a regulation issued by the Federal government's Office of Personnel Management (OPM), that gives managers the flexibility to hire qualified persons with disabilities without competition.
Qualified people with severe or targeted disabilities may be hired either non-competitively through the Schedule A Hiring Authority, or for FAA job opportunities using the On - The - Spot Hiring Authority.
For more information about the Schedule A Hiring Authority, visit the OPM website on employment of people with disabilities.
Special Hiring Authorities.
Appendix 6 provides additional information for managers and supervisors on various special hiring authorities to recruit and retain a highly qualified and motivated workforce.
When one of their installation legal offices has an opening the hiring authority there has the option to go into that database and pull out a military spouse attorney and hire quicker than if they went through the normal hiring process.
However my classmates graduated into a legal profession that was still predominately male, especially among the older attorneys would were most likely to be judges, law firm partners, mentors and those with hiring authority.
While most attorney positions are excepted service (and thus not representative of most of the hiring discussed) the articles provide a good overview of hiring authorities and demonstrate how government is going in the wrong direction with the hiring reform efforts.
Additionally, our recruiters are on a first name basis with most of the hiring authorities in the law firm markets they serve.
The ELA also highlights a lack of clear guidance on when a hiring authority can decide not to take action to initiate an exit payment repayment.
The respondent lawyers all have hiring authority, Robert Half Legal said.
Survey respondents included 150 lawyers (split between law firms and in - house counsel); more than 270 chief financial officers; 270 chief information officers; 150 senior human resources managers, 50 advertising executives, and 200 marketing executives, all of whom have hiring authority.
Work closely with hiring authorities in client companies to better leverage technology investments and satisfy strategic and tactical business requirements.
Surprisingly, it's often business acumen (more so than tech skills) that attracts hiring authorities... and with's candidate, business alignment was clearly the focus of his career.
Direct hire authority can be used for permanent, nonpermanent, or group positions for grades GS - 1 through GS - 15.
Hiring authorities are not looking for job descriptions on your resume.
We use our signature and popular HEADLINE FORMAT in our federal resumes, which are received well by federal hiring authorities.
No matter what I (or even you) think of your executive resume, it has one main job: to bowl over hiring authorities and compel them to call you before their competition does.
To hit home with recruiters and hiring authorities assessing you, it needs to integrate your hard skill sets with your softer ones — indicating who you are and how you use your skill sets to make things happen.
I know exactly what hiring authorities are looking for — and how to help you speed up your job search.
I interviewed 5 people in a hiring authority and received some great answers!
Agencies have additional flexibility when using special hiring authorities designed for veterans.
Direct Hire Authority: A hiring authority that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can give to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists.
Here is what you need to know — the hiring authority already knows the «tasks» associated with the position they are seeking to fill and they are weeding through hundreds of documents that look and read the same way.
Job seekers, more than anyone else, need to present themselves as relevant, valuable, and 3 - dimensional, in order to capture the attention of recruiters and hiring authorities.
And you have unprecedented opportunity to cost effectively promote your qualifications to hundreds or even thousands of hiring authorities of just a tiny fraction of the cost of doing so through traditional methods.
To get noticed in today's highly competitive job market, you have to build the hiring authority's confidence in you as a candidate by proving your value.
Both clients and hiring authorities share the results, ROI and value they gleaned from my work, my frequent career - based content and my reputation.
If you remember the 80s, you remember objective statements, job duties as your work history, printing your résumé on high quality stationery and then either mailing (US Postal service) or presenting your résumé to the hiring authority in person.
And, for that reason, it often raises a red flag and makes an immediate negative impression on hiring authorities.
Home» Best Resume Writing and Career Marketing Blog» How To Get Your Resume Past An Applicant Tracking System & Into The Hands of Hiring Authorities
Tell your story and make it easy for the hiring authority to determine how you can solve their specific business pain.
You will still encounter hiring authorities who have concerns when they see short stints.
You are the product that you are selling and as such, you have value and benefits to offer your target audience — the employers and hiring authorities.
And if you are able to capture in your profile the keywords hiring authorities and recruiters are likely to search for, you have a much higher chance of being included in the resumes reviewed.
An Executive Biography has become a key part of your executive job search - allowing you to present Boards of Directors and hiring authorities with a narrative of your leadership qualifications.
My executive resume services and biography writing are designed specifically to capture attention from CEOs, Board Members, or other hiring authorities.
It can provide the platform for you to showcase your varied strengths, talents, and experiences which may appeal to the hiring authority reviewing your document.
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