Sentences with phrase «many policy battles»

He might find, if this policy battle keeps heating up in the coming weeks, that the less familiar voice he gave reporters a taste of today might come in handy, too.
Under this scenario, an eventual rise in wage growth would likely be accompanied by a secular rise in realized inflation (inflation expectations would trend with energy prices), and the policy battle onward may resemble that of Paul Volcker instead of Ben Bernanke.
There will be heavy lobbying in this policy battle.
The coming battle is really several different battles: a struggle within the Church to combat ignorance, misunderstanding and dissent; a political fight to maintain the freedom of religion for Catholics; and a public policy battle to form the law of the land.
The union has been heavily involved in policy battles at the state Capitol over the past year, weighing on the fight against both the soda tax and wine - in - grocery stores (both dead for the time being).
The party is engaged in a number of policy battles, including de Blasio's push for the power to tax rich NYC residents to pay for universal pre-K in the five boroughs.
With some key policy battles remaining before the session ends in June, he also reminded them: «My ship's bigger.»
That sowed the seeds for a number of policy battles, the biggest of which was over the re-approval of mayoral control — a fight the mayor eventually won.
Last year's education policy battle between the Legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo was a bruising one, and in April an estimated 20 percent of students opted out of the round of English and math tests.
What is unique about this policy battle in the ongoing Cuomo / de Blasio feud is that it appears the mayor has a great deal of the legislature on his side.
Crestwood LLC won a policy battle that could bring the Houston - based company a step closer to storing liquid petroleum gas (LPG) in salt caverns near the southwest shores of Seneca Lake.
Resolution in Opposition to a Carbon Tax: Despite support for a carbon tax from ALEC members like ExxonMobil, ALEC is creating a model bill to weigh in on what will become the keystone policy battle for climate change science deniers, a battle that is already creating a rift among conservative groups, like the Koch - funded Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute against the R Street Institute.
Without the expected Republican gains, next year's federal education policy battles are likely to echo ones over school construction, teacher hiring, and education tax credits that the...
Whether education scholars think NAEP should settle policy battles in the first place, well — in the spirit of Star Wars, don't be surprised if the data scientists might just strike back.
Rather than just look at the percentage of teachers who belong to a union — the proxy most analysts have used for union strength for pretty much forever — we also examined measures like the dollars spent on campaign advertising, the degree to which unions have won major policy battles in recent years, and the lock the unions have on a given state capital.
Few education policy battles have burned as hot as debate over the practice of requiring traditional public schools to share under - used space with charter schools.
We're one of many states in the midst of a series of critical education policy battles that could send us back to a time when there was little information about the quality...
Why are school reformers succeeding in winning the policy battle for overhauling American public education while defenders of traditional public education practices failing?
As time passes, more information on the strange bedfellow flow of massive funding to the environmental movement in the legislative and policy battle over climate change continues to emerge.
Actually, when it comes to the political / policy battles, I think it is mostly about «how».
The profile of McKibben, cofounder of the climate group, rose dramatically in recent years as he played a central role in shoving the Keystone XL pipeline into the heart of climate policy battles.
The national solar association is setting up a committee to focus on solar expansion in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin in a move designed to refocus the association on state - level policy battles, which are where most observers believe the future of solar will now be decided.
What's often forgotten in the policy battles waged over solar are the families and businesses impacted — the real Southerners making solar work despite the obstacles.
But Obama faces some danger in wading so soon into the climate policy battle on Capitol Hill.
What a baseload - boosting DOE review might do is serve as ammunition in future cases before FERC (to which Trump is preparing to appoint some fossil fuel enthusiasts), or in state - level policy battles, or in proceedings before state public utility commissions.

