Sentences with phrase «many human attempts»

As any student of Comparative Mythology knows, the Garden myth in Genesis was taken from the Sumerian Chaos myths, and was a HUMAN attempt to explain «disorder».
They are a part of the history of human attempts to control other people — and they are badly written and a truly pathetic example of religious writing as well.
He is the subverter of all purely human attempts to establish absolutes: Those are caricatures.
Prayer is not a human attempt to get God's attention.
Instead they are human attempts to provide personal security, pleasure, and power.
Of course, we are engaging a Mystery in the deepest sense when we seek a direct encounter with God and existentialism has its serious limitations as do all human attempts at understanding; but I am drawn to Kierkegaard's insight into prayer:
Such repeated failure of human attempts to end war merely emphasizes the truth of Jeremiah's words: «I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong.
When humans attempt to break another human will, they desecrate the likeness of God in that person and violate their God - given gift of freedom.
As reports of civilian casualties mount, we see that, just as Jesus warned, human attempts to «root out evil» on our own, by force, result in the destruction of innocent lives.
Hauerwas, who teaches theology at Duke, holds these seemingly eclectic commitments together with a Reformed (via Barth) emphasis on the priority of God's Word over any human attempt to think of or live well before God, and a Wesleyan insistence on God's call to complete sanctification in this life.
But human attempts at protection often keep us from hearing the Holy Spirit.
This is a defiant and risky act, filled with glimpses into the mystery of God and filled with disappointments at how frail are human attempts to embody God's love.
We humans attempt to take God out of everything (the Pledge of Allegiance, Christmas, a christian holiday thnx very much, etc.) yet when he chooses to act and not save some, we call that unfair.
As C. S. Lewis pointed out in his reflections on the Hegelian versus the Christian approach to history, history does have an ultimate telos, but that is known to God alone and therefore any human attempt to explain it fully is doomed to failure.
Moreover, Luther's own lived experience made it clear to him over and over again that even good theology is imperfect, a human attempt to describe and interpret what God reveals to and through faith in the daily living of it.
Nor does it condemn the human attempt to understand and articulate it.
2) The starting point of sin is the human attempt to evade the possibility of divinely directed spiritual growth.
Christian faith — as I have insisted again and again — is God - centered — despite our inveterate (and sinful) human attempts to make God adjectival to our own subjective immortality after death.
It might be said that the history of the past half - century is the story of human attempts to secure world - community, the triumph of righteousness and justice, the establishment of understanding among the peoples of the earth, but always through the exercise of some variety of coercion.
Barth held that there is no way from human beings to God, and his disciple Hendrik Kraemer (1888 - 1965) argued that religions, including Christianity, were vain human attempts to reach God.
This unalterable and eternal despot is the origin of totalitarianism, and represents the first cringing human attempt to refer all difficult questions to the smoking and forbidding altar of a Big Brother.»
No human attempt, however inspired, to grasp that mystery can ever be more than partial.
It is a long way from such an ideal of political activity to the actualities in which it is carried on; but it is essential to our human attempt to live together to see that the «game of politics» is not merely a necessary evil but that it has at its best a link with legitimate good.
As we have hinted, theories about the mode of that presentness reflect an almost presumptuous human attempt to define and describe what can be apprehended only by faith.
Surely you assert that all but one of them are all fabricated by the creative minds of humans attempting to explain life's mysteries?
At our best, we suffer all this contradiction gladly, in the faith that out of a multitude of human attempts to glimpse, to trust and to obey the Lord of history, that Lord is weaving together a story he means to tell.
I think all religions are human attempts at understanding Mystery.
In its broader sense the word politics means human attempt to structure or organize life or society for the benefit of the people concerned.
Any human attempt to build unity, no matter how valiant and well intended, will fall far short of the spiritual structure that has Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.
Thus, any human attempt to claim that the Spirit has chosen to give only men the «gift of leadership» and women the «gift of nurturing» is a human construct that seeks to bind the work of the Spirit in the world for the benefit of those who establish such strict categories and try to enforce them through claiming some biblical authority to do so — as men have for millennia now.
His observations come together in an interesting formula: «human attempts to frustrate the Announcements tend to fulfil them; human attempts to fulfil the Announcements tend to frustrate them.»
He noted that although human attempts at bettering people's lives have been significant and worthy of praise, in many cases, they are either not advanced enough or completely incapable of helping, and, therefore, a miracle is the last and often only resort.
So far our lowly human attempts at imitation have been quite crude.
In time, says Wilson, all human attempts to improve on nature, such as our painstakingly bred horses, would revert to their origins.
When humans attempt to intercept an object, our brains anticipate both how the object is moving as well as how our own bodies will behave as we move.
Used for decades to describe the parallel processing abilities of computers, multitasking is now shorthand for the human attempt to simultaneously do as many things as possible, as quickly as possible.
A true nailbiter, The China Syndrome is a potent harbinger of the potential devastation that can be wrought when humans attempt to harness an energy source they don't fully understand, an energy that can leave no leeway for such human foibles as avarice and sloth.
An elephant is distressed when her calf can't breathe and humans attempt to resuscitate the little one.
We've heard it all before — two - doored car is offered with rear seats, human attempts to climb into said seat.
Just as Anam uses the reconstruction of the whale fossil to explore Zubaida's attempt to put together her own past, she uses the ship - breaking and reconstructing of the luxury liner Grace as an ironic tragedy; to show that our human attempts to put pieces together and solve mysteries often, unfortunately, fail to succeed.
A May 2009 issue of the Journal of Veterinary Behavior highlighted a study that indicated human attempts to assert dominance over dogs tend to increase canine aggression in return.
Too often, humans attempt to correct such issues in human ways.
Unfortunately when humans attempt the same kind of games, using their hands, they often reinforce the highly excitable behaviour and encourage kittens to grow up, biting and scratching in the name of play with an intensity that can cause injury.
Human attempts to mimic these signals are clumsy at best, like trying to eat rice with a club.
The exact fall of the city isn't quite depicted in this title, rather it attempts to show the Chimeran invasion through the eyes of a civilian, firefighter Tom Riley, and also add a new wrinkle to the Resistance canon by showing one of the more radical human attempts to fight off the Chimera.
How neatly the sculpture dovetails ancient divinity and modern death in a single form, the triangular roof and pitched lid fused in an anti-table that would thwart all human attempts to dine.
The artist addresses the tragic fate of all human attempts to preserve the life and living things, which end in destruction and desolation.
Maya Zack, (b. 1976, Israel) an Israeli artist and filmmaker, deals in her work with the human attempt to impose order and form onto reality in order to cope with its chaotic nature.
In these paintings the force of nature overwhelms what seems to be a futile human attempt to persevere.
Across all spaces at CAG, discrete works trace a progression reflective of different human attempts to understand our place in the universe.
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