Sentences with phrase «many people seeking help»

Basically we create a ring, a network within your organization within a purpose - built platform that lets people seek help and get help.
I guess you missed the part where it talks about people seeking help (which is a far cry from people seeking someone's life to control as you seem to think the article is about).
Many people seek his help because a bridge of relationship already exists with him.
«But if that's a persistent thing - that our worries are getting on top of us - it's really important that people seek the help that they need.»
If religious people sought help on their own, I'd stay out of it.
Certainly a thoughtful look at psychiatry's record would increase the depression of many a person seeking help with mental or emotional problems.
Unfortunately, sometimes the people we seek help from the most often end up giving us the worst advice or information of all!
The person seeking help can call when he need something, and you also can speak to them when you are busy working on the other rooms.
She also noted how a sizeable number of persons seeking help have been assisted by the virtue of the programme while some with talents made their way into limelite.
These people sought help from the Library in becoming U.S. citizens.
He said community leaders had an opportunity and responsibility to end the stigma surrounding the virus and to normalize the issue so people seek help.
People seeking help for the problem at sleep clinics aren't likely to have eating disorders while awake.
Actually, in Malaysia and much of Asia, more people seek help from alternative medicine than from modern medicine, a phenomenon that has been noted by the World Health Organization.
Other important barriers preventing people seeking help were fear of disclosing a mental health condition; concerns about confidentiality; wanting to handle the problem on one's own; and not believing they needed help.
Professor Graham Thornicroft, from the Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) at King's College London and senior author of the paper, says: «We now have clear evidence that stigma has a toxic effect by preventing people seeking help for mental health problems.
The study also identified certain groups for whom stigma had an even stronger effect on preventing people seeking help.
Since 2006, the National Psoriasis Foundation, the leading advocacy organization for psoriasis patients, has seen almost a four-fold increase in the number of people seeking help paying for psoriasis medication.
In this time frame, the number of people seeking help with porn - related infidelity and / or compulsivity has increased exponentially.
People seek the help of doctors when they feel something is wrong with their health.
The Learning Commons also has a Genius Bar where students work one - hour shifts and receive internship credit for providing technical assistance to people seeking help with their iPads.
In fact, new research from Childline shows that in the last year the number of young people seeking help due to exam results has skyrocketed.
Many people seek the help of an accountant or financial advisor to calculate their required minimum distributions.
One of the top reasons people seek help from a veterinarian for their dogs is itching!
Due to this mandate, the Self Help Center has seen a dramatic increase in the number of people seeking help.
Brugger said that Northwest Justice Project sees more people seeking help than they can manage.
The people seeking help from Tennessee bankruptcy lawyers are like the many other Americans who thought they had things under control until suddenly faced with huge unexpected debts.
The really depressing part, he added, was the flood of calls he was getting from people seeking help after being sued by the record industry for file sharing.
The Globe and Mail commented on the Québec bill, «the number of terminally ill people seeking help in ending lives that have become intolerable has grown from the voice of one lone woman to a chorus.»
With so much at stake in the middle of one of the most complex processes in society, why wouldn't a person seek the help and advice of a trained DUI attorney?
The survey findings show where people seek help with their legal problems, where they encounter problems getting services, and what happens if services are not available for them.
Corruption is everywhere in Ghana, that is why most people seek the help of travel agents, because those travel agents has friends inside the embassy..
Since its inception in 1994, Life Happens has provided the highest quality, independent and objective information for people seeking help with their insurance buying decisions.
At first I thought that this was merely pathetic, but then I considered the potential consequences for people seeking help.
In leading my job search classes, or when talking to job seekers as a recruiter, I often have people seeking help with their resume.
Good therapy is all about helping the person seeking help to feel better, to make healthy decisions and set healthy boundaries, to move from a place of poor emotional health to good emotional health, to make connections with others, and to replace sadness, anxiety, anger, and frustration with happiness, peace, and hopefulness for the future.
Complicated grief is a recently recognized condition that occurs in approximately 7 % of bereaved people seeking help for anxiety.
I believe that each person has a unique life story and that therapy is a collaboration between the person seeking help and the therapist.
The Law Collaborative is pleased to host monthly workshops and seminars in the Los Angeles area for people seeking help with divorce.
Innovative strategies are needed to build the knowledge and capacity of practitioners, improve system - level processes and response, enhance the community and service provider network, and provide adequate support for young Indigenous people seeking help for cannabis and mental health issues.
Anxiety and depression affect millions of men, women and children of all ages, and are the number one reasons why people seek help from a mental health professional.
An extremely well written piece and very useful not just for professionals but also for people seeking help with their relationship issues.
Whereas a person seeking help tends to approach a situation in typical and habitual ways, the therapist can help by changing the perspective, whether about something that is happening in the present or in understanding the significance of past experiences.
People seeking help from a therapist or counselor in order to improve their relationships, especially when a relationship has been affected by societal assumptions about the roles of intimate partners, may find relational life therapy a helpful approach.
The good news is that therapeutic treatments have a high success rate; unfortunately, only about one out of three people seek help for themselves.
«Most people seek my help for anxiety, depression and feeling stuck.
We recognise that achieving the aim of eliminating hepatitis B and C by 2030 means also eliminating the stigma and discrimination that pose a potentially deadly barrier to people seeking help.
For the person seeking help their story can be complex, emotionally charged, and overwhelming.
Depression is the most common reason that people seek the help of a counselor; there are also many people that go untreated.
As an early intervention solution, Kooth helps to reduce waiting times for young people seeking help while removing the stigma associated with accessing mental health support.
Many people seek help for themselves because they can not manage other people, places and things in their lives.
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