Not exact matches

Subdued inflation forced the BOJ to revamp its policy framework in 2016 to one better suited for a long - term battle against deflation, which targets interest rates instead of the pace of money printing.
The Justice Department is already embroiled in several pending legal battles with the Trump administration related to sanctuary policies.
The cross-party recruitment drive comes as Clinton wraps up an unexpectedly grueling primary battle against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that saw her veer left on a number of domestic policy issues.
Assad has said he saw promise in Trump's statements emphasising the battle against Islamic State in Syria, where U.S. policy under President Barack Obama had backed some of the rebels fighting Assad and shunned him as an illegitimate leader.
But groups lobbying to eliminate it have an uphill battle — polls in recent years show a majority of Americans still support the policy, even if it costs them sleep once a year.
The assets that, until recently, made her look like the obvious choice to succeed Bernanke — being a Fed veteran, having intimate knowledge of QE and forward guidance, a well - known stance on monetary policy and a scholarly focus on unemployment — now seem like weapons to fight the battle of yesteryear.
As the legal battle wore on, Microsoft changed its policies for using temporary workers.
Over the past century, monetary policy strategies have evolved in response to changing realities, from the panics and depressions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve to the Great Depression, from Bretton Woods and subsequent battles to contain inflation to the dominance of inflation targeting today (Williams 2014, 2015a).
Yet Crown Prince Mohammed's aggressive regional foreign policy — framed as a black / white battle with Iran and control over the Gulf — has so far been unsuccessful.
The ECB may revise up its inflation forecasts but looks unlikely to deviate from its policy stance, especially after hard - fought internal battles to adopt an asset - purchase program that is just starting to prove effective.
It has been over two decades since the popping of Japan's economic bubble and the country is still actively battling with deflationary forces that are so powerful that near - zero interest rates (zero - interest rate policy or ZIRP), repeated bouts of quantitative easing (some call it «money printing») and constant Yen - weakening currency interventions have barely made a dent.
Google, meanwhile, uses its information to offer tailored content — like more relevant search results and ads — and has been in a long running battle with a French regulator over its privacy policies.
The carbon tax is a sensible policy, but it could be an uphill battle to convince Albertans to embrace it.
Almost immediately after joining Uber, Whetstone turned toward her old shop, Google, as well as a few other Silicon Valley companies like Square, to fill out the policy roster for the ride - hailing juggernaut as it continued to mount political battles across the globe.
What we have is an entire sector under the blowtorch and battling serious reputational damage as the audience lay witness to AMP lying to the regulator, CBA awarded the «gold medallist» for charging fees for no service, planners caught taking fees from dead people, NAB caught false witnessing documents, client impersonation, inappropriate advice, Orwellian protection policies and a witness cutting short his testimony after collapsing.
The culture feeds a mentality that crowds out a necessary give and take — the very concept of good - faith disagreement — turning every policy difference into a pitched battle between good (us) and evil (them).»
It's no surprise that Lindsay frames this as a battle; the factors driving this trend are as complex as any war and require both a boots - on - the - ground response and effective strategy at policy level.
It was a mighty battle and alleluias ascended when, in the late 1990s, religious freedom was institutionally ensconced as a goal of U.S. foreign policy.
The 1998 act passed because a remarkable coalition of Jews and Christians was prepared to do battle not only with the foreign policy mandarins but also with oldline liberal churches and secular human rights organizations who complained that concern for persecuted Christians is an instance of «special pleading.»
Though families and work policies and governments and even history may change with the physical battles, this spiritual battle is a battle for eternal souls.
Perusing the index of Origins, the weekly publication of representative documents and speeches compiled by Catholic News Service, our imaginary historian will note, for example, the following initiatives undertaken at the national, diocesan and parish levels in 1994 - 95: providing alternatives to abortion; staffing adoption agencies; conducting adult education courses; addressing African American Catholics» pastoral needs; funding programs to prevent alcohol abuse; implementing a new policy on altar servers and guidelines for the Anointing of the Sick; lobbying for arms control; eliminating asbestos in public housing; supporting the activities of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (227 strong); challenging atheism in American society; establishing base communities (also known as small faith communities); providing aid to war victims in Bosnia; conducting Catholic research in bioethics; publicizing the new Catechism of the Catholic Church; battling child abuse; strengthening the relationship between church and labor unions; and deepening the structures and expressions of collegiality in the local and diocesan church.
As the smoke rises from the battle over plain - pack cigarettes, a dark contest between healthy policy and healthy profits burns on.
To hell with Wenger and his economic policies, i think he has already lost the battle to land the title for Arsenal.
An extremely strong start to the season had pundits and fans across the country lauding Jürgen Klopp and his team; Liverpool were heading in the right direction, FSG had made the right call, appointing Klopp, the summer transfer policy was good, and Liverpool were battling on all three possible fronts for trophies.
Providing lunch to school children has become a multi-front battle among nutrition science, public policy, economics, and politics.
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