Sentences with phrase «many kinds of statements»

That's not exactly the kind of statement that instills confidence in a firm trying to distance itself from trouble.
Outlined in the documents are rules about what kinds of statements are considered too offensive to allow, how much violence the site allows in videos — including Facebook Live, which has been the subject of significant controversy recently — and what to do with sexually suggestive imagery.
-- you do not want to embarrass yourself by admitting any kind of statement that MAY BE FALSE.
The bible makes all kinds of statements about stoning, killing, etc..
No sane or decent person would make that kind of statement.
So I draw back from the kinds of statements you might find reassuring.»
I figure that at the very least, it teaches people not to make those kinds of statements in my presence.
Steve Chalke asks if they're the kind of statements that would ever have crossed the lips of Jesus.
I keep asking you to present any kind of statements from the dictators themselves that shows they committed the mass murders specifically because those people weren't atheists or wouldn't deconvert from their religions.
Most of us know that these kinds of statements do more harm than good, so we play it safe and refrain from offering any encouragement at all because we don't want it to come out like a robotic and unsympathetic platitude.
He'd find your kind of statement ironically one - sided and self - defeating.
(As Joshua Reynolds put it in the eighteenth century, «There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking») However, we can keep this problem from getting out of hand if we remember that different kinds of statements are verified in different ways.
Having seen the kind of statements about God which appear objectionable, and having seen how historical understanding enables us to see positive merit in them, we must still face the question, What shall we do with these ideas today?
It may seem unkind for me to say such a thing about Christians but if we're being honest here... I'm only saying what most Americans are thinking when Evangelicals make those kinds of statements.
We may need to translate the miracle accounts into these kinds of statements to make sure that we do not miss their intended implications, for these implications may in fact be of religious significance to us.
With this kind of statement, amplified by the brief for Texas, it becomes even more illuminating to reread the dissents written in Roe and in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton, by William Rehnquist and Byron White.
You are making progress» @Chad «ah, the made up accusation, you fabvorite A. you need better bait B. you'll find those kind of statements are so much more compelling if you provide evidence of same
This kind of statement is as bad as the far right wing garbage.
This kind of statement comes from a racist sick mind..
I am convinced I've see this very same kind of statement elsewhere, it must be gathering popularity with the masses.
These kinds of statements from ex-mormons make me wonder.
I agree, it doesn't seem logical that we are seeing these kinds of statements against healthy fats.
That's the kind of statement that causes one to think that San Antonio might have awakened a sleeping giant in James.
Come on now, 200M more spent, and you can make those kinds of statements.
Golovkin's got some real mandatories approaching, so I'd much rather see him fuck Canelo off for good now and try and dismantle the up - and - comer class, get back to being the active fighter everyone loved and end his career with that kind of statement.
These kind of statements shouldn't be made by player who wants another player to replace him.
What kind of statement is that?
We are obviously not aiming for the league (that is just clear and easy to see), so it would be nice to get some kind of statement from the «deluded one» regarding the objectives of the club.
I did tell you John didn't I, you've never kicked a ball in your life, what kind of a statement is that, approximately 60 % and rising.
They were the same kind of statements he has made every year for the last 12 years.
Why make this kind of statement in the first place?
I want to sit down with everybody next week, I think it's too raw, too early to make any kind of statement but what I say is what I mean.»
But given this kind of statement, this legislation is going to wind up being perceived as extremely coercive.
In fact, this kind of statement can totally make her day.
I've often suspected that part of the problem is that my mother takes personally any choices I make as a parent that are not the same as those she made with me — like this is some kind of statement that I think she was a bad mother.
Given that the courts and government don't necessarily have a superior ability to sort of the truth of statements like these, these kinds of statements are given special protections from legal liability for being false.
Obviously, there would be a lot of discussion over where the burden of proof lies (you have to have proof before making a claim vs you have to be able to disprove to sanction for a claim), and I think it would differ depending on the kind of statements being made, but the idea that facts are fungible and impossible to determine is a concept that, basically, people who find actual facts inconvenient for their agenda like to claim, but has no logical basis.
You can't really walk back from that kind of statement.
11.57 am: Hot news: We've just heard that Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt are going to make some kind of statement about Brown's leadership after PMQs.
I agree, it doesn't seem logical that we are seeing these kinds of statements against healthy fats.
These are the kinds of statements or affirmations that many self - help books, life coaches, and inspirational Instagram accounts encourage people to repeat to themselves over and over again, hoping to help them manifest better lives.
You can hear these kinds of statements all the time about how sugar is something you want to totally avoid or at the very least greatly reduce in your diet.
Today's physicians commonly hear these kinds of statements.
If you're hearing this kind of statements often, you're probably doing it just right as those statements imply that your content looks effortless and laid back.
5 Sensational Hairdos for the workplace What kind of statement do you wish to make at the Workplace?
The question is what kind of statement you wish to make.
What kind of statement do you wish to make at the Workplace?
I also like to have some kind of statement piece, whether it's my jewelry or a pop of color with an accessory.
(pretty sure a sweater this oversized could be considered a «statement» too - like a «hi I stole this from my boyfriend» kind of statement)
I too have never been one for statement necklaces as I love the idea but they're always at an awkward length over my boobs and do not create the kind of statement I would like:) xxx
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