Sentences with phrase «many kinds of forcing»

Created as a comic series by Jewish American writer - artist Jack Kirby in 1966, the eponymous black superhero represents the resistance to settler - colonial forces — the kinds of forces upon which America's nationhood was constructed.
The show has been good for me in this area because it's kind of forced me to be eccentric, colorful, happy, quirky — all of me — and being vulnerable in front of clients and the audience and crying.
«It actually kind of forces these companies to admit that they're kind of prison companies only incidentally — what they really are is real - estate companies,» Petrella said.
how about a set of coupled ODEs that track growth and decay of «hotness» through time, with the successes being a kind of forcing function, and the ODE measuring a probability of success.
And all that without fear, hunger, boredom, needing motivation, or any kind of force.
We really don't know what kind of forces came upon the earth during the flood, nor do we know what kind of universe and radiation existed before the flood.
Are they taken to have the force of descriptive reports, or the force of injunctions, the force of emotive expressions, or some other kind of force?
(In the case of persons with preferences, Singer is opposed to any kind of forced, involuntary euthanasia.)
The American experience in the leveling of a continent and the partial reshaping of the face of nature constitutes one large national illustration of this kind of force.
Thus the crucifixion appeared to the Jews to be weakness, for they had conceived of the establishment of God's Kingdom, for which they hoped, by the kind of force employed by David, their king, to whom they looked back with reverence.
Although I usually love fall, I'm having to kind of force myself into embracing it.
Xhaka was the wrong one to get the best out of Coquelin and this kind of forced him out as Xhaka is never dropped.
Obviously not the best shot selection, but Terry's hand was kind of forced.
Chuck Mindenhall is actually great and is a solid journalist imo, there's just not enough content from him, and seems like Luke tends to steamroll everyone too much on MMABeat to really hear his thoughts on there, he's kind of forced to piggyback on other's thoughts because of that.
The reigning champions don't look any kind of force and are struggling badly in the final third of the group.
But one kind of forced reinvention — divorce — generally seems to be a positive thing, especially if you're a woman.
Its new leadership has yet to define itself with the kind of force that former President John Rogers and former Superintendent Forrest Claypool did six years ago.
home is the best place for mommy and baby, it was babies for me i had my twins at home and having a home birth kind of forced me to keep them in full term!!!
Children that experience these kinds of forced interventions are more likely to develop ingrained phobias and resentment.
«We don't have the kind of forces in the community that we had before, in other words, our black media outlets,» the Democratic governor continued.
BOX 15, A-15-6; 30219214 / 734997 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Observing - Observing the Weather Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JE Alternate Auto - Instructional, Measuring 1 - 4 / Measuring Area, Gillis Classifying - Trees in our Environment, JRM, c. 1972 AAAS - Xerox Film Loops Guide, A11 Exercises - Shapes and Symmetry, Hansen, 1972 SAPA Part B - 1st Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants, HM Communicating - Identifying Objects and their Variations, RN Communicating - Different Kinds of Forces, AHL Communicating - Graphs, JRM Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Using Space / Time Classifying - Animals in Our Environment: Part B (alternate) Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smtih Alternate (Autoinstructional)- Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line Observing - Observing Soils, JRM SAPA Part B 2nd Draft, 1972 Measuring Area 1 - 4, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 2, CCP Measuring 1 - 4, Volume of Solids, Alternate 1, CCP Measuring Length 4 - 6, Linear Measurement Using Metric Units, CCP Communicating - Intro to Graphing, JRM Communicating - Pushes and Pulls, AHL Communicating - Identifying Objects and Their Variations, RN Classifying - Trees in Our Environment, JRM Classufying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things, Smith Observing - Observing Color and Color Changes in Plants and Observing Changes in Mold Gardens, HGM Observing (alternate)- Observation, Using Several of the Senses, HGM, c. 1972 Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, JRM Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance, JWE Using Space / Time - Shadows, Smith Using Space / Time Relationships - Time Intervals, HGM Observing 10 - Observing the Weather, JWE Observing - Observing Soils Using Several of the Senses, JRM SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Communicating - The Same but Different Observing 10 - Observing the Weather Observing 9A - Observing Soils Observing (alternate)- Using Several of the Senses Observing - Observing Change Classifying - Trees in Our Environment Classifying - Observing Living and Nonliving Things SAPA Part B, Observing - Changes in Molds and Other Plants, c. 1972 SAPA Part B Tryout Draft, 1972 Observing - Observing Changes in Plants Observing - Changes in Mold and Green Plants Measuring - Making Comparisions Using a Balance Measuring Length - Linear Measurement Using Metric Units Measuring Volumes of Solids, 1 - 4 Communicating - Pushes and Pulls Comparing Area, c. 1972 Using Space / Time Relationships - Shadows, 1972 Addition of Postive Numbers, Sums 1 - 99 (not being tried) SAPA Part B 3rd Draft (alternate), Using Numbers - Numbers and the Number Line, 1972 SAPA Part C 1st Draft, 1972 Classifying - Classifying Components of Mixtures, Livermore Inferring 2 - How Certain Can You Be?
