Sentences with phrase «many points you want»

You can prepare notes about the company, notes about the interviewer, key points you want to emphasize, questions you want to ask, etc..
The last point I want to make here is that, when faced with a CEO's bad behaviour, a Board faces more than a yes - or - no question.
Billionaire hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb's firm Third Point wants to build a stake in United Technologies.
Get rid of anything that's detracting from the point you want to make.
Figure out how many touch points you want (ie: once a month) and set up these automatic reminders to your prospects to warm them up and increase your chances of winning their business.
«The basic point I want to stress about these two inputs is that they are absolutely fundamental to all financial planning regardless of how large either of them is,» he says.
As time goes on, we will get better in making these experiences even more complementary, but at this point we wanted to offer a slice of what is to come.»
These restrictions have made it difficult for both Apple and Google to put together the kind of service they wanted at the price point they wanted.
There is an endless supply of business statistics (proving most any point you want to make), research and studies (many with surprising results), and interesting real - life stories (of business success and failure), all available within seconds by doing a simple Google search.
Schrader: Yeah, there was a point I wanted to make with this movie — I wanted to make a point that I can make a film with Nic Cage that people want to see.
Review three points you want to remember.
Make a list of specific points you want to cover, and bring whatever materials might be relevant for reference.
There are a few more points I want to touch on first bear in mind that Google is the king and it controls around 80 % of all searches done online.
I urge you to check out the entire piece when you have the time, but there are a few salient points I want to share with you here.
One particular point I want to highlight is the need for central bankers to be aware of the risks that their banks and corporations are taking in regard to foreign currency exposures, as these can be a major source of financial vulnerability for a country.
If at some point you want to run more than just a split test (comparing only two variables), this tool will allow you to add as many variations as you'd like to analyze significance on each of them.
However, the point I want to stress is that a business can be started for much less than is listed in the business plan.
At this point I want our investors to think about conservation of capital, I want them to think about being wary about these markets, I want them to investigate less volatile places in the market like higher - grade corporate bonds.
The point I want to make is although breaks above the price - related obstacles that are currently being challenged won't give us useful new information, it won't take much additional strength from here to effect upside breakouts that really do mean something.
The point I want to make in all of this is that to answer the question, we need to gauge the likely strength and sustainability of the market's network of confidence amid those stipulated conditions.
This brings me to another point I want to make regarding estimating probabilities.
One of the key points I want you to take note of right this moment is the difference between Cryptocurrencies and Utility Tokens.
I always knew this was the point I wanted to write about, but it came together better than I could have imagined.
Cherry picking scripture is a good example, you had a point you wanted to make, which is refuted merely by providing the entire context.
@DamianKnight, another point I want you to think about is: True, we all have different worldviews and different belief systems and should exist together.
Now, i can quote from LOTR all day long, about what Sauron did to who, and when, and how Frodo saved the day, etc, etc, etc. i can give you hundred of pages of quotes, and put it all together in a logically consistent package to establish some point I want to prove about Aragorn.
The hermeneutical structure she adopts undercuts the valid point she wants to make.
The more words you use the less I understand what point you want to communicate.
A last point I want to make about this collaboration is the necessity to endure the situation of the diaspora.
You all have made the points you want to make and I have made mine.
I can see the point you want to make David, that the poster in it adding insult to injury for someone.
It seems that maybe what John, Peter, James, and Jude did was go to a professionally trained letter writer and provided them with the basic ideas, arguments, and points they wanted to make in their letter, and then let the professional letter writer compose the letter according to the letter writing standards of that day.
The point I wanted to make is that God invites His people to study His Word in depth, to use the minds that He gave us and renewed, to gradually discover the deep levels of His progressive revelation, and to compare the internal consistency of His message to claims from other religions which invariably crumble upon thoughtful analysis.
But here is an additional point I want to make.
Although it might be claimed that Dewey was simply giving democracy a religious dimension and seeing it as some kind of final spiritual community, the point I want to emphasize is that for Dewey democracy is a moral ideal for this life, an ideal that we are still far from attaining.
The point I want to make is that many people have this same fear in the church and its ministers and members and message.
Contradicted tenets that allow the fundamental to argue whatever point they want, including war, from their little book, because just about all points of view and «sides» are represented there.
So the point I want to make today is not that all who subscribe to patriarchy are abusive, but that patriarchy in a religious environment, just as in any environment, has a negative effect on the whole community and creates a cultural climate more susceptible to abuse than one characterized by mutuality and shared leadership between men and women.
Cronus: Argue your point all you want, but to state that atheists have killed more people than Christians is just a lie.
This is a key to thriving during singleness: Love others at the point you want to be loved.
I have decided to take Jasmin out of the school because the staff do not believe Jasmin, and she has got into depression at this point she wants to take her life.
The first point I want to make is that science and theology complement each other.
Rather, the main point I want to make, which is to my mind following a Peircean line, is that intuitions are not explicitly cognitive in the sense of exemplifying prima facie rationality; yet they may and should contribute to explicitly cognitive levels of experience.
1I overlook several distinctions in the ways physiological psychologists conceive of the mind - brain relation because they are not essential to the point I want to make here.
The point I want to make is that science itself is beginning to see the limitations of the substantialist prejudice, the reduction of everything to «mere matter» The new physics and to some extent the new biology recognizes the entities of creation as subjects and not simply Objects pushed and pulled like billiard balls (Birch 1988b).
You can add all the exclamation points you want, you loser, but you'll still be posting an opinion.
The critical point I want to make is not that Hartshorne has failed to account for continuity; his answer to that would be to deny the kind of continuity I have in mind.
Study PE academically, and not just for the point you want it to make, and you'll have a better grasp of the theory.
The point I want to emphasise is that the interiority and exteriority of the Kingdom can not be separated.
The point I want to make in this brief and incomplete survey is that history shows that religion takes change seriously and modifies its concepts as knowledge grows, though it could learn a lot more of this from ever - changing science.
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