Sentences with phrase «many hungry people»

Creators of technologies that cure world hunger may find that hungry people don't have money, but government agencies as customers are a very long sales cycle.
If they still decide to come on board, that means that you have the right caliber of young, success - hungry people around you.
Starbucks may not be able to feed every hungry person in the U.S..
However, she was still a sinner who without the saving power of Jesus Christ would have gone to hell no matter how many hungry people she fed.
Don't you have some hungry people to feed?
The problem is when there TRULY are hungry people (and 2 in 10 Americans are), you would simply deny them any care and let them die just out of spite.
Think how many hungry people that money could feed and do so much more good (not to mention being so much more like what JESUS would do).
You are like a hungry person looking for a fly in your soup when one is freely given to you; step back and look at the big picture of what is being said in Isaiah 40 and Malachi 3:1 and what Jesus said about the prophet who spoke of Him throughout the Old Testament.
We assume that a hungry person wants us to give them something to eat.
Hungry people listen better than satiated ones.
John's miracle tells us that God wants hungry people fed.
«Blessed are you hungry people, you will be filled.
Prophecy illuminates the past, present, and future by employing story and poetry to bring into sharp contrast the way things are with the way things should be with, the ways of power - hungry people with the ways of a loving God, the path of cruelty and injustice with the path of righteousness, the kingdoms of this world with the coming Kingdom of God.
Last month, the UN reported that the number of chronically hungry people in the world was rising again after a decade of declines thanks to prolonged conflicts and climate change - related floods and droughts.
Or not feed a hungry person or clothe a naked one.
So he blessed the loaves and the fishes to show that those hungry people deserved to die?
We have been here in Taiwan for about half the week and we have seen some remarkable settings, fruitful ministry, and spiritually hungry people.
You consider Africa to be just a place full of hungry people riding elephants.
Hungry people are waiting to be fed.
... A sudden cut in food aid that would throw 18 million of the hungriest people in the world off a stream of food on which they rely.»
After all, it is said, a free press is not a high priority for a hungry person.
On the contrary it is the visible force and migration laws of the superpowers that keep the land hungry persons from the empty space of the world occupied in the days of colonial expansion.
It is the visible force and migration laws of the superpowers that keep the land - hungry people away from the empty spaces of the world which were occupied in the days of colonial expansion.
If they call themselves TRUE Christians; let them FEED and cloth the poor and every hungry person in America.
It's not his fault power hungry people after him exploited the idiots around the rest of the world.
If Jesus could multiply fish and loaves of bread to feed hungry people, and turn water into wine to give people more to drink, what's the harm in transforming a few stones into bread to satisfy his own hunger?
To develop crops that feed hungry people?
While this is the kind of sovereignty power - hungry people have always grasped after, it's not the kind of «sovereignty» we admire.
«but i don't know any hungry people,» I say.
But isn't it better to put to the pastor a question like this: How can we empty our refrigerator to feed hungry people to the glory of God?
The church spends millions of dollars — money that could help so many homeless, hungry people — on keeping LGBTI people from having the exact same rights as everyone else already enjoys.
It is full of good sense, this act of a defeated and hungry people which still has confidence in its king and obeys his orders.
I personally love this ministry and personally was homeless when someone shared the Love I needed I current volunteer at a homeless shelter every Monday and cut hair (I'm a Barber) I also enjoy finding hungry people and feeding them.
According to Matthew, that experience will occur in the practice of the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount; according to Luke - Acts, it will take place in our participation in and our response to a community of hungry people.
I believe His words were manipulated by power hungry people to enslave and control others.
Of course, the money saved from not eating meat would have to be used to buy grain that would go to some hungry person.
We are still awaiting an ecclesiastical Julia Child who can set the Lord's table in proper fashion and with a eucharistic «Bon appétit» invite God's hungry people to come and be filled.
There are hungry people in the world today.
A major crop failure would mean death for innumerable hungry people.
All of the time, money, and energy spent on these signs could have been used to feed hungry people in our country or to provide materials to our schools.
Each year BFW, based in the nation's capital with 44,000 members across the country, takes on a legislative target aimed at helping poor and hungry people.
If helping hungry people is the goal, our food aid programs would be markedly different.
Let us hasten to insist that this is no invitation to power - hungry people to join in an amoral play of power politics within the churches.
Hungry people in countries that are exporting foods to us may refuse to continue that process.
The money activists spend to encourage gayness, h8 etc every day, and to get Obama reelected (regardless of what it does to our Country), etc, could be spent to feed hungry people.
In part this is due to false propaganda, but it is also the result of contrast between America's fabulous opulence and the poverty of chronically hungry peoples.
In the present crisis, the hungry peoples of the Orient, long acquiescent in poverty and disease because they saw no escape, are filled with a new hope, and the Communists are feeding these hopes.
The problem is getting it to hungry people.
He has related stories of Franklin standing shoulder, to shoulder with him in over 100 degree weather passing out food to hungry people.
If a church is satisfying heart - hungers and contributing to the growth of persons, it should try to offer its ministry to as many as possible of the spiritually hungry people in its community.
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