Sentences with phrase «many less words»

Tony you said it in less words, but thanks for two agreeing on same o same o.
What I would love to hear from steve would be less words and I would like to see more flesh — who is he?
if he exists you would be safe and if not oh well you are still covered (in more or less words).
or at Pentecost... or who showed up at the tomb first, or when Jesus went to Jerusalem), that doesn't make the Bible any less the Word of God.
Because He has not «inspired» these human hands, there will be errors sometimes, but I do not believe that such human mistakes will make the Bible any less the Word of God.
I think I am with Sam in this one, if you can fit it in less words when you are finished with the long letter, and still keep everything in there you want to say then that would be great.
We lack the words even to describe the plight of the victim, much less the words to make that plight whole.
Glancing at me the father addressed his son with more or less these words: «Listen to what I'm saying.
«When I sign things, I guess it's one less word I have to write,» Sapienza, who started as an engineer 34 years ago with the agency that runs the city's water and sewer systems, quipped in an interview with the Daily News.
That black dress is spectacular on you; no lesser word quite works to describe it.
That however is just a way of thinking and when it comes to this, their motto — «Less words and more action.»
While there seems to be less word on major deals and potential Oscar players in the year to come, one premiere that has quickly become must - see material is Ari Aster's horror debut Hereditary.
Marvin and Moreau made up kind of a mutual admiration society; the actress said of the ineffable Marvin, «He says more in less words, sometimes in no words at all, than any other American actor I've ever met.»
It also increases dialog and understanding, and serves as an idiom (where one can use less words to describe something).
Most sentences can be shortened, or re-written to convey the same idea with less words.
Each topic contains 3 differentiated cards with less and less words.
Less words aren't always better, are they?
I have recently added some of my published books to my Kindle e-book reader bookshelf, but before I did the electronic steps necessary, I made sure I read each book again and like a typical writer, I ended up revising each book down in wordage, getting rid of any explanations or «windy» passages that could benefit from less words and more meaning as a result.
I totally agree with you that a manuscript should have no more and no less words than is necessary to tell the story.
One exactly right word can be far more powerful than a dozen lesser words.
In less words — women are encouraged to excel more than men are.
Get Rich Slowly — As usual, JD says more than me, better than me, in less words.
More words or less words, it needs to address the reader, the consumer, the customer who doesn't yet know he's a customer.
Her paintings are a sly nod to «selfie» culture and her inclusion of text a rebuke to a generation who are leaving Facebook for Instagram because it uses «less words
It probably won't stretch the memory cells too far to add «scientific skepticism is very different to innate skepticism», or indeed use it instead (less words!)
That is a whole lot of words that I normally would not delve into for thermal equalization, equipartition between the degrees of freedom, and Fourier heat transfer handles all of that in the tropopause case with a whole lot of less words.
It's context that gives or controls meaning, and the briefer the utterance the less each word is shaped by neighbouring words, near and far.
Nevertheless, it's some of the suffix — less words that I want to examine today.
It's context that gives or controls meaning, and the briefer the utterance the less each word is shaped by neighbouring... [more]
In more or less words, it's a new audio format that will allow you to hear sound in a 360 - degree bubble.
While the Brief Mode results in less words coming from Alexa, Follow - Up Mode reduces the words coming from users themselves.
In more or less words, devices like the Triby Bluetooth speaker (a device that comes with Amazon's Alexa built - in) will no longer mistake words for «Alexa».
More «wow,» less words.
Making resumes is very difficult even for most professionals as you have to speak more through lesser words and keep it structured at the same time and this is where the free and premium resume templates come in handy.
It shows how well can you communicate with the employers and you can speak more about yourself in less words.
If you are eyeing for Java Developer resume which can speak more about you in lesser words.
The thing about creating a professional resume format is that you really need to stick to a straightforward pitch wherein you are able to conclude yourself in less words.
The answer is simple, use less words and avoid loading it with resume and business jargon.
less words need to say because the heart speak thousands words in silence, yet it can rebuild broken connection with the self (and God) and thus the self was beautifully moving and dancing in such an order that only the self can understand... to find a way to be free and to be what she suppose to be....
I've seen less words used by judges in murder cases decisions.
More pictures and less wording.
This one we did a bit simpler with less words.

Not exact matches

The final thing to say is that those «officials» should pay closer attention to what the Bank of Canada actually says, and less to the over-interpretation of those words by the currency traders who have driven the Canadian dollar to 80 U.S. cents in recent days, a 10 - percent increase since May.
Where we see some progress is in the increasing male usage around fitness and wellness programs, but when the word counselling is brought up, less men come forward.»
In other words, eating protein - rich meals, rather than higher - carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn.
In other words, the person who is asking a factory to deliver 5,000 orders tomorrow is the same person who has asked them to do it using 50 % less water.
«Job descriptions that have too many qualifications or are worded in a non-collaborative manner are less attractive to diverse candidates,» Middleton told me via email from her Dallas - based company.
Or in other words, rather than assume that walking while thinking splits your mental and physical resources, leaving less to devote to each, the scientists actually found «an increase in arousal or activation associated with physical activity... which then can be invested into the cognition,» according to the paper reporting the research.
In other words, NBC is clearly losing subscribers to something, and Comcast may be trading long - time subscribers for newer customers who are less valuable as a result of discounts, promotions etc..
John Kelly, once empowered to bring order to a turbulent West Wing, has receded from view, his clout diminished, his word less - trusted by staff, and his guidance less tolerated by an increasingly go - it - alone president.
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