Such composite nanosurfactants and the droplets they cover are responsive to three kinds of forces: light, magnets, and electrostatic.
While Prokop is studying avalanches, Aalberg, as a building engineer, is interested in understanding what kinds of forces the snow exerts before it slides away in an avalanche.
In a certain way, this kind of forced discipline in Italy was good for me, because I had been relying exclusively on self - discipline for some time and I found it motivating to be given some input and structure from the outside.
To get to that place, we might first wonder if nature is, in fact, schizophrenic: Should we accept that there are two kinds of forces that operate over two different scales — gravity for big scales like galaxies, the other three forces for the tiny world of atoms?
Fortunately, an atomic trap can be based on another kind of force that light can exert on atoms.
A second way would be to find a new kind of force, unrelated to either the electromagnetic or nuclear forces known to science, which would provide repulsion on human scales.
This attractive force between branes would in fact be a special case of the kind of force that inflationary cosmologies posit to explain the early universe's blowup.
Dr. Sajad Zalzala: The reason because uhm — if I — I find it actually helps accelerate Diabetes because what it's — It kind of forces the pancreas to release more Insulin.
I mean family is kind of forced to put up with my crazy and irrational fears of wearing white denim, right?!? I have good news to report, I did not sit in or spill anything on my jeans!
Since LA was the last stop on our road trip along the westcoast, I kind of forced Melissa to drive all the way from Venice Beach through LA's horrible traffic solely to visit this spot.
That's what I like about the style challenges, they kind of force me to think out of the box... or the closet!
I kind of forced myself to persue it because I was so confused by the fact I wasn't into him but essentially that ended in me finally realizing I liked him at about the same time he must have devised he was done with me... Cause I never heard from him again!
Getting back to the points raised at Military Pen Pals then Vince Appleby makes the important point that military penpals, whether they be army penpals, navy penpals, airforce penpals or any other kind of forces penpals, deserve our gratitude and respect because of the important job they are doing keeping us safe here at home.
Both westport, decided getting emails from the person i first google online dating started and kind of forced.
There's also that kind of forced and pretty unnecessary Elon Musk cameo, but it's easy to see why, on paper, it seemed like a fun idea.
That kind of forced isolation of children is always going to make me think of Lanthimos» dark comedy.
«I don't know, I feel like he's channelled something that Doctor Strange is channelling by the end, where he's tapped into something, some kind of force within him that keeps him going and he's got a fire in his belly.
This kind of forced marriage between silly slapstick and graphic decapitations is evidenced in the comic kung - fu flick, Handsome Siblings.
In fact I kind of forced that fact into my review about it being darkly comedic and I probably should not have.
In this article we will also examine which management style you need to implement in your team in order for it to become a kind of a force multiplier.
So it's a combination of those two kinds of forces coming together to oppose it and taking advantage of events like the performance of students in New York where a certain number of parents then get concerned that their students don't look good under the new assessments and are pushing back against that kind of measurement system that's incorporated in the new assessments.
It's the same with Computer Science — we've kind of forced them to do the telescopes first and then say «well, if you survive that then maybe you'll like the bigger science around it».
That can be a good thing if you treat it as a kind of forced savings program.
My plan was to try and stay on the sidelines but the markets kind of forced my hand on that one.
I was kind of forced to take a long - term perspective and to become patient in order to successfully pursue my goal to building up a stock portfolio providing me with a reliable and ever growing passive income stream over time.
You can train your puppy without any aversives or any kind of force at all, if you want to
I immediately regretted it; it was the kind of forced familiarity that might seem patronizing.
When it's too much even with the third night free and food credits, you are kind of forced to make hard choices.
Considering that 80 % of the game is ranking up in League matches, it's safe to say that the game kind of forces «content» upon you.
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