Sentences with phrase «many other commands»

Others command you to never, ever negotiate without good alternatives.
If someone has hate (in opposition to God's commands to love), it is possible for that person to also violate these other commands.
debbie, let's not forget some of the other commands from «loving» Christian god according to the Christian book of nasty horrors AKA the bible.
If love is to be placed «above all,» then there simply can't be any other command or doctrine or agenda that competes with it for the top position.
That isn't what the Hebrew indicates and even if it said, «Thou shalt not kill», one has only to flip a few pages to see other commands that God gives right in that same passage that demand that the state, in this case the nation of Israel, take the life of criminals for certain crimes.»
The other command posts are in Cincinnati and Dallas, where the big brand names reside: Procter & Gamble Co. «s Luvs and Pampers and Kimberly - Clark Corp. «s Huggies.
«The 62 Precinct station house has a lounge for police officers, just like any other command in the city,» said Assistant Commissioner J. Peter Donald, in a written statement.
The commandments, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: «Love your neighbor as yourself.»
To fix it, Checkmarx says Tinder should not only encrypt photos, but also «pad» the other commands in its app, adding noise so that each command appears as the same size or so that they're indecipherable amid a random stream of data.
Smartphone and tablet influenced controls and other commands helps in accessing information, entertainment data within arms reach.
For other commands on the go, Alexa can perform a standard web search or direct the user to the Alexa app.
This version is also an object - oriented matrix programming language and is used as a critical tool for econometric programming and statistical analysis with the syntax related to C++ along with various other commands meant for statistical and matrix operations.
Some of the changes in new format include a much simpler layout of the search result page, while page contents such as texts, buttons, or other command options are now bigger so as to enhance easy touch operation on your tablet device.
The screen's 1,280 x 800 resolution is nice to work on, and being able to use your fingers for zooming and other commands while drawing (thanks to N - trig's DuoSense tech) is very handy.
Among the Androids or smartphones, this is surely an extremely strong contender and the dual core processor, 1.2 GHz of RAM and attractive features like the two powerful megapixel cameras, Voice Recognition System and other commands galore make it one of the best devices.
Type Help for other commands.
His other commands like lie down and stay are still being worked on, but Bailey is showing progress.
He is working on some other commands, but this is where he's at right now!
Two other commands are important for your bird to learn: the up command teaches your bird to step onto a perch, your hand or a finger or arm.
Next, you give your dog a clear command — each verbal command you use should be easy to distinguish from other commands and, ideally, no more than one or two words.
Even after you finish puppy classes and earn a s.t.a.r. certificate, you will need to teach your puppy several other commands.
Changing the command word, or mixing it with other commands, will only confuse the dog.
90) Stay and Come are the basic commands that every good GSD needs to know and is the basis of most other commands.
These dogs are trained to stop at street curbs, stay on a path and provide direction, avoid obstacles and obey other commands.
The «stay» command is the last on our list in your dog's repertoire, mostly because it will need to be built off of many of the other commands.
Other commands that can help include stay, come, and the emergency recall.
The sit command sets the groundwork for other commands like stay and down.
Though there may or may not be a specific word attached to it, walking properly on a leash, or leash control, is often the first training required prior to learning other commands.
When it comes to teaching him other commands, your best approach is to keep things entertaining and make sure to give him lots of praise.
These quick learners have been able to learn quite a few other commands, as well.
Most dog training is behavioral: «sit» and «lay down» and other commands that tell a dog to perform an action.
Dogs thrive with consistency and this same rule applies to all the other commands your dog knows.
Your dog will soon associate the sound of the clicker with the treat, making it easier for you to associate the clicker with other commands such as sit, stay and down.
The puppy needs to earn each and every piece of food from you with a «sit» or some other command.
If you use other commands, you will confuse your dog and cause him frustration.
Get him used to this signal and don't use that particular hand motion for any other commands.
Just as you teach your dog other commands, a «quiet» command might work.
Furthermore, the sit position can be used as a precursor of other commands such as down and stay.
(Often, some of these other commands are saved for higher levels of training.)
Housebreaking is just as much a part of training as other commands, or teaching your dog to walk on a leash.
There is no mention of a dog that plays, chases, does other commands... but will not lie down even after 2 full days of no food at all.
As with other commands, it's effective to start off with the dog's name to get her attention.
Other commands will be introduced.
Frenchies have big personalities and need to be taught to walk on a lead, heel, stay, and other commands to keep them under control.
Eventually, you'll want to train your puppy to come when he's called, as well as to sit, stay, and other commands.
Your child needs to say «give,» «drop» or some other command.
Close behind that myth is the notion that the dog understands intuitively what you mean by «no,»» sit,» «stay,» «come,» and other commands.
He knows the sit command but is still learning other commands and proper leash walking.
Movement, attacks, shifts, and most other commands, all take up a turn each.
In these instances, one player controls one of the robots from this perspective, while the other commands a robot in the background — this player can only do a few actions (jump, strike and shoot) and move along a limited, fixed path.
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