Sentences with phrase «many powerful statements»

By doing so, you're making a powerful statement to the rest of your team about how important your culture is — what is tolerated and what is not.
These underserved communities are using both their voices and their wallets to make powerful statements.
Ad agency RSQ uses custom typography on its website and features a powerful statement without any other distractions to spotlight its message to audiences.
You opted out of the bid - down situation, protected your margin structure, and made a powerful statement to the buyer about the value of your products.
We help you craft a unique mission statement that outlines the type of impact you seek to have, which resources you'll deploy (investments, grants or time), and a powerful statement of how you'll achieve your impact goals.
This consistency of message and action is quite a powerful statement and suggests to me this is a central bank president that's in control and knows what he wants to do.
and that would have been an insanely powerful statement to the world.
So for him to respect their spiritual ways and demand that Osama be buried with Islam tradition, I found was a very powerful statement from him and I agree that no matter how terrible of a man he was, the Islam tradition must still be respected to have good ties.
In a highly metaphorical and powerful statement he declared: «It is now excruciatingly clear that Christ can not be a light that lights every man coming into the world, if he is not also the light that falls upon the world into which every man comes.
Anderson said, «The most powerful statement by the organizers of the planned September 11th bonfire would be to call it off in the name and love of Jesus Christ.»
Paul's question to the Roman believers was also a powerful statement: «Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?»
On a theoretical level, Natural Rights and the Right to Choose is one of the most powerful statements on the necessity of recapturing a jurisprudence of natural right that I have ever seen.
These are powerful statements at odds with the American mainstream, including the religious mainstream.
JM - If the atheists use the word «idiot» it means you have made a very powerful statement.
Let us examine then two of the most powerful statements of it, those of Bishop Anders Nygren and of Reinhold Niebuhr, for I believe them to be in error and that error underlies much of the distortion in the Christian interpretation of man's predicament into which we are being led.
That is to say, expressionism had the power to communicate forcefully the images and the feeling of the artist; therefore, the great German expressionists, such as Emil Nolde, whose «Head of a Prophet» is one of the most powerful statements of the haunting and mysterious sense for Christ of modern art, evoke in us a response that is not the response of immediate and instant recognition.
They progress through periods of energetic vitalism, veer toward a kind of madness, and finally are resolved into a powerful statement of steely dignity.
The NBA's biggest star made a powerful statement during last night's season opener.
As Hauerwas writes, in what is probably the clearest and most powerful statement of his theology of nonwar:
For all Christians, however, the narrative has always spoken of the cost of redemption; and for all, I submit, it nurtures faith by its powerful statement of a meaning and purpose that incorporates tragedy.
Pope Paul VI has been called a weak and indecisive pope, but no one who lacked true courage could have issued the powerful statements he did, or done so under the circumstances he faced.
I don't think that's an particularly accurate or powerful statement.
When he arrived at the campus and belly flopped the Taurus into a parking space, a powerful statement about the state of race relations was made.
Last month, the two - time U.S Olympic gymnast made a powerful statement against former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar during his sex abuse sentencing.
I encourage you to read the entire article — it is absolutely superb stuff — but for those short on time I have posted one of the more powerful statements below:
«I did it myself» is a powerful statement of pride and joy the first time a 4 year old opens his milk container.
With this powerful statement, Jillian Johnson shared her story about her son's (Landon) death to accidental starvation at 19 days old on Fed Is Best.
This mom's raw postpartum photo makes a really powerful statement — and you'll love the way she reached out to other moms to let them know they're not alone.
This piece, penned by an adoptive mother, makes a powerful statement: open adoption only means there are more people to love your child.
«When the legislator most identified in the media with scandal and corruption publicly recognizes the need to change the way Albany does business, that's a powerful statement
Also, I think it is a powerful statement for this state to make.»
«This isn't just a breathtaking investment of resources; it's also a powerful statement of mission.
It is a powerful statement of intent that Iain Duncan Smith intends to overhaul a system that is failing the poorest instead of applying more counter-productive sticking plasters.
«Last week, the Executive Board made a powerful statement with its endorsement of Zephyr Teachout for governor and Tim Wu for Lt. Gov.. Their history of advocating for middle - class values and their insight into the political arena can make a difference.
The storm left such a powerful statement in its wake that even Donald Trump sat up and took notice.
Pope Francis is to make history this week with a call for international cooperation to avert dangerous global warming — the Vatican's most powerful statement yet on the environment and climate change.
This simple and powerful statement by Ryan and Teddy Sternagel certainly caught my attention recently.
This is a powerful statement by a retail establishment.
Here is a powerful statement from a prominent headache specialist.
Its a powerful statement that takes all of your concerns into consideration plus all of the concerns of the majority of people who are interested in eating less, or no, animal products (dieters, sports people, health conscious people and the «reluctant vegetarians» who are interested because their doctor told them to lower their cholesterol etc).
I believe that many venues of science, from basic physiology to the biology and genetics of aging point to a simple, but very powerful statement concerning health, that I have stated for many years and has yet to be disproven.
Your skin's condition is one of the first impressions you make on others — make a powerful statement about yourself without saying a word Find out more about the Benefits of Clay Masks in this blog post.
I love the powerful statement of masculine but yet feminine mixture of textures within this collection.
This is a powerful statement on what paint (and a lot of elbow grease) can accomplish.
If you're still not convinced that blush can create a powerful statement albeit subtly, last night's nude gowns at the red carpet should convert you by now.
One way to do vintage is to choose just a single vintage item that makes a powerful statement:
Inspired by the sweet, kindá mysterious beauty of the sunset, this elegant black sequin dress will surely create a powerful statement in any event.
It's an easy and sleek way to make a powerful statement.
It is such a powerful statement dress.
We've loved Jennifer Aniston's effortless style since her «Friends» days, but this year she caught our attention with a powerful statement about how women are portrayed by the media — and how that can affect young girls.
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