Sentences with phrase «many of them fit»

Recently, many brands have shown their true colors (literally) when it comes to their lack of fitting color choices, specifically for those with darker skin tones.
«You have survival of the fittest going on between these A.I. companies,» he said, «until you reach the point where you wonder if it becomes possible to understand how to ensure they are being fair — and how do you describe to a computer what that means, anyway?»
Rather than simply producing online storefronts without the benefit of fitting rooms, this new wave of companies are allowing retailers to add value and create new efficiencies.
You want to be sure of having a reasonable chance of fitting in on a personal level as well as a professional level, because to many people, cultural fit is extremely important.
Even if this person has the right skills and background for the job, a lack of fit with workplace culture can spell long - term disaster.
Bedros Keuilian is the founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, one of the nation's fastest growing franchises.
«But unlike the Apple Watch or some of the new luxury brand Android Wear watches, the Ionic seems like less of a fit in a business meeting or at a fancy dinner party.»
But unlike the Apple (aapl) watch or some of the new luxury brand Android Wear watches, the Ionic seems like less of a fit in a business meeting or at a fancy dinner party.
It's survival of the fittest — the company with the best tech can potentially outlast companies that struggle to stay current.
In the corporate jungle, it's survival of the fittest.
PROS: When you're playing survival of the fittest (and most versatile), your work life is guaranteed to be challenging.
«We come to the premium denim space with a broad denim collection, offering a range of fits and inseams.
That's a pretty encouraging framework, and all of it fits into his ongoing thesis that the S&P 500 could hit 3,000 by 2020 before topping out.
In social media it's survival of the fittest.
The notion of balance seems to be fading in favor of fit for most workers.
As an accomplished marathoner AND Pure Barre teacher, Britt dished her thoughts to me on both sides of her fit equation.
It's survival of the fittest, even in seasoned businesses, let alone a fledgling startup.
That's why Opportunity or «trigger» information becomes a truly predictive piece of the purchasing puzzle — when it's layered on top of Fit and Intent data.
Other automakers are also loading up with new models being introduced in Detroit, like a new version of the Fit subcompact from Honda.
When your competitive research is complete, you should have plenty of new ideas about how to differentiate yourself, how to appeal to your target audience, and an appropriate balance of fitting into your industry standards.
The key is to find ones who have the highest likelihood of fitting your needs and the lowest demand for investment of personal time.
Where most traders mess up in position sizing is in fitting their stop loss to their desired position size instead of fitting their position size to their desired stop loss.
«It's survival of the fittest
It's a poor economic decision over the long term to allow companies to survive if they are not economically fit (think survival of the fittest) to remain in business.
You need to take a look at what the different solutions are offering, how reliable the service provider is, how good their customer service and after sales service are, and see if all of these fit your needs.
This is a game of survival of the fittest.
Given that evolution holds the «survival of the fittest» concept, wouldn't you think that you should move away from Christian values like helping your neighbor?
An oft repeated misquote of Darwin's theory is «survival of the fittest».
It is survival of the fittest.
Believing in a God that teaches us to love one another more than yourself is the opposite of survival of the fittest and should be a positive thing, not a negative.
It is not survival of the fittest, it is survival of the fit.
Religion is the basis of all human morality and if that is false then what is to prevent humans from robbing, stealing, and murdering all in the name of survival of the fittest?
I reckon if there is an intelligent designer out there, there is at least one of his / her creations which somehow slipped thru the quality control processes... the other possibility is that the evolutionary advancements of this hoser was not appropriatelly screen upon hiring, and that the proces of survival of the fitest found this out, and culled him from the herd?
I am quite sure our Christian friends will be having one heck of a fit if a twisted beam representing the Star of David was put on site.
Social programs violate every aspect of evolution and self preservation or have you not heard of natural selection, survival of the fittest and Social Darwinism?
A Darwinian survival of the fittest which favours the articulate and privileged elite.
«Survival of the fittest» simply means that organisms that adapt to their environment will thrive.
Survival of the fittest, right?
After all, it's survival of the fittest, and if I kill you, then there's more food for me, and more opportunity for me to pass on my genes to the next generation.
If this is the case, then you should follow Darwin's survival of the fittest and reproduce to the maximum.
To some, especially in capitalism or a survival of the fittest mindset, charity doesn't make sense.
yes, someone should explain conflating «survival of the fittest» with being an apex predator to algae and lichens.
@Naheed If God can create human out of clot of blood then he can make someone worthey of fit to consumate marriage.
That is frightening... Some people are interpreting the Bible to sort of fit their lifestyles on Earth...
The survival of the fittest (i.e., the strongest or most powerful).
You don't know anything about evolution or what survival of the fittest actually means, so you might want to stop now before you make yourself look any more idiotic.
The Leviathan represents the power that seeks its security through the logic of the survival of the fittest and through the logic that the stronger will eat the weaker.
Furthermore, even in cases where «survival of the fittest» has been used to justify genocide, the people doing the actual killing have not been atheists.
In this jungle where the Dynasau and the Leviathan symbiotically co-habit to reenforce the logic of profit maximization and the logic of the survival of the fitest, there can be blooming of no real flowers.
- There is no purpose, life is just programed to stay alive, it can and it will take advantage of any other form of life to achieve that goal, survival of the fittest, again refer to any college level biology text
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