Sentences with phrase «many others ca»

Twitter did not say when the study will conclude, but the researchers said they would publish their findings and post their methodology on a public research website so that others can try to replicate it to confirm their results.
We all know that working closely with others can bring immeasurable benefits in terms of diversity of ideas, shared resources and problem - solving.
Your unconscious mind sends a series of messages that you may not be aware of, which others can easily pick up.
Because they can juggle what others can't - being both aggressive and collaborative at the same time.
«We've always described our manufacturing and R&D facility in San Diego as our Ocean's Eleven vault, where we build it once and others can replicate it,» jokes Hargovan.
Shira Lazar — on - air personality, writer, vlogger and entrepreneur — creates at a level others can only dreamt about.
As an analytics tool, Nuvi can see what others can not see in terms of Facebook conversations, including private and public posts.
Tech IPOs can turn early employees into millionaires, as Google's early cooks, custodians and others can attest.
The inclusion of real - life examples to demonstrate employee actions that align with those values is also important because it sets an example and shows a framework others can refer to.
Men in their 20s and 30s want a partner who's bringing home the big bucks — so that their significant other can help them pay their debts.
As we look back over the past 33 years, Andrea and I are proud of each step we've taken and believe in the importance of always staying true to your brand, but we also believe it is important to adapt, and in some places let go when others can take you to new heights.
Others will be reading the complaint on social media, so provide directions in response to the complaint that others can use to find more information.
Vigilance pays: Dean says Couche - Tard manages to keep roughly 2.5 cents on every dollar of revenue, while others can average roughly a penny less.
In his book Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well - being, University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman explains that helping others can improve our own lives:
Simply providing employee's with a sense of safety and well - being and creating a policy where everyone looks out for each other can easily suffice.
Other suggestions like declaring one day of the week a meeting - free day offers staff uninterrupted time where others can count on them to be available.
When the different parts of your life are not aligned, others can feel that.
The first is that, for dual income households, marriage is a form of unemployment insurance: if one partner loses a job, the other can offer financial support.
One of my favorite quotes is by Katherine Center who said, «You have to be brave with your life so that others can be brave with theirs.»
My job is to provide a vision to motivate, remove obstacles so others can achieve goals, and foster a community that works well together.
Some benefit writers, but others can be predatory, charging big commissions just to upload an author's work to digital platforms.
The software is open - source, meaning others can contribute their research and improve the underlying technology.
It would have been easy to dismiss her challenge, but now that I'm a published author, now that Bodies on the Potomac is out there in the public domain being read by friends and family and strangers alike, I realize that listening to a respected friend's advice might be the catalyst others can use to break through.
Others can use a little help.
Why is it that some creatives and professionals can get volumes of work done at a high level, while others can barely struggle to get anything done at all?
He points out that when systems fail in one state others can learn from the mistakes and avoid the consequence.
We want to be able to put what we know on display, so others can learn from us and we can learn from them.
We caught up with Sinek to pick his brain about how he learned to give such confident, captivating and meaningful presentations and how others can, too.
I can also tell that there are some guests who are better on a shorter podcast, while others I can go longer with.
That's how I know others can do this too.
But then there are the companies that take off and enjoy the kind of hockey - stick like growth others can only dream about.
If you can distinguish patterns where others can't, you probably have a more creative mind.
Some sites require a fee for product postings, and others you can just supply them with the product.
Others can seriously compromise the amount your heirs will inherit when you die.
So when it comes to optimizing your site for search, some tactics can improve your site's rankings while others can actually hurt them.
Kim agrees: «Finding balance can be hard at first, as spending time with others can leave you feeling drained and needing a recharge.
From the moment you hire your first employee, your success is no longer measured primarily by your individual ability to achieve extraordinary results, but rather by your ability to create an environment in which others can achieve extraordinary results.
«A little bit of a delusional confidence helps when you can see something others can't.»
Some of the above software solutions, such as Google Experiments, are free, while others can cost a few thousand dollars a year.
Because he said he wanted «to get good, clean, and consistent data out in the world so others can find new ways to explore and gain knowledge from it.»
Once you can pull narrative into a social media context, others can then truly become a part of your story.
While some resume missteps are easy for a candidate to avoid, Augustine admits that others can be a harder challenge.
To be highly effective in business, communicate sensitively, directly and intelligently so others can hear you.
Listening to others can help put things into perspective.
Others can look for opportunities to make similar connections.
Seeing and experiencing what is possible for others can reset your expectations for what is possible — for you.
After all the CES digging we've done this week, we've found that some devices introduced at the show may prove to be quite useful, while others we can file into the useless category.
Those who can will succeed and attract people others can't.
They love their work to degrees others can't even understand.
Others can affirm or contradict what you know about the individual, too.
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