Sentences with phrase «many people hating»

Most people hate meetings, but that's usually because they are perceived as inefficient or pointless.
Larry has a saying, «You don't have to love what you do; you have to do what other people hate
Honestly, people hate making decisions.
In her book, The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate, Hauser tells Jessica Abo why being nice matters in the workplace and how it's possible to be both kind and successful.
Some people love it, some people hate it — it's divisive in Asia, where you're likely to see signs in the subway specifically banning it from being eaten.
«When people hate me, that's good.
Most people hate writing their resumes.
Facebook's thesis is that some people hate talking on the phone and would rather do something — buy a shirt, order an Uber, make a dinner reservation, check their flight status — within a chat interface.
«If people hate on your company and you're successful then that's amazing.»
Focus on real problems (e.g., obesity, loneliness and food waste) and industries people hate (e.g., cable providers, insurance, banking) and you'll have much greater success.
Here are the top reasons people hate their job:
People hate paying exorbitant prices for cable when they watch maybe only a handful of channels.
While some people hate Swift's new song, it's an undeniable monster hit.
«This was the first time we'd done planning in eight years, and enough people hated it to think about leaving.»
«Getting used to that, bouncing back from that, being able to figure out what people hate and turn that into what people love... if you're not willing to take the risk of failing and not experience failure, you're never going to figure out what the right path is to success.»
Do you know why people hate going to meetings with vendors?
Researchers have now proven empirically that people hate humblebragging even more than regular bragging, so ditch the fake self - deprecation and just tell everyone how straight - up awesome you are:
People hate calling companies and not getting an answer.
People hate flash crashes, and obviously they cause some people to lose money, but they have always struck me as sort of non-systemic, a technical glitch rather than a major fear.
-- again, the carrier doesn't have to carry iPhones if they don't want to... and people hate dealing with commission - driven sales and Apple doesn't want to put customers through that.
It doesn't matter how much a person hates this president.
But the most important thing I recognized wasn't specific to T - Mobile; it was true for the wireless industry in general: People hated it.
This is almost guaranteed to fail because most people hate admitting that they're wrong.
Dan Lyons, an author who was briefly a Valleywag writer, said what Mr. Thiel did «sets a scary precedent,» but «my guess is that most people hate Gawker as much as he does, so he probably ends up looking like a hero among his own crowd.»
Many people hate checking and writing emails.
Cleaning: People hate cleaning up after themselves, and most people would rather have someone else do the cleaning for them.
Most people hate the idea of carrying loose coin after shopping, especially if they are coins.
«You can not just say all Americans are bad, but I can understand when people hate big companies.»
Some people love the cryptocurrency, some people hate it.
I've just noticed something big about why people hate Islam.
What people hate about the west, and America in particular, is the way our leaders handle foreign policy issues.
But yea, religion does make people hate for no other reason than it says it somewhere in their holy book.
He said some incredibly derogatory and racist remarks against groups of people he hated, too.
Its not that people hate Islam, it's that they want to hate Islam by making Islam look 10 times worse than it really is.
because they have a law that says if you fight a gay person its a hate crime.
Religion teaches people THAT crap about the universe creator which is TOTALLY NOT what either the 10 commandments were about OR what they are for or all about and I can 100 percent prove it so religious people HATE me because... by God I do the 10 commmandment and since I do the 10 commandment and work so hard to always do the 10 commandment... YOUR burning in hell cause you broke one and SINNED... its is ridiculas... what religion HAS done regarding what God gave Moses... in the old testement.
Some people hate them because they are still waiting around for the Messiah to come and usher in the new Kingdom they were promised where they rule as Kings and Priests over all mankind...
«few people truly HATE Catholics; most people hate what they THINK Catholics are about.»
I love seeing christians talk about people hating on religion, as if nothing bad has ever come from it.
Jesus said, * do not be amazed if people hate you; if they hate me, they will hate you.
Bit if I met a person who did not believe he existed I would not claim that person hated George Washington... how could they?
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers but there is heaven and afterlife for the souls or the personalities that lived behind those computer but not the actual hardware of the computer... after all if you had the soul you can fix it to any more developed hardware that is suitable to living heaven or hell... Though all people hated dark and favored light for it... but as seems that Mr.Stephen Hawking is favoring the Dark over the Light which he named as «Fairy Tales» or «Tales of the Ancient»...!
The reason people hate them is they are either afraid of them, don't understand their religion (they mostly pray in Hebrew), or they need someone to blame for their ills.
He made certain that you people hated gays, but said nothing whatsoever about the criminality of slavery.
The same people hating on muslims here would've said the samething about Jews and the Irish a hundred years ago.
I get that some people hate being single.
People hated Nixon but perhaps he had something to teach us when he coined the Silent majority.
It seems when people hate it taints everything they do.
Some people hate everyone.
Wake up dude... people hating the church are growing exponentially... we are awakening from our 2000 year intellectual slumber....
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