Sentences with phrase «many idealists»

Or, as Christine Bader describes in her book The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil, corporations including her former employers at BP may well be «advancing human rights in some ways while compromising them in others.»
When something does go wrong, idealist business owners suddenly find they don't have enough available resources to adapt and survive.
«We have a very idealist mission and it's very special and brings an incredibly passionate set of people to come work with us,» he says.
And in terms of reputation, the anything - goes strategy seemingly suggested by some idealists is likely to be fatal to just about any charity.
In a new book, The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty, Nina Munk tells a rich tale of one man's hubris.
Idealists are always looking for better ways to operate their businesses.
Even Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg makes a good show of it these days, not to mention an entire generation of as - yet uncontaminated young idealists.
And, as Canadian writer Nina Munk details in The Idealist, her new book about the economist, he refused to take any blame when things went wrong.
The Idealist is an audit of Sachs's attempts to do just that.
Pragmatic Idealists - While balancing child care and personal needs, they still look for fun and excitement.
We are pragmatists as well as idealists.
As Cook told it, Apple is a place where it's possible to be an idealist and successful in business.
My own personal favourites from 2013 included Difficult Men, by Brett Martin and The Idealist, by Nina Munk.
That's a nice, idealist thought, but the reality is that social media (and all social media platforms) aren't accessible to everyone.
That fits his role as the benevolent realist wrangling passionate idealists just enough to keep things on track.
«I wouldn't call myself an idealist,» says Post, «but I'm driven by the societal impact this can have.
I guess I'm more of an idealist than anything else.
Hoover was the idea person and the idealist, while Spain was the operations manager and the practical businessman.
Some of his fundamental statements are certainly honorable but idealist and utopian in a fallen, sinful, and self - centered world.
They may call them crackpots, idealist and dreamers.
The founders were nonconformists, idealists and go - getters, the kind of people who oppose bureaucracy and take significant risks.
They're idealists who are also making...
But Zuckerberg also admits that the idealist train of thought might have blinded the company to potential misuses of Facebook's toolset.
Offshore drilling has become more effective than shale and more environmentally sustainable as well, no matter what Greenpeace idealists have to say.
He is, in his own way, an idealist.
The answer is that Communism is «idealist» in the strict...
They came in with idealist beliefs in equal access to info and by extension to the markets but they are selling out, just like everyone else before them.
The idealist in me can't help but envision how global crowdfund investing stands to facilitate sustainable and attributable social impact with unparalleled scale and efficacy.
The initial support comes from the idealists who are faithful to the original characteristics of the blockchain.
While the compromisers and idealists wage battle, both sides are aware how Canada's left has drifted toward the Liberals.
Yet hope doesn't come easily anymore, even in a nation of dreamers and strivers and idealists.
Emancipation might have been delayed for decades if a minority of diehard idealists had not made such a fuss insisting on a philosophically consistent application of the ideals of liberty and equality under the law.
And that «minority of die - hard idealists» whom Marr praises for bringing about the end of slavery?
Thereafter it was only a short path to Kant's «critically idealist» abandonment of the world «in itself» and retreat to the world available only to the human apparatus of perception.
You are a spineless apologist and idealist who does not get it.
Each idealist in Peoples Temple was being carried by the driving force of his own personal utopian dream, which developed the momentum of a locomotive, and all Jim Jones had to do was switch the track toward the abyss [quoted in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, July 24].
Hartshorne therefore is willing to admit that he may be understood only by other Idealists or even only by himself» (HEP 17).
But we could hypothesize that «whenever a principle such as «Parliamentary Reform» is found in the antecedent world as a contrast between (a) moderate revival of an old ideal, (b) ultraconservative reaction, (c) popular anticipation of radical change, and (d) a vehicle for the ambitions of young politicians and idealists, then the principle in form (d) is most likely to be articulated as the primary element in some event emerging from that antecedent world.»
German idealists located God in the transcendental ground of human experience.
The writers of these words were not romantic idealists unfamiliar with nature's harsh realities.
Idealists share this identification with empiricists, positivists, historicists, and phenomenalists.
I think we sometimes can get just as romantic and idealist about freedom as we can get about nature.
Yet it was his openness to new cultural styles, including laid - back music and funky fashions of California's early surfer scene, that helped him reach young idealists and inspire a trend toward seeker - sensitive congregations.
On the one hand, Christian idealists are scandalized at the very possibility of violence.
For instance, the idealists believed that the life of the spirit was possible only because they regarded man as essentially spirit.
At Harvard there were the idealist Hocking, whose poetic intuitions seemed to me profound, but whose arguments seemed mostly loose and unsatisfying (nevertheless it was he who convinced me that God was not immutable); Ralph Barton Perry, whose criticism of idealism and monism were challenging and impressive in their apparent rigor; and two brilliant logicians, Sheffer and Lewis.
This was measured praise since, as Morris knew, most of the great idealists were dead, including Peirce and Whitehead.
Third, these idealists point to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the world.
In Europe I listened to Husserl and Heidegger; the idealists Kroner, Natorp, and Rickert; the Platonist Jonas Cohn, the Kantian Ebbinghaus; also Nicolai Hartmann; and Max Scheler.
It is — and this is the real point — the thought and the presumption that there can be no reconciliation of these theories with historic Christianity, which places upon the critic thesubjective necessity of a modernist interpretation, whether it be idealist or materialist.
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