Sentences with phrase «many human lifetimes»

Nor should they imagine that they will be able to return in any short (human lifetime) timespan with a new DAO for funding.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
The expected Messiah was to have heralded an era of world peace, rebuilt the temple, and do a few other things all within an ordinary human lifetime.
For them microevolution is the change we have observed over just the short span of a human lifetime or within a few centuries.
I wonder how many human lifetimes will pass before we know anywhere near everything of his creation.
Instead of spending $ 100 million on a slow boat to the stars, in April of last year the billionaire entrepreneur Yuri Milner announced he would use that same sum to forge a new path to Alpha Centauri within a human lifetime.
But I would at least like to see a mission that could be completed in a single human lifetime.
In some models, such instabilities can produce a planet in a few hundred years or less, possibly even in a single human lifetime, but only if the disk is very dense and cold.
After training their algorithm, the computer's regrets were so close to zero that the game couldn't be beaten in a human lifetime, the researchers report online today in Science.
Why bring the timeframe forward to within a single human lifetime?
«So over the course of a human lifetime, these would have been changes that an individual would experience.
Forty years is a timescale that happens in a human lifetime
«There's a long way to go,» Kirkland admits, but after 15 months, equivalent to half a human lifetime, the mice were still doing well.
«Studying disruptions to ecosystems like those seen in plant invasions provides a window into something — specifically the process of co-evolution — that we normally don't get to observe in a single human lifetime
No one knows the natural course of the disease over a human lifetime, or how the virus spread around the world in the first place.
If this trend is not reversed, a wetlands ecosystem that took nature 7,000 years to build will be destroyed in a human lifetime.
«This is the first time we have been able to observe these events in the span of a human lifetime,» says Ann Kinney of the Space Telescope Science Institute, which manages the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
And while we often can not say that the next Big One will strike in a human lifetime, we can say it is very likely to occur within the lifetime of a building.
Quantum computing — using individual atoms as information carriers — could transform the way we study the world, solving problems that would take many human lifetimes for today's supercomputers in a matter of days.
Currently used to achieve large amounts of energy necessary to launch a craft past Earth's gravitational pull, chemical rockets are inadequate for travel to the stars in timescales of human lifetimes.
As a scientist who, as a teenager was enchanted with the concept of a molecule that instructed our inheritance, I am awed and astounded to be among the first to look across the billions of bases of DNA landscape of the black - footed ferret, an opportunity seemingly beyond the realm of possibility less than a human lifetime ago.
[Response: My problem is with discounting over long time frames, longer than a human lifetime.
This formidable subluminal speed would allow a starship to reach, within a human lifetime, a number of stars in the solar neighborhood.
Humanity's knowledge of how the cosmos was born and how its many phenomena arise has grown exponentially in a period of time equivalent to just one human lifetime.
Even in Greenland, marine - terminating glaciers — which flow to the sea, calving bergs — are unlikely to disappear within several human lifetimes.
What this is doing is it's freeing up a little bit of time for me to finish the new book, and it's also making sure that you've seen the most important, most impactful, most useful content because I believe really deeply with Bulletproof Radio that given that we're pushing 50 million downloads, the number of hours that are consumed just listening to Bulletproof Radio is more than 100 human lifetimes.
Full human lifetimes.
Of course, this is the sort of game that you could probably play forever (and if not forever, then at least several human lifetimes) but I'm going to call it done after credits roll.
As a veterinarian, I have noted with interest that during a single human lifetime a number of pet lifetimes may pass, and as we recall each pet that shared our time, it seems that they never stayed with us quite long enough.
«Using the span of human lifetimes, including his own, Ruppersberg compiles printed matter of... read more... «Allen Ruppersberg: The art of give and take»
«The Color Out of Space» uses outer space as a lens to interrogate geological time as measured against the span of a human lifetime.
In This much is true, Gallaccio turns her gaze from changes in the natural world encompassed in the human lifetime to the slow mutations effected during geologic ages.
(That's about a human lifetime, which perhaps gives a little reassurance that maybe the extreme crudity of this calculation doesn't render it totally pointless.)
Temporally, it requires that we imagine ourselves inhabitants not just of a human lifetime or generation, but also of «deep time» — the dizzyingly profound eras of Earth history that extend both behind and ahead of the present.
To a species, a human lifetime is a little flicker.»
It didn't occur to him or he didn't care that climatic cycles span multiple human lifetimes, so his sampling wasn't exactly robust.
Because while we well understand toxicity, we know squat about what a human lifetime spent between 426 and 5000 looks like.
In a single human lifetime humanity has become a planetary - scale geological force», said Prof Steffen.
Alas BEST's «best» methods surreptitiously distort and suppress the multi-decadal variations of greatest impact during human lifetimes in favor of bogus trends,
If one accepts these premises, then there immediately follows the idea that all lower - frequency variations (seen as «trend» from the limited perspective of a human lifetime) must be due to anthropogenic causes, i.e. AGW.
Whether or not this is an accurate reflection of the figure it is certainly non-zero, and anything that escalates the risk of nuclear war over a human lifetime should be met with concern, even if the risks of the escalating factor itself are blithely ignored.
Sea level rise will be a gradual (so gradual as to be almost imperceptible in a human lifetime) process — just as it has been in the past few hundred years.
Sea level rise will be a gradual (so gradual as to be almost imperceptible in a human lifetime) process
And it is an absolute requirement of the Climatologits Creed that no prediction made can be testable within a human lifetime.
Personally I don't see much point in planning more than a human lifetime ahead, let alone the 100,000 years David Archer's The Long Thaw talks about.
Climate, if it changes at all, evolves so slowly that the difference can not be seen in a human lifetime.
Perihelion shifts by one day every 57 or 58 years: a typical human lifetime.
There is no use spending billions on computers to model climate is the second alternative is true, because there is no computer fast enough to solve the calculations in a human lifetime.
Search for something that correlates with climate change over a human lifetime.
But it seemed to have come in abrupt steps, which in some centuries might have pumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at a rate fast enough to bring serious change within a human lifetime (62) +
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