Sentences with phrase «many other areas of your life»

Undervaluing your professional background and expertise can seep into other areas of your life and self - esteem, or vice versa.
One of the skills that tends to fly under the radar is having the ability to negotiate, which is very important when it comes to internet marketing and just about every other area of life, too, in one way or another.
Seeing how much time and energy was freed by saying no, I started looking at all the other areas of my life.
Perhaps the control one has in other areas of life spills over to one's sense of time.
But other areas of life (Staff meetings, I'm looking at you.)
Most of us are usually never taught how to give feedback in a welcoming way, yet we know how to receive constructive criticism in other areas of our lives and actually appreciate it.
They carry that confidence into other areas of life, too.
By knowing what to improve and how to improve it, I've been able to achieve greater success than have my peers in other areas of life, too.
There's no way to build a business without making some sacrifices in other areas of your life.
What happens is that it spills over into all other areas of your life.
When you learn that you can do more than you thought in one aspect of your life, you can apply that to every other area of your life.
As you think about what is necessary to improve in your specific area of work, what other areas of your life need to come together to support your performing at a higher level?
Goals matter in meeting new people as much as they matter in other areas of life.
This will give you the «head space» to focus on solving your business problems and consider new ideas, without the clamoring interference of technology, as well as the space to think about yourself and your needs in other areas of your life.
While cheating may help you gain something short term in one area, you are setting yourself up for a devastating long - term loss in many other areas of your life.
Once your implement them, they trickle into other areas of your life.
The essential quality of a successful ultramarathoner is also an essential quality for success in other areas of life, Foley points out.
It doesn't take too much imagination to apply those tales to other areas of life.
The world of commerce is a rough - and - tumble world, one where we tolerate aggression and competitiveness that would, in other areas of life, be considered beyond the pale.
Here are the others on Google's list, which you may find useful for other areas of life and work:
That location would be one of the top three factors influencing our happiness should not be surprising - after all, place in many ways affects many other areas of our lives: what jobs are available, what people we'll form or keep relationships with, how stressed or relaxed we are, our health, what hobbies we can pursue and so on.
Ask them about projects they've completed successfully under their own supervision, whether in their work or other areas of their life.
I like work flexibility because I can still grow in other areas of my life and pursue my passions outside of work.
Student debt can have long - lasting implications on other areas of your life as well.
Will you have to dial back in other areas of your life?
Money can only make you happy if you also work on other areas of your life.
The problem is that you aren't applying it equally well to other areas of life where you're feeling stuck, such as creating passive income streams.
One of the reasons sports are so popular is that the lessons they teach apply to so many other areas of life, such as the rewards of teamwork, discipline, effort and mental preparation.
I do think it's prudent to be pessimistic in other areas of life perhaps about earth quake in CA, or whatever history recycles because this helps me prepare.
The song selection underscores the profound role faith played in Cash's life, while also demonstrating that his faith was fleshed out with the same maverick streak that epitomized other areas of his life.
No rational person makes decisions based on such distorted logic in any other area of life, and decisions regarding the textual veracity of the Biblical text should not be an exception to that rule.
I've been reading the monastics recently, and it strikes me that while much of modern evangelicalism echoes their teachings on self - control and self - denial when it comes to sexuality, we tend to gloss over a lot what this great cloud of monastic witnesses has to say about self - control and self - denial in other areas of life — like materialism, food, relationships, and hospitality.
Perhaps if we approach purity more holistically, if we talk about the importance of restraint and self - control in other areas of life, our feet will become more accustomed to the paths of wisdom, and sexual holiness will just be another part of a lifelong journey.
You do not accept such flimsy evidence in any other area of your life; you wouldn't make investments solely on the word of the salesperson.
Prioritize the health of that part of your life right now, just as you would any other area of your life.
When I run into people who believe in creationism, it gives me a hint to expect irrational behavior in other areas of life.
And it's important — proper belief defines every other area of our life.
I have encouraged the church to provide opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills that can be transferred to other areas of life.
Descriptive generalization proceeds on the basis of important physical relations discerned in a limited area of experience and conceptually extended as a hypothetical illumination of other areas of life.
I realized I did much the same thing in other areas of my life.
But if you want to remain «Pro-Choice,» please start to be consistently «Pro-Choice» and let women (and the rest of us) have the right to choose in the other areas of life as well.
It is regarded as an embarrassing topic, and a private topic.People who are not intimidated in any other area of their lives are intimidated by the idea of prayer.
To say such shows your limited capacity to use logic in other areas of your life.
I am sure you can imagine similar labels in other areas of life.
Not only does the structure of the proposition place propositions linguistically considered in the sphere of hermeneutics, but it casts a hermeneutic shadow over all other areas of life.
A friend once confronted me about a decision I made and told me that, «the rebellious piece of your heart will fester and affect other areas of your life
0f course, there are things I would do differently today, not only in how I would write The Secular City, but in virtually every other area of my life.
And He has relieved my alcoholism for many many years and has done for me in many other areas of my life those things which I could not do for myself.
As in so many other areas of life, prime concern for ease and profit in the matter of food supply has destructive consequences.
Instead of searching for the why of his drinking, counseling should focus on the facts about his drinking and its consequences, and on how he can avoid taking the first drink and thus increase his ability to be more responsible in other areas of his life.
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