Sentences with phrase «many old forms»

Factoring is among the oldest forms of banking (during the Renaissance it helped make the Medici family very rich), but it doesn't work the same way as an ordinary loan.
Composite sketching, police art, is a relatively old form of crime - fighting.
Seashells have functioned as money for thousands of years in Pacific islands and is considered one of the oldest forms of money that we know about.
After all, Panasonic has already been mass producing the older form factor 18650 cells for Model S and Model X for quite some time so any production challenges would have surfaced in the past.
Readers might similarly wish to know why Dreher judges newer forms of technology to deprive us of agency but not the older forms with which he appears reasonably comfortable.
And it's the oldest form too....
The oldest form of government.
When others began to take Tony to task for this all - too - familiar behavior on his part, Tony became increasingly defensive and condescending, and so others began to join in the discussion to wonder at Tony's rapid return to his old form after what was meant to be something of a restorative sabbatical from the internet.
Many of the old controversies, in their old forms, are antiquated.
That ploughing up of the old form takes a long time as the subsequent history shows.
One of the oldest forms of Christian prayer is reading the Bible.
The decisive matter is that the spirit of God has come into history in such a way as to plough up the old forms of human existence and to open the way to new human actions.
The distinct twist — which is what made the Social Gospel so effective in preserving the influence of mainline Protestantism — was that Rauschenbusch implicated older forms of Protestantism in this history of corruption.
Given the fact that he spoke ancient Aramaic, Jesus probably called God by an older form of the word «Allah.»
But most people leave seminary these days without the slightest notion as to what is essential and what is fluff in a eucharistic prayer, even though the church has no older form of proclamation of its faith.
The essay, by Nancy M. Haegel, is a rather touching affirmation of an older form of liberalism, by no means dead, that is deserving of careful attention.
His goal was not to destroy the older form of the church that existed in Jerusalem.
Dissatisfaction with older forms stemmed also from a new understanding of worship and community.
Change is the acquiring of a new form by matter and the accompanying loss of the old form.
At worst the effort to exercise this authority becomes a servile representation of old forms, a religious antiquarianism; at its best, however, such communal authority speaks in contemporary language and to contemporary needs out of the long experience and painfully gathered wisdom of the Christian centuries.
Now, however, when jungle days are long outgrown and hunting in its old form is no longer necessary, the hunting instinct does not stop, but is lifted up, enlarged, centered around new purposes; it becomes driving power in some of the noblest achievements of the race.
I do not think this neo-colonialism is an improvement over the old form.
But the transformation of the old forms was so radical that we can readily say it would not have been possible to this degree without an impetus from the outside.
For the most part, the older form of Buddhism adopted this worldview, although it introduced many important changes.
By its limited recognition of Himayana, the Greater Vehicle shows that its teachers did not break with the old forms.
The situation can not go on like that without serious long - term repercussions — without Western theology, in its splendid isolation, risking those vital connections through which old forms are renewed and fresh vitality released.
Although sanctification in the life of communities and social institutions is not so clearly defined an experience as it is in the individual, Niebuhr said that old forms and structures of life may be renewed rather than destroyed by the vicissitudes of history.
Religion is the oldest form of mind control.
In the latter, the older forms of monasticism now had little part in providing missionaries.
This article is arguably hypocritical as well as stomach - churning, since it begins with the suggestion that «Because of the amazingly diverse multicultural contexts in which pastoral ministers are called upon to work today, it is impossible to prescribe one liturgical model that will be always and everywhere appropriate»: this flexible and open - minded liturgist then proceeded to argue in The Tablet that only the Mass of Paul VI is always and everywhere appropriate and that its very existence automatically abrogated all previous liturgies for ever: presumably those who prefer the older form are not to be given the dignity of a group or «culture» to be catered for by his free and easy multicultural ways, but are to be simply dismissed as a bunch of liturgical perverts.
Concerning the Successor of St Peter's authoritative affirmation of the «extraordinary» status of the older form of Mass it asserts that: «To suggest that a Mass devised before the Second Vatican Council has the same value as one devised afterwards is to send a signal that nothing the Council did made much difference.
These attempts to overturn the work of a previous era of scholarship must be regarded as unsuccessful, because the most they achieve is a demonstration that the literary relationships between the texts of the gospels as we have them are more complex than the older form of the two - source hypothesis imagined.
13 The entrance of time, change, flexibility means the exit of old forms of certainty and fixity.
No serious participant in the ecumenical movement can mistake the judging and purging power of agape as it moves within the centuries - old forms and symbols which have guided Christian devotion and have become infused with the very human loves of the familiar and the satisfying.22
And however we may emphasize the spiritual and personal aspects of ministry, we can not escape the fact that every outburst of spiritual energy as it broke through old forms at the same time used those forms.
When Jesus, therefore, pictured the finale of the universe in terms of the contemporary mythology, with fire, worms, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for sinners, and bliss for the righteous, he was using an old form of imagination.
Certainly ours is a century in which the traditional Western forms have been collapsing about us, but in the arts and sciences at least, the dissolution of old forms has gone hand in hand with the birth or rebirth of new forms.
As old forms of ministry and congregation continue and are modified, there must be room for the emergence of new forms and new activities.
Organized religion is the oldest form of bullying.
Thus creativity - esse leads, as expressed in creativity - characterization, not merely to the world's reproduction of old forms but also to the world's production of characterizations that had never before been present, either explicitly or implicitly; in the world.
It requires it also to mediate between the newly arising formal determinations and the old forms already realized in the «physical pole.»
The clergy, however, retained the older form of dress, perhaps out of a conservative reaction to change or an emotional investment in the older forms.
Seminaries, especially, need to devote much more attention to the task of working out what it means to proclaim the skandalon of the gospel to a generation which has no background knowledge of the gospel, how to create community in a society where the old forms of community have become fragmented and dysfunctional, and how to communicate within a culture where the mass media have devalued genuine communication in the name of communication.
There are many in the church, like Mary Needham, who simply want to cling to old rituals, old formulations of truth and belief, and old forms of worship and witness that have hardened into the rigid framework of custom.
Observing that the waters of European theology are at present somewhat stagnant, Karl Barth recently said that what we need in Europe and America is not a renewal of an older form of theology but a «theology of freedom» that looks ahead and strives forward.
Older theologians are dismayed as they see the traditional forms of faith gradually transformed by this process, but the one conviction that would seem to be shared by all who are actively engaged in American theology today is that these older forms of faith have no relevance to the present.
But is it not possible for us to discard most of these older forms of mortification, and yet find saner channels for the heroism which inspired them?
It has been an effective force in weakening older forms of vitalism and teleological thinking.
The oldest forms of Israel's cultic recitations (Deut.
FAITH has always been broadly sympathetic to the idea that the older form of the Mass should not be banned: this has of course now been established with Summorum Pontificum.
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