Sentences with phrase «many old systems»

«I think that networks are in a tough position right now, where they have shows that a lot of people watch — much more than cable shows that are considered «hits» — but they're not allowed to call them hits because they're up against an old system
Using an older system, it would take a company up to two weeks to develop an estimate on whether its supply chain could handle a new order.
The system makes 30 - day backups of messages, which are eventually rolled into older systems that might keep backups around for years.
The Whole Foods spokesperson said that under the old system, food companies would have to maintain relationships with every regional buyer to keep their products on the shelves in that territory.
My old system for adding to my Roth was inconsistent and inefficient: I simply contributed whatever money I had left over at the end of each month.
Sure, he spends more time on chores than she does, so in one sense it isn't fair — but it's more satisfying to both than the old system.
The old system of subsidies for Canadian companies entering international markets encouraged Canadian entrepreneurs to engage with DFAIT's agents abroad, but with that system long since dismantled, and with the Internet offering growing companies a source of market research more accessible than a visit to a consulate, said Beck, «we need to reach out to you.»
The 40 - year - old system is an impediment to airline innovation, he insists.
Back when job titles were a badge of honor, motivation thrived on an old system of compliance and rewards.
And sometimes cyber insurance is the way to go when old systems are all but impossible to patch; the decision boils down to managing «operational risk, like earthquakes,» he said.
«These are old systems; the world has changed,» he said.
Accordingly, Lewis's own network was «a joke,» but workable and cheap: whenever MC2 installed a new computer system, Lewis carted away the client's old system — for a fee — to his office.
Says Fernandez: «We can now install two systems a day, as opposed to one every two days using the old system
After the initial blueprinting phase, the team then spent the next couple of months tearing apart the old systems and building new ones.
That people's capitalism, the system that we have, depends on the age - old system of one - share - one - vote....
The agency is «using very old system's!»
WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats waged an all out war over the new tax law on Tuesday, as Americans met the deadline to file their taxes under the old system for the last time.
The old system wouldn't have been able to do that,» Van Wormer said.
The numbers were impressive: a $ 25,000 - a-year employee who deposited $ 1,640 into an FSA — instead of paying it out directly for premiums, deductibles, and the like — could be expected to take home $ 19,782 after taxes — a full $ 370 more than if he'd stuck to the old system.
The change, it argued, will result in incomplete information and weaker legal powers for parliamentarians who, under the old system, have better control over where the money will flow and how it will be spent.
The Decision Kravitz and Barinskiy briefly considered reverting to the old system.
2 quarters done in just over an hour vs 6 + hrs on old system.
Under the old system, viable complaints triggered a formal investigation, and if the boss was found at fault - if he had, for example, assigned overtime work without extra pay - he had to comply with the law and pay up.
I had to change some of my sources of information this month (The old system went down permanently and I was scrambling a bit).
(People who join the military after January 1, 2018, will automatically be enrolled in the new system, and those who entered the military before 2006 remain in the old system.)
Lojas Americanas» top management mutinied, calling for the return of the cushy old system.
The employer would pay the $ 107,650 they already determined the employee's labor was worth, the employee would pay $ 15,286.30 in payroll taxes, and have $ 92,363.70 in take - home pay — almost exactly the same as under the old system.
Commissioners approved a nearly $ 60 million plan to replace the old system, which reportedly will not be ready until later this year.
Under the old system, Goldfarb, Poppe and one other rotating analyst decided when to make an investment and whether to end one.
Many of the miners on Ethereum saw that going back to the old system may be more lucrative for them than the proof of stake system.
I own physical gold because the old system will implode.
«Work is the best means of providing people with financial security, and with our welfare reforms people are moving into employment faster and staying there longer than under the old system
That is why, before the NT church could be formed, there had to be the death / end of the old system.
It corresponds to «being» as such, in the abstract, in some older systems.
(Hebrews 9:12) Thus the writer moves from one element of the old system to another, interpreting each as a transient intimation of abiding spiritual experience.
Recently it has been divided into two departments with the general department continuing the old system and a special department which is composed of faculties of theology, jurisprudence, and the Arabic language, to each of which is attached a number of primary and secondary schools.
But the Bible from beginning to end is complete and whole for what we need as humans to know what it is that God expects from us and what he will do to change this wicked old system into his glorious new system ruled by Christ his son.
The safest prediction is that the biggest beneficiaries of Social Security privatization will be managers of the conservative mutual funds in which the vast majority of workers will invest in the hope that they will be no worse off than under the old system.
Such a State is thrown back on positive law, which is purely relativistic, and can cause serious problems — for example, the newly unified Germany had great difficulty in prosecuting Erich Honecker for his crimes, since they were not illegal under the old system of the DDR.
Although few specifics were given for such an economic plan — and no suggestions on how to bring about the «voluntary liquidation» of the old system — the magazine was clearly championing a socialist ideal.
These convictions point toward reform that pushes the private option, which, though heavily regulated (as was the old system by all sorts of indirect means), will allow future reforms to impose market - oriented solutions.
And they got upset and were trying to figure things out and finally became so frustrated that the Law was so hard to follow and God kept sending them into captivity and there was so much death and eventually the prophets started prophesying about a day that would come where the hearts of the fathers would return to their children and a sacrifice that would be the final sacrifice so that they could all stop killing so many animals (which God also admitted He never wanted in the first place because that was not the point), and also that God would eventually wipe out the old system and write his law on their hearts and minds so that they could finally follow him without making so many mistakes and messing up everything.
If the new cloth and new wine refer to the gospel or the Christian life, the moral of the sayings seems to be that the old system of religious practices, of which fasting is a part, can not assimilate the new teaching.
Many former «Ossies» (former East Germans) resent the «Wessies» for thinking that they know better about everything, and many East German youth are contemptuous of their elders for supporting or tolerating the old system and not preparing them for the new.
It rejects the message of the electronic church, because it proclaims that the old Shibboleths, the old authorities, and the old system in which people waited for the church to tell them what to do, are no longer valid and are indeed dangerous in our society.
Although graffiti at Pompeii and the number of the Beast in the Apocalypse show the modern notation for numbers, there is evidence for the survival of the older system known to us from Athenian temple treasury accounts and the Purian marble)(Ibid.)
Research by the Education Policy Institute has found that just one in ten disadvantaged pupils in England score grade 7 - 9 (A-A * in old system) in GCSE maths.
«Wastewater discharge is consistently less than 250mg / L TSS and chemical usage has decreased from the old system, with consequent savings,» he explains.
«Our plans ensure that everything can be done at once while production continues on the old system
If your device runs on an older system it won't be able to update.
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