Sentences with phrase «many obese people»

They can happen to anyone, but they occur more often in older people, obese people, and those with type 2 diabetes, and they tend to crop up where skin rubs against skin, like the armpits, groin, and folds of the neck, according to the US National Library of Medicine (NLM).
«Obese people appear to have a compromised intestinal barrier,» said Tabor, and molecules that originate in gut bacteria, that have no place in the bloodstream, seem to be finding their way there.
But in obese people it seems the opposite is happening.
For example, an obese person sharing his weight but not his blood pressure isn't terribly helpful.
Only a fool would automatically assume that an obese person is obese simply because of food.
I am really tired of the morality police going after smokers and obese people — all in the name of «health» of course.
Even if obese people have it worse.
Why not make a law condemning gluttony for obese people?
Then one author says something about watching pornography with obese people having sex and how some people find it unaestetic.
Our nation is full of obese people.
For obesity, although reliable research suggested obese people lose more weight with low GI / GL, there was no real health - outcome result from drinking sugar - sweetened beverages and eating rock candy as opposed to the same energy content derived from tofu and multigrain bread.
There are extremely obese people bustling through buffet lines in the hotels, but none in robes and topknots, and none who can explode from a dead squat to bully another 350 - pound man off the dohyo, the traditional clay ring.
It is the exact same as obese people.
Very obese people do have higher rates of mortality than average - weight individuals.
While overweight or obese people have undoubtedly heard the public health messages to eat better and exercise more, they have not felt motivated to make lifestyle changes.
A weight loss camp program will help overweight and obese people of all ages lose weight.
(It was hard to explain to the airline what we wanted — basically had to buy a 2nd seat as if I was an obese person.
i book marked a recent study that stated obese people are similarly malnourished as those who were underfed.
Extremely obese persons or others who may have difficulty feeling where exactly or how close their infant is in relation to their own body, may wish to have the infant sleep alongside but on a different surface, such as a cosleeper attachment.
Another example of how friendly bacteria impact obesity levels is that of gut bacteria: obese people are seen to have lower levels of the friendly gut bacteria than normal weight people have in their digestive tract.
When I set out to lose weight and share my journey with my readers, I did not expect to receive more hate mail than encouraging notes... Apparently people's perception of being HEALTHY has been totally skewed by the enormous amount of overweight and obese people in this country.
I hope this guide helps you to decide on the best mattress for heavy, large or obese people.
As we have seen, the only QOF indicator that directly targets obesity rewards GPs for registering the number of obese people that they see.
A morbidly obese person can expect to live nine years less than the rest of us, due to a range of conditions, including type - 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, some cancers, hypertension and premature death.
There are people who endanger their health as a matter of habit, from liefestyle obesity (yes, some obese people are that way due to genetics beyond their control - but some are due to not bothering to put in effort); drinking; drugs; getting into fights, not washing hands in bathrooms, etc...
The idea that a morbidly obese person can achieve a healthy weight through willpower alone is outdated, according to Dr. Howard Simon, director of bariatric surgery at Upstate University Hospital.
In the US a minority of obese people have hit out at attempts to medicalise and stigmatise their size and argue societies should accept people of all weights.
And as for being PC about obese people, why don't you tell that Eric Pickles to stop eating too much and do some exercise.
A further 240 obese people claimed incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance.
Under the plans, the government would throw obese people who refuse treatment off benefits in an apparent attack on «the something for nothing culture».
Such visual biases could make it harder for obese people to adopt an active lifestyle, according to Witt.
The team used the results of a genetic test to design specific diets for 100 obese people that also provided them with 600 fewer calories than usual.
What made you think that the brains of obese people might have similarities to drug addicts and alcoholics?
Elderly obese people are more likely to develop dementia and their brains tend to be smaller than those of people of normal weight.
There is an amazing fact right in the beginning of your article and that is, «there are not just more obese people in the world than there are hungry people in the world now, there are actually more obese people in developing countries than there are hungry people in developing countries.»
Pinpointing the culprits has been hard, however: the single - letter genetic variations found to be more common in obese people can only account for a small measure of obesity's heritability.
Annette Schürmann of DIfE said: «Also in morbidly obese people with incipient diabetes, we were able to demonstrate this modification in the corresponding gene.
The analysis revealed that the seasonal effect of fat browning was blunted in obese people.
However, gout most often attacks obese persons and those who drink alcohol; Columbus was «moderate, even modest» in eating and drinking.
According to the World Health Organization, the number of obese people has risen to over half a billion worldwide and will continue to increase in the future.
Researchers theorized that something similar might be going on in obese humans, but when they began taking blood samples, they found that obese people show very high levels of leptin.
Exposure to cold temperatures can convert white fat tissue from the thighs and belly to beige fat that burns calories for heat, but this biological response is hampered in obese people, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
The level of POPs needed to have an adverse affect in humans is unknown, so it should not stop obese people trying to lose weight, says Amanda Sainsbury - Salis at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia.
The scientists are now expanding their research to larger numbers of animals and they are also planning a study to look at addiction - like behaviours in obese people to see how well their results translate to humans.
One team has found in two children mutations in the gene for the metabolic hormone leptin, which in mice tells the body it's satiated; defects in this gene had not previously been found in obese people.
While adiponectin is produced by fat cells, Medina said, obese people have less of it.
«We think the effect is more pronounced in overweight and obese people rather than their normal weight counterparts because they have more insulin resistance and may have more glucose in their blood,» he said.
Leibel points out, however, that the finding won't help most obese people.
The team's calculations from the data revealed that the odds of vascular injury during a knee dislocation were twice as high among obese or morbidly obese people than for normal - weight people.
Obese people certainly know that their weight is increasing their risk of poor health — they actually overestimate the mortality risks of obesity.